FBI Won’t Recommend Criminal Charges Against Hillary Clinton Over Private Email Use
FBI Director Comey: `No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case’ against Clinton.
I’m shocked, I say!!!
Indict the only remaining bulwark standing between Donald Trump and (supposed) total chaos?
Who’d’a thunk it???
Bidness as usual, folks.
Bidness as usual.
The one with the highest bids from the .01% wins again.
On with the show.
Screams of rage that I might considersuch a verdict “politically motivated?”
Suppose all you Berniecrats are just so disappointed. E-mails, done, nothing, Benghazi done, nothing, won the primaries fair and square, Bernie cries.
Don’t fear Arthur, one of these days, you just might get something right.
Two-dimensional thinking at its
best,,,err, ahhh…worst.Expand your horizons, ecm.
I am not a “Berniecrat.”
Arthur, You know about some pigs are more equal than other pigs-ism. And that double-speak from Comey about do as I say not as she did: this decision doesn’t mean it’s okay to do as she did because if you do you may very well be subject to indictment, conviction and punishment. Evidently there was no ‘intent’ on her part to do do ill. Nor on mine.
You write:
Oh, I quite agree. I also believe that in their heart of hearts, almost all of the greatest villains in history had no “intent” to do ill. Mass murderers, genocidal rulers, torturers, slave-takers and owners, gigantically criminal types who stole billions and caused untold misery for their victims? Drop some powerful truth drug on them and all would swear on their mother’s grave that they were doing good.
I am sorry, but “intent” really has nothing to do with this. She considers herself and her motives so “good” that she is above the law. The “damn emails” thing is just a symptom, Quentin.” A symptom of some sort of rationalized megalomania. Some day, someone…with the best of “intentions” as far as they see it…is going to initiate a nuclear war.
“It was my only choice” they will say. But it will have been all of their preceding choices…repeated lies, repeated “legal” murders, the free breaking of laws because they can get away with it (and of course because they consider themselves “right”)…that led them to that final act.
The final act for humankind and life on earth, quite possibly.
Always remember the old saying.
And remember this as well:
I predict that if HRC is elected it will only be a year or so before all of the leftinesses who are presently prostrating themselves before her “pragmatic centrism” will be wailing in despair over the roads that our foreign policy and economic trade agreements have taken.
She now resides above the law as we are supposed to define it
But not above higher laws.
She is our next Nixon.
“She is our next Nixon.” I’ve heard people say she is our next Nixon and Kissinger, all rolled in one piece like a big Tootsie Roll.
HRC is smarter than was Nixon but not as smart as Kissinger.
If those three had played rounds of chess against one another Nixon would have come in third, HRC second and Kissinger first by a mile!!! That’s why he has outlasted everybody he “counseled.” He’ll still be tottering around making Machiavelli look like Mother Theresa after HRC falls as well.
Nixon was elected president twice. HRC hasn’t made it there yet. Kissinger lives on because the devil doesn’t want him. LOL
You are correct that Kissinger would make Machiavelli look like Mother Theresa.
Arthur, My reference to ‘intent’ was ironic. How can any classy SoS set up a private server and conduct government business on it — unintentionally— and not be aware of the transgression? I can laugh until I die.
Laugh on.
Sometimes laughter is the only valid response.
Like this morning when I went to Google News to see the latest on the Dallas thing and as I scrolled down I saw that the U.S. capitol had been on lockdown for almost an hour this morning because of some as yet undefined “person of interest.” That’s how terrorism really!!! It’s not the unlucky people who die that matter so much as the fear that is generated worldwide.
I laughed at the sheer correctness of it all.
See my most recent…not finished yet…post for more on that idea.