I originally posted this as a reply to a comment that Tarheel Dem made on Booman’s recent post A Federal Response to Police Violence. On further consideration, I am now posting it here as a standalone article.


Tarheel Dem asks; I answer:

Is this the moment when the Wall Street media look into the abyss or not?


Bet on it.

Not the abyss of which you speak, anyway.

This occurrence will only add to the geometric progression of violence in the U.S. that has been fueled by militarily-supported economic imperialism both abroad and domestically. The main job of the so-called justice system here in the U.S. is to maintain order by force in the ghettos in which we keep the low wage earners. End of story. Every ghetto is now a potential Fallujah, and both the controllers and their hired domestic military…the police…know it. They cannot fall back. There is nowhere available for retreat.

This society is coming apart at the seams.

Read on for more.
The fondest dreams of Osama bin Laden are now coming true. So-called “ordinary” citizens have quite plainly seen that terrorist actions work very well to destabilize countries and societies. They don’t need to go to the Middle East to train; they just have to pick up the gun(s) that they own…often guns that they have owned for a long time and if not, available on any bad street in any bad ghetto of the U.S., so stop dreaming about “gun control”…step out of their dwelling prepared to die and start shooting.

This particular snowball is running ever faster downhill, Tarheel, and neither gun control (the left’s so-called solution) nor increased police action (the right’s version) is going to stop it. The old saying “A snowball’s chance in hell” doesn’t seem to pertain in the hellish ghettos of the mind.


Only real justice…not currently represented on either side of the dominant centrist political spectrum of the U.S…will slow this snowball.

Buckle up…the rough ride is only going to continue no matter which side of the aisle is in real control, and it will get even faster if neither side dominates.



P.S. Do you know the real secret to survival?


By any means necessary.

The ancestors of almost all here who were not shipped over as slaves came to the U.S. to escape the same sort of escalating violence…war, poverty, pestilence, hunger, the whole lot…that we are now witnessing in the U.S.

Now? Now there is nowhere to go that’s even a halfway good bet.

I got yer “globalism,” right here!!!


We are all up against that particular wall.

Who ya gonna call?

