Vince Foster was an accomplished man. He was president of his high school class in Hope, Arkansas, where he spent part of his childhood living across the street from Bill Clinton. He was the manager of the law review at the University of Arkansas where he graduated first in his class. He received the highest score in his class on the bar exam. Later on, the “Arkansas Bar Association gave him a number of awards, and in June 1993 would name him as its Outstanding Lawyer of the Year.” In 1971, Foster joined the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas. After becoming a partner, he fought to hire Hillary Rodham, who became the firm’s first female lawyer and eventual partner. Foster and Rodham worked on many cases together and came to be close friends.
When Bill Clinton was elected president, he brought several people from the Rose Law Firm to Washington DC, including Foster who became the White House Deputy Counsel. In that role, he took on the responsibility of vetting people for the new administration. When several nominees (Zoë Baird, Kimba Wood, and Lani Guinier) faltered in the confirmation process, Foster blamed himself. Soon after, there was a controversy surrounding the firing of people who were working in the White House Travel Office, and there was discussion about Foster having to testify in front of Congress.
Foster was a private man who took his reputation for integrity very seriously. Shortly before he died, he delivered a commencement address at the University of Arkansas Law School, where he said:
“The reputation you develop for intellectual and ethical integrity will be your greatest asset or your worst enemy. You will be judged by your judgment. … There is no victory, no advantage, no fee, no favor, which is worth even a blemish on your reputation for intellect and integrity. … Dents to [your] reputation are irreparable.”
Yet, back in Washington, his integrity was being questioned. In particular, the right-wingers on the Wall Street Journal editorial board started going after him. Foster wasn’t comfortable in Washington anyway, having left his wife and youngest son back in Arkansas so that he could complete the school year. According to reports, he began suffering from anxiety, insomnia, and depression. The day before he committed suicide, his Arkansas doctor prescribed him an anti-depressant over the phone.
After his death, a resignation letter was found in his briefcase.
What became interpreted as a suicide note of sorts, in actuality a draft resignation letter, was found torn into 27 pieces in his briefcase. The letter contained a list of complaints, specifically including, “The WSJ editors lie without consequence” and lamenting, “I was not meant for the job or the spotlight of public life in Washington. Here ruining people is considered sport.”
He also wrote that he “made mistakes from ignorance, inexperience and overwork” and “I did not knowingly violate any law or standard of conduct.”
He died on July 20th, 1993, exactly six months into the Clinton administration.
You can imagine the personal devastation of the Clintons. Bill had lost a childhood friend, and Hillary had lost a mentor and one of her closest and most trusted confidantes. What had begun with so much celebration and excitement had suddenly turned into unspeakable tragedy. And then there was Foster’s wife and kids to think about.
That’s the setting for the so-called Vince Foster suicide/murder controversy.
There was never any reason to doubt that Foster had killed himself. Obviously, his death warranted an investigation, but what actually occurred was astounding. Eventually, his death would be ruled a suicide by “inquiries/investigations conducted by the United States Park Police, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the United States Congress, Independent Counsel Robert B. Fiske, and Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.”
Why so much investigation over what should have been a cut and dry case considering the conclusions of the coroner?
To begin with, it was because the Clintons’ political enemies had no sense of decency and not even an iota of empathy for what they must have been suffering after the loss of their friend.
But, more specifically, it was a controversy ginned up by the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy known as the Arkansas Project.
According to R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., editor-in-chief of the [American] Spectator, the idea for the Arkansas Project was hatched on a fishing trip on the Chesapeake Bay in the fall of 1993. The “Arkansas Project” name that later became famous was conceived as a joke; the actual name used within the Spectator and the Scaife foundation was the “Editorial Improvement Project.”
Project reporter/investigators were hired, including David Brock, who later (after reversing his political stance) described himself as a Republican “hitman”, and Rex Armistead, a former police officer who was reportedly paid $350,000 for his efforts. Also assisting the project was Parker Dozhier, a bait shop owner who was reportedly obsessed with bringing down Bill Clinton. They were tasked with investigating the Clintons and uncovering stories tying the Clintons to murders and drug smuggling as well as adultery.
According to Brock, Armistead and Brock met at an airport hotel in Miami, Florida, in late 1993. There, Armistead laid out an elaborate “Vince Foster murder scenario”, a scenario that Brock later claimed was implausible.” Regardless, by the end of 1993, Brock was writing stories for the Spectator that made him “a lead figure in the drive to” expose Clinton.
David Brock isn’t the most reliable reporter of fact, but the basics are not now in dispute. We may never know if future Solicitor General Ted Olsen told “Brock that the American Spectator should publish speculation about Vince Foster’s death, even though he himself believed that speculation was false, because doing so would turn up the heat on the administration until another scandal came along.” But we know that the Spectator and many other shadowy right-wing outlets did exactly that.
Brock eventually repented and he is now working closely with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, including running the Correct the Record Super PAC.
Whatever you think of him, the fact remains that the Vince Foster murder conspiracy story was concocted by conscienceless and cruel opponents of the Clintons, almost none of whom have apologized precisely because they have no conscience.
This is the legacy that Donald Trump is reviving.
When asked in an interview last week about the Foster case, Trump dealt with it as he has with many edgy topics — raising doubts about the official version of events even as he says he does not plan to talk about it on the campaign trail.
He called theories of possible foul play “very serious” and the circumstances of Foster’s death “very fishy.”
“He had intimate knowledge of what was going on,” Trump said, speaking of Foster’s relationship with the Clintons at the time. “He knew everything that was going on, and then all of a sudden he committed suicide.”
He added, “I don’t bring [Foster’s death] up because I don’t know enough to really discuss it. I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair.”
With Trump, it’s hard to say if he was taken in by the right-wing smear job or if he’s just using it cynically the way the conspiracy was originally intended to be used. What’s clear is that he doesn’t care what is true, or what is cruel, so long as he thinks it can advance his interests. In that, he’s a fitting nominee for the GOP.
>>Brock eventually repented
no, he switched sides. He’s still a lying scumbag.
What side is he representing? Not the left.
Yes, probably the most appropriate response to this piece is to trash David Brock.
That’s the way to go.
That’s the solitary idea I wanted to communicate.
you’re right, I shouldn’t have said that first, and I am picking on a minor point in a good story.
But when such people are discussed I start thinking about the concept of repentance, and whether the leopard can change its spots, and to what extent it’s appropriate to forgive and forget.
Trump really doesn’t seem to care about true and false.
Since they’re determined to dig up 20-year-old zombie lies, thanks for summarizing the facts for us.
As is the case with everything about anyone in a position of power in the permanent Government, there are no “facts,” esquimaux. There is not even a possibility of “factualness.”
As Cicero said:
All that is left after the ongoing lying has poisoned every water in the DC ocean is factoids. Almost all of us take our pick from those factoids according to our political beliefs.
My own political beliefs are summed up in my sig.
There is only one thing that you can trust in this rotted-out system…everyone will lie through their teeth whenever they think that it is in their best interest to do so and also think that they can get away with it.
Vince Foster?
Some people know what happened. Guaranteed. But whoever those somebodies are, they are also professional liars and thus not to be trusted according to Cicero’s dictum…a position, by the way, that helped get him assassinated.
So it goes.
Trust none of them.
As Jesus supposedly said:
The fruits of the Clinton/Bush II/Obama years?
Look around.
Pretty much of the “grapes of thorns/figs of thistles” variety, seems to me.
Trust none of them.
Here come the fire, I think.
For both sides.
so you’re jumping on the “he was murdered” bandwagon?
No. I am jumping on a much smaller bandwagon.
I don’t have a clue about what happened, because I trust none of the participants in the investigation.
P.S. I am “jumping on the “he was murdered” bandwagon? Where on earth (or anywhere else) did you get that idea?
Did you even read the post?
I don’t even care about your “all politicians” are liars jibber jabber but do you really think it’s a real possibility that the Clinton’s murdered Foster? I don’t mean a possibility like anything is possible but a real legitimate chance they killed him.
In this system as it now stands, the words ” anything is possible” are the only words that will do.
Several million dead and God knows how many lives ruined by a lie that was spread across the front page of the NY Times by a CIA-connected reporter named Judith Miller about WMDs in Iraq? A lie that HRC at least made believe she thought was true when she voted for Bush II’s Blood For Oil war?
Lissen up, IL JimP. Even WAPO’s jumping in.
Here’s the vid, if you’re interested. Or even if you’re not.
Talk about baggageIII
And now a repost of my recently posted Cicero quotation:
I believe nothing that she says.
I don’t believe the other liars either.
Not anymore I don’t.
Like James Clapper…speaking for Obama as Director of National Intelligence…blatantly lying the the Senate Committee during hearings on the extent of NSA phone eavesdropping. (Also from WAPO):
i repeat: “I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful manner, by saying no…”
I’m through with all of it.
Not so much, obviously.
It makes little difference.
We are all going to reap the whirlwind eventually.
Bet on it.
Filibuster all you want but you’re basically calling the Clintons murderers or at the very least potential murderers.
We’re talking about the deliberate killing of one of their close personal friends and mentors.
A republican has to republicanate.
I am further from being a “Republican” than I am from being a Democrat.
Neither left nor right.
Bet on it.
Yes, I mis spoke. I meant;
A grifters gotta grift.
A confidence man.
A thief.
All I am trying to steal from you is your illusions.
Deal wid it.
No. We are talking about liars.
that’s actually not what anyone here was talking about except you and the implication of you saying they’re liars so it’s possible that they could be murderers is fairly shocking and although I feel like you often don’t make much sense I never sensed this kind of malevolence from you before.
I repeat:
“Mendaci neque quum vera dicit, creditor.” Cicero (“A liar is not to be believed even when he speaks the truth.”)
What part of that do you not understand?
I do not know if she is party to the murder of Vince Foster or not. Why? Because she has lied to me…too us…too many times. I believe nothing she says. true or false? I don’t care. She has lost all credence with me.
I will tell you this…the blood of millions is on her hands due to the decisions she made as Senator and even more importantly as Sec State. “Collateral damage” the controllers shrug as they go on about their criminal ways.
Foster? Just a drop in the ongoing bucket of blood if she is involved, and she is no less guilty of murder is she is not involved.
“Oh!!! We fel so badly about these deaths!!!” the controllers say. “It was beyond our power to save them!!!”
Bullshit!!! Even if it was their mistakes and general incompetence that cost these lives, they are as guilty as a bad driver who kills a carful of innocents because he didn’t look where he was going with an engaged mind.
Sorry, IL JimP.
Homey don’t play that game.
there’s a difference between calling someone a liar or calling them a murderer. I get it you don’t want to back track your original comment but stop pretending it’s anything other than you calling them murderers, not in war but of a single individual in cold blood.
I’m not asking you to feel bad for anyone, just acknowledge what the implication of your rhetoric means.
No. A liar is not necessarily a murderer in a circumstance like this. More of a Schroedinger’s cat. No way to tell without opening the box, and the box is essentially unopenable due to competing corps of liars throwing their endless skeins of lies around it.
A conundrum without a solution.
You seem to be living in a two-dimensional world. In your two-dimensional Flatland, everything is black and white. She’s guilty or she’s innocent. Like Schroedinger’s live or dead cat. But real observation…an impossibility in this already too-clouded-by-lies instance…would necessitate changing the two dimensions to three.
Fuggedaboudit. I don’t care one way or another. HRC carries enough guilt to go around without adding one more instance. I really don’t give a shit how or why Foster died.
Everybody dies.
Did he die from some sort of guilt? That’s what his papers seem to say. (As if we could trust the authenticity of those in SpookWorld, D.C.)
On to the next question.
Is Hillary Clinton a serial liar, and if so, why?
I know my answer.
What’s yours?
AG is speaking of the politicians in Washington DC and uses the reference to Cicero…. quite fitting!
« click for more info
Bust of Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC), 1st-century BC
Even in Cicero’s era, people in power can’t be trusted. Just a reminder president Obama is the most secretive president ever, throws whistleblowers under the bus, spreads all sorts of modern equipment to wage war as if they were toys for toddlers.
Obama revokes the act to bar the government from spreading propaganda (by definition lies) to its subjects, the citizens that need facts to discern lies from truth in order to cast his/her vote in a democracy.
○ U.S. quietly repeals propaganda ban, spreads government-made news to Americans
○ Cicero and the Power of Rhetoric
Actually, as an orchardist of many years, I can tell you that a good tree CAN bring forth evil fruit if it has been infested by noxious insects such as the plum curculio . Last year I had 50 plums, I harvested 4 nice plums. The rest were filled with frass , a nasty brown substance that is literally the insect’s shit. Similarly the Democratic Party is infested with neoliberals and their frass destroys all the good fruit.
The plum tree died and needs replacing. Here’s hoping the same happens to the insect infested Democratic Party.
From your voice to God’s ears, Voice!!!
BooMan, Do you think these sorts of attacks have any legs at all?
I lived through this stuff as a teenager, and it’s such old news that you either don’t care at all or you already believe the conspiracy theories. So I can’t imagine this is going sway anyone my age or older.
For younger voters, I suspect this might as well be something that happened on Mars.
For younger, yeah it has no relevance. For anyone over 40, it all rings lots of bells.
Trump could care less if Foster killed himself, Clinton’s killed him, or he was shot by aliens; its all meat for the grinder. Like Terri Schiavo, personal and family pain doesn’t matter to the GOP in the pursuit of power. Lie, lie, lie.
You can’t ignore it, its part of the baggage of HRC.
What needs to happen, (though no one wants to disrupt the decorum of the campaign) is for HRC, Bernie, Bill, etc…to publically and repeated call Trump a lying sack of shit. In those words. And any politician who supports or campaigns or fundraises for him needs to tarred with the same brush. Repeatedly and loudly. Make them own the lies and smears.
Pretty much I agree with you, but I won’t hold my breath waiting for the Clintons, Sanders or fellow travelers (so to speak) to keep calling Trump & his ilk Liars. Never seems to happen, or at least, not from what I observe. Maybe I’m missing something?
That’s one of my bugaboos with the D Party and the so-called left. Do not speak loudly enough and keep pointing out the bald-faced lies of the right. Need to do so consistently and often.
But Ridge Cook…they cannot smear Trump as a liar because they themselves are wide open for counter-“LIAR!!!” attacks.
So they won’t.
Not directly, anyway.
No love lost on my part vis the Clintons, but I’ve been fed up with the early lies,especially, for years. And yet the rightwing propaganda Wurlitzer resurrects these gratuitous lies endlessly. I agree that the Millenials and younger GenXers are gonna ignore this crapola, but Trump is aiming at the over 40 crowd with this canard, and he knows just what he’s doing.
Frankly, Trump is no worse in this regard than any of the other scum-sucking bottom dwellers on the right. They’ll use anything at all to throw mud at someone and then call it a fair fight.
Expect no common sense or anything akin to compassion, much less factual truthfulness, from this crowd. And yes, the whole “investigation” into Vince Foster’s sad suicide was, per usual, over the top and cost US taxpayers a ton of money for no real observable reason. But let’s point our fingers of blame at “tax and spend Democrats.” My ass.
And yet, with the giant “investigation” into Foster’s suicide, we still have – to this day – scumbags like Trump and his ilk implying that either Hillary personally murdered Foster, or that she and Bill bought a hit man to do the deed. It’s just disgusting.
But it will never end, and all the rest of not-an-issue “stories” and lies will be resurrected once again by the “Family Values,” “Moral Majority” crowd.
Excuse me while I puke.
“Frankly, Trump is no worse in this regard than any of the other bottom dwellers on this site. They’ll use anything at all to throw mud at someone and then call it a fair fight.”
Fixed that for you.
What’s the real issue here? That a politician spews obvious, deranged lies? Or that there is no institutional mechanism which imposes consequences for obvious, deranged lies?
mechanism” (though always, to some extent, only partially in fact, partially just in theory).
The Founders referred to it as “the press”. Even gave it, unique among secular institutions, its own protective clause in the First Amendment, in recognition of the necessity to a functioning democracy of its “Fourth Estate” duty.
Good luck finding that duty being performed anywhere in the current Corporate Media beyond a few exceptional individuals/entities (with even many of those operating mostly through alt rather Corporate media).
Every town is built on lies
and secret deals and family ties
and anything that money buys.
Welcome to the general election campaign, folks. You’re going to be hearing a lot more of this sort of nonsense. The front page of the National Enquirer that I saw at the supermarket check stand a couple nights ago had this Vince Foster “murder” featured. Earlier that day, a youngish relative who would have been an adolescent during the Clinton years was at my place for lunch and started talking about a book that someone had shown her with accusations of murder against Hillary Clinton. She was very concerned and wanted to hear my opinion.
We’re about to experience the dirtiest presidential election campaign in memory.
I remember a headline at the supermarket checkout. “BILL CLINTON HAS SEX WITH SPACE ALIEN!” Honest.
Anyone who is surprised hasn’t been paying attention for the last 30+ yrs. This is the baggage of Hillary Clinton. If the Dem Party wants her as their nominee, then they want this nonsense. Because just as day follows night, we all knew this was going to happen.
The spew storm is building among the Wall Street folks that do not like the Clintons. Take this little case of “follow the money”.
Here is the partially mainstreaming article:
Pam Martens and Russ Martins, Wall Street On Parade: A Harvard MBA Guy Is Out to Bring Down the Clintons
No, not W. Charles Ortel.
The article states (my THD comments in parentheses) that Charles Ortel is a former managing director at Dillon, Read (mmm, CIA), and later a managing director at New Venture Partners (apparently a research firm owned by Murdock Capital Partners, a merchant banker). He has written for the Washington Times and TheStreet. Conspicuously missing is Ortel’s affiliation with Even on the “blind squirrel principle”, this article looks to shovel disinformation into the campaign. And it is playing off reports earlier in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal–both of which had a field day with the Vince Foster allegations (and the birther nonsense as well).
Get ready for a repeat of the same steaming heap of bull custard.
The target is the Clinton Global Initiative and and the charge is siphoning off donations to friends of the Clintons. It would be nice is they specified which friends of the Clintons.
And the to-this-far relatively congenial media that has been focused on Herr Drumpf is likely to want to even the horserace after all the primaries are in. And the Breitbart, Rove, and Freeper guys are going have even more incentive to unleash the dominatrix Hillary imagery all over again. Dignity of the the office of the Presidency and all that (cough Drumpf).
Is the Clinton campaign ready to absorb the political and psychological assaults all over again? I sure hope so. It’s going to take something more scorched earth than charge of a “vast right wing conspiracy” this time. And the audience has to be the Trump voters and the centrist independents. And the goal must to burn the media from ever doing this sort of bullshit again. That’s not restraining the press; that’s holding long overdue accountability.
And you already know how the media will wriggle.
The public hates the media; take advantage of that fact.
Let’s blame the Clintons for the morally decrepit behavior of their enemies! It’s a fun game! It allows us, sitting here in 2016, to pretend that things like Fox News, the Drudge Report, and conservative nonprofits that coordinated unheard of legal and media attacks against a sitting president, were not new then. We can yell President Clinton was a “sellout” louder from our lofty perches, while ignoring the level of defense he had to play to become the first Democrat reelected to office in several generations, one that left office with a higher approval rating than St. Ronnie by many polls.
These people are evil, vicious motherfuckers.
Someone must have psychologically profiled Vince Forster when he arrived in DC.
And then applied Sun Tzu’s maxim:
A strong sense of integrity and honor is one form of education that the 1950s-1960s states of the former Confederacy would have strongly trained in. You see that in Jimmy Carter and other Southerners as well.
Emmett Tyrell, Jr. and company were hidebound that they would not have another Jimmy Carter to contend with, and they were going to kill it during the traditional Presidential “honeymoon”.
If you were going to plant White House employees in to report on the Clinton’s, Vince Foster would likely be your first target.
Would someone please FOIA the CIA and FBI records prior to July 20, 1993 on Vince Foster. Would it not be interesting to see who in the mainstream media (which Spectator is not) fanned the flames of this story. Anyone remember the names of the Judy Miller counterparts on this story.
The best way to deal with the revival is to tell the story that the public likely still doesn’t know. They were had. And why they were had. What Mitch McConnell obstruction looked like when it was still in the brain of Newt Gingrich.
By far the most accountability, that needs to happen is to the Wall Street Journal for the column that sent Foster over the edge. As I remember that column was some heavy jaw-dropping button-pushing. Taken for normal now, no doubt.
it is quite possible that despite the front he could have been depressed for years, we all know how mental health concerns aren’t exactly mainstream especially back then and not having his support system nearby
The attacks on him personally could have just pushed him over the edge. I don’t know if we’ll ever really know what his mental state was prior to coming to Washington.
Aren’t White House employees vetted? Did not the Clintons vet even a close personal friend? Did the Clintons not anticipate that Poppy Bush would not go quietly and already had a record of undercover highjinks (1980 October Surprise and possibly a role in the 1968 sabotage of the LBJ’s peace initiative). Just exactly what was Linda Tripp doing in the White House in the first place. No one of the White House staff reviews civil service employees for ringers?
Likely reflective of the naivete of the day and the new interlopers into DC.
You don’t have to push the conspiracy theory much to see Vince Foster as a key person to harass; that commencement address would show those with the mind of Karl Rove or the “Swiftboat Patriots for Truth”.
The Clinton campaign better be ready for the 2016 attacks to come out of new places and be targeted specifically at Hillary Clinton’s strengths.
If Bernie Sanders hasn’t sensitized the campaign to some of those areas, he’s failed one of the jobs of a primary challenger (besides winning).
The idea that Sanders aimed to weaken Clinton against Trump is silly. Some of the farther out of his independent supporters are a different matter. There is a lot of “Après nous le déluge” thinking going on at both the extremes of the political spectrum (left, right, up, and down).
I suggest a FOIA of Vince Foster material now to check the rush of Breitbarters. If the many government investigations did ferret out the truth, it might provide some justice to one of the worst political tricks ever pulled by an opposition party. The cruelty of the drive and the cruelty of the false accusation.
To me at the time, the contents of the Wall Street Journal editorial on the day he died seemed very much like a Peter Whimsey, “do the right thing” speech.
The rapid descent into multiple legislative attacks seemed very coordinated and the media’s playing along was unprecented and disorienting to citizens. It took almost a decade for much of the story of the Alabama project to come out. At it still is not part of the consensus history of the 1990s.
Did you mean Arkansas Project and not Alabama Project.
Have no idea why you’re stressing the need to FOIA the WH Vince Foster records.
Sheesh, senior moment.
Good. With that out of the way, why do you think the not publicly seen Foster records are of any importance?
I’m not really sure where you’re going with this, I was basically agreeing with you and offering an additional option of how things shook out. As to the vetting, if there are no records and he doesn’t admit to it I doubt how anyone would know.
The eight years begin with Clinton benefiting from and old enemy of George H. W. Bush in order to win the election. They end with the son of George H. W. Bush stealing an election and then after a disasterous four years winning re-election. George H. W. Bush was known to use ex-CIA agents as political operatives in the US in the past. Putting the bookends on the eight years makes one scratch one’s head and want the declassification of a whole lot of documents on the behavior of the operational arms of the CIA.
That was where I was going and Vince Foster was just one of the misfortunate accidents of misjudgement along the way. At some point the equivalent of an Edward Snowden for this type of operation is going to spill the beans.
I get that but there may be a simpler non-state related reason for his suicide. I’m all for letting the poor man rest in peace
I don’t smell the CIA in this at all. It’s money and dismantling the New Deal. (Recall that back in the Reagan/Bush years, their rabble did as they were told.) What would have seems obvious to the money-guys is that they couldn’t move forward on their agenda as long as Democrats (and many were still New Dealers) continued to control Congress. With four out of five most recent Presidential terms won by the Republicans, their gains in congress has been limited and short lived. People like Jackson Stephens appreciated that Carter and Clinton may have spoke a different language but on economic and foreign policy matters they weren’t all that different from GHWB.
The GOP elites may have rolled the dice in ’92, but they also knew how easy it is to best a Democratic POTUS that comes into office as an outsider from some corrupt state.
“Just exactly what was Linda Tripp doing in the White House in the first place. No one of the White House staff reviews civil service employees for ringers?” One answer to that question might be in the Travel staff scandal. Fair or not, it’s the administration’s prerogative to sack staffers and use their own people. Yet, look at the price the Clintons paid.