Why are there no terror alert levels for right-wing white supremacist attacks. These neo-Nazis are given the right to demonstrate and incite violence for decades. In the US the extremeists have the right to bear arms and are free to roam the countryside as para-military with training in deadly fire from sophisticated U.S. Army compatible automatic weapons.

Ever since 9/11, these extremists have targeted the Muslim citizens, harassment on a daily basis and especially in Europe are covered by democratically elected right-wing parties with a platform similar to the credes of the militant literature. Islamophobia has been well documented to be orgamized and funded for political gain, specifically by and for the State of Israel. Isn’t it time for our politicians to call out the xenophobic leaders of these parties for what they are?

From this article in The Guardian, the scourge if right-wing extremism existed for decades in West-Yorkshire where a multi-cultural community has existed for a long time. The wave of immigrants crossing into Europe from North-Africa and Turkey cannot reach the United Kingdom as Downing Street 10 has never agreed to take any such refugees. Those migrants that want to cross over from France or Belgium are kept in camps covered with filth and garbage.

Europe is in a humanitarian crisis as it cannot respond collectively, but as individual nations putting up fences and closing borders. The foundation of the basic principles of the European Union are laid aside by many nations of Rumsfeld’s favorite “New Europe.” NATO exploits the new nations of East-Europe to create a Cold War setting 2.0 with an  aggressive modus. The U.S. Government under president Obama and U.S. Congress have forcefully pursued this extreme policy with propaganda and a supportive media. Even blogs calling itself progressive have failed to see the underlying actions because a Democrat resides in the White House. It’s the best we have. Even for the presidential election of November 2016, a more right-wing candidate will ultimately assume the duties of Commander-in chief and the “Leader of the Free World.”

Just 100 years ago, U.S. Congress passed laws to block further immigration from Europe with quotas because too many Jews and Catholics were seeking a better life. This gave rise to far-right extremists and a boost to the Ku Klux Klan. History unfortunately is repeating itself by targeting Muslims instead of Jews and Catholics.

MSF: Nothing remotely humanitarian about EU policies

[Earlier post] El Niño … so thirsty, has been a long drought … drinks are falling in all the wrong regions … from Texas to Germany but skipping California and African sub-Sahara nations plus Eritrea.  

Climate change will cause further flow of migrants towards Europe … right-wing parties are building fences and blocking flow by pay-offs to corrupt leaders who often are known to abuse human rights … Eritrea is prime example.

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Nasa/Jpl: California  worst drought in state history

What is Britain doing to help the Calais migrant crisis? | France24 |

Based on the size of the economy, Oxfam has calculated Britain’s “fair share” of Syrian refugees to be 25,067 by the end of 2016. The country is on track to accept 5,571 by the end of the year, meaning it will have only contributed 22 per cent within the timescale. [Jo Cox was a former executive of Oxfam with a kind heart towards Syrian refugees. She felt remaining in Europe would be a better guaranteer for refugees. The Ukip belonged to the Leave campaign … more contradictions in her murder. – Oui]

Britain’s promise to take in 20,000 refugees over the next five years is derisory!

Why has the far right made West Yorkshire a home? | The Guardian |

In late January, a column of demonstrators marched in driving sleet through the West Yorkshire town of Dewsbury, chanting: “Britain First, fighting back.”

Although the group has amassed more than 1.4m Facebook likes, greater than any other UK political party, the number of actual boots on the ground for Britain First, a relative newcomer on the far-right scene, was not that impressive. Just 120 supporters assembled to march from the train station to the town hall, escorted by many police and jeered by many residents.

Yesterday Thomas Mair from the West Yorkshire town of Batley, a mile north of Dewsbury, appeared at Westminster magistrates court and was charged with the murder of MP Jo Cox.

There has been considerable speculation that the 52-year-old may have had links to far-right groups. Whatever the truth, there is no doubt that an extreme right-wing element has established a disturbing foothold in the post-industrial social landscape of West Yorkshire.

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'She was perfect': Jo Cox's sister pays tribute to Labour MP (Photo credit: The Telegraph)

According to experts, at least seven far-right groups united by racist ideologies are active in the region, an area dominated by Leeds and Bradford. Activists pinpoint a hardcore cohort of 100 prominent individuals able to cite the broader backing of thousands of social-media supporters.

Among the far-right organisations in West Yorkshire are the virulently anti-Muslim English Defence League (EDL), which claims to have established “divisions” in Leeds, Huddersfield, Halifax and Dewsbury, along with the British Movement (BM), a small but ultra-violent group considered extreme even by the standards of the British far right.

Other organisations include National Action, a neo-Nazi nationalist youth movement that openly advocates violence and whose strategy document reportedly makes reference to Hitler.

There have been at least seven marches by the far right in West Yorkshire during the past two years, including the Dewsbury turnout in January. In May 2015 the EDL marched in Halifax; two months later the National Front demonstrated in Wakefield; and in November the pro-Israel EDL marched again, this time in Bradford in an attempt to provoke the city’s sizeable Muslim community. The Britain First demonstration cost £445,000 to police.

According to Prevent, the government’s counter-extremism programme, the region’s small but determined far-right nexus has led to far-right extremists accounting for half of all referrals in Yorkshire to its counter-radicalisation programme. Matthew Collins of anti-fascist group Hope Not Hate said: “West Yorkshire has always been active. When it comes to getting numbers, the north-west and the north-east are the hotspots, but Yorkshire always manages to get the numbers out.