Donald Trump asked Ghazala Khan to speak, so she did. I doubt that Donald likes the result, since it’s devastating for him.
I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the Democratic Convention. Am I not allowed to respond? Hillary voted for the Iraq war, not me!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2016
Sure. You’re also entitled to go beyond your foot and put your entire leg in your gaping maw.
— Martin Longman (@BooMan23) July 31, 2016
Trump has demonstrated an astounding capability to overcome gaffes and outrages that would sink any other candidate for office, but this blow-up is truly isolating for him because there’s literally no one in the Republican Party who is going to stick their neck out to defend attacking a Gold Star mother and father.
That’s not to say that he doesn’t have a point about being viciously attacked, but he instigated the attack by scapegoating Muslims over and over again. And, while that’s the wrong thing to do, his basic position of curtailing or cutting off Muslim immigration until we have a better screening process in place is something that enjoys a lot of support. People are afraid when they see attacks like the ones in Paris and Nice, and they think it’s common sense to take serious precautions about who we let come into our country. But you can have that conversation in a respectful and adult way, and reach out to the other party to initiate a conversation about how some more thorough screening might be done in a way that is consistent with the Constitution and our values.
Trump doesn’t do any of that. He just maligns Muslims and increases people’s anxiety and dislike for them. And he does it for transparent political advantage in a way that brings out the worst in people.
So, he took an issue where he was probably getting some mileage politically and he waddled right into the thresher blades.
He can complain that he was attacked and should have the right to respond, but the suicidal nature of his response is his fault, and his fault alone.
He keeps pushing any allies he might have away, and it’s getting to the point that pretty much every candidate for office in the fall, regardless of party, is going to disown him.
The whole episode brings to mind an old Harry Truman story: Truman was speaking at a campaign rally, and a supporter yelled out, “Give ’em hell, Harry!” and Truman replied, “I just tell the truth about them and they think it’s hell.”
The Khans told the truth and Trump thinks it’s hell.
One might note that the previous day he did something similar in Colorado Springs – wingnut central – when he slandered the fire marshall, a local hero, for doing his job and preventing Trump from having too many people in the building. This after the fire department rescued him from a stuck elevator.
The man has no filters and can’t be bothered to learn stuff, and this will likely only get worse as the polls turn more and more against him.
I will be buying popcorn futures tomorrow.
Yes, I expect this sort of self-sabotage will keep happening given Trump’s nigh-total lack of impulse control. Each time, some support will waver and perhaps evaporate, don’t you think? Wholesale defections from his followers I suppose is too much to hope for, but every time he does stuff like this, it’s got to yank a few people up short, make them pause, maybe peel them away as it sinks in that he’s just stupidly shat upon someone or something they care deeply about.
I once had a good (I thought) friend, who did less than good things to others and to me, and I always managed to rationalize it, till one day in a phone conversation she blithely dropped another little turd — and suddenly, from one word to the next, I realized just who and what I was dealing with; so much of the past suddenly was recast in a new light, and an ugly one; suddenly, the friendship on my side was over. Done. Never to be regained.
There’s a lot of Trump support that’s reflexive rather than committed, and vulnerable to chipping away; if not switching to Clinton, at least refusing to pull the lever from Trump.
The self-sabotage is so apparent you wonder whether or not he’s trying to throw the race. What’s depressing is that it’s still a race with Trump doing this kind of crap five out seven days a week. One way or another we’ll be getting the most disliked president in US history. And we’ll get war.
It’s horrific, isn’t it; we’ll get war! Perverts.
The confounding thing about Hillary Clinton is that her unfavorables increase not when she is in office but when she is seeking office/power. Here is an interesting post along with the graph charting her favorability numbers. If the pattern holds, she will see an increase once elected.
Don’t despair America, she will be a fine president.
What do you mean “in office”? She was very popular while SoS. The moment she resigned and started working on her campaign, her approval began to sink. That has continued right up to now.
Just to make my point clear, she has not been in office of any kind for the past 3 1/2 years.
Sorry, i see what you’re saying now. I’ve been working very hard all day. Obviously need to take a rest.
She will not get the benefit of the doubt, for sure, if she is talking progressive solutions and enacting neoliberal ones. Too many people anticipating that bait and switch.
Get college loans OUT of the private stream altogether and you will see tuition drop. Do not federally backstop any more private financing arrangements. It’s money for nothing to cronies. Interest jubilee for existing overhand? Federal assumption, since we are already on the hook for it?
Protect public education and stop undercutting it with federal dollars to privatize.
Etc, etc.
overhead, not overhand
I had the same experiences with a few family members. I finally allowed myself to absorb the fact that I was an adult and I didn’t have to keep on trying to prop up relationships with emotionally abusive people. I miss having family connections, but it’s been the right decision.
It was pretty predictable that Trump would be unable to execute a general election pivot. He’s been extraordinarily undisciplined and onanistic his entire life, and his life situation has allowed Trump to be largely unaccountable to treating people decently. It’s worked for him, so he thinks it will continue to work for him.
In anticipation and consumption of each day’s outrageous statements from Trump, I’ve taken on the mantra “Piehole must open.”
the significance of the fundamental difference between the GOP primary electorate and the general election electorate has been a continuous puzzlement to me. (Along the lines of “you’ve underestimated Trump and dismissed his chances all along, and you’re still doing so, but he just keeps winning [GOP primaries] and proving you wrong. Why would you think that pattern won’t continue?” Duh! Because the general electorate is roughly double (or likely even more due to higher turnout) the GOP primary electorate; and approximately NOBODY from that other half of the electorate will be voting for Trump! Plus, even within that half (or less) of the general electorate, Trump rarely achieved more than a plurality win. Simple math, e.g.: 45% of 45% is only 20% of the general electorate.
Plus he keeps self-administering all these self-inflicted wounds.
So I haven’t wavered in this conclusion: Trump’s odds have always been and continue to be very low (though non-zero).
Trump gained over 12 million votes in the primary. Over 15 million voted for other GOP candidates in the primary.
Trump would need to get approximately 60 million votes in November to win the Presidency.
info illustrating the point.
Even if we posit the obvious, that Trump will end up getting some of those 15 million, some primary-stay-at-homers, and some small percentage of Sanders primary voters, the row Trump is left to hoe to a win looks long indeed. And it would require getting everything nearly perfect to pull it off.
Instead, he shoots himself in the foot, then sticks that foot in his mouth at every opportunity.
And yet despite all of this he is down 5-6.
Donald Trump is one terrorist attack or an economic downturn from the White House.
They will be doing their best to keep all the plates in the air. The Fed is thinking of TWO interest rate hikes in the face of growth under 2% and inflation fairies still failing to produce.
Just nuts.
I am betting they don’t hike before November now after the GDP number.
But good Christ the economy is on thin ice and these idiots want to raise rates when deflation is still a very real risk.
Meanwhile, at Incirlik air base, Turks are at the gates. Something like sixty to ninety nukes kept there. You’d think that someone in America would be interested in reporting it.
But no. Why no reporting? If the Turkish government suddenly wants to send “thousands” to inspect the base, and there are people chanting against the US outside the gates, that certainly strongly suggests that the Turks know who were behind the failed coup.
And here at home radio silence. What’s worse? Throwing a coup against a sitting government or leaking the DNC’s emails? And there seems to be more proof of the US’s links to the coup than Russia’s link to the emails.
Carry on.
Nice turnout.
Not by the western media.
Interesting. I wasn’t aware of it and went looking for references on -line. It’s like the mainstream has zero interest in this but everyone else does. Stars and Stripes and other official US military sites cover it; as do all kinds of alternative sites, usually with some sort of bent to their coverage (and including RT and other Russian sites in this); and of course English language Turkish sites. But even most of mainstream Europe isn’t talking about this.
NSome if News Corp’s sites also carrying it.
Sorry to point out obvious, but absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence.
Well…what’d ya expect? Trump is white, rich and…important Those protestors…undoubtedly supported by Erdogan or they’d be in jail with the rest of the Turks who oppose him? They’re just another buncha brownish people who hate the U.S. because we’re all so wealthy.
No worries!!!
They have been professionally protected by the same sorts of experts who protected the Hillary/DNC emails. They probably have some sort of unbreakable code on ’em.
That password needs to be more difficult. How about bomba boom?
P.S. I am actually beginning to wonder if this is not all simply a buildup to another term for Obama.
Two days before the election:
While the frightened proles shout:
Could happen…
It’d certainly solve the “NEVER HILLARY!!!/NEVER TRUMP!!!” conundrum for the controllers, wouldn’t it?
That it would.
P.P.S. Always remember…Life will try anything once.
A venomous, duck-billed, egg-laying, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal.
Hmmmm…sounds vaguely RatPublican, doesn’t it?
No. Just no. Just no fucking way no.
Do you mean “No” as in “impossible” or “No” as in “Please God, no!!!” ?
‘Cuz if you think it’s impossible, you ain’t been watching.
“No” as in “No, I’m afraid this treatment regime isn’t working, we’re going to have to increase your dosage.”
Or…maybe you should consider decreasing yours.
Your media consumption dosage.
You think it can’t happen here?
Think again.
It almost happened then.
Different tactics, same strategy.
End the democracy…what little we have left.
Now those financial forces are thousands of times stronger, and for the first time since at least the JFK assassination we had not one but two major parties’ accedence with the centrist fix seriously threatened by candidates that opposed it.
And…the one centrist left standing is so wounded by 40 years of political chicanery that the majority of “undecided” voters dislike the thought of voting for her as much or more than they do for her opponent.
Now’s the time…for the controllers. Next election of the one after? Even more voters will be turned off to their act.
Will it happen?
I dunno.
But it would be easy to set up.
Bet on it.
You love to repeat that line, “bet on it”.
I want to take you up on that offer. It’s obvious you’ve never marked your conspiratorial fantasies to market in your life.
So, Obama coup. What odds are you offering?
You’ll never collect, because the claim will shift to Obama having seized the media to hide his coup.
Just remembering, the guy who’s predicting an Obama coup because the platypus was trying to convince us all a while back that Rand Paul was going to be our next president.
Well, you know what they say,
libertarianism is for petulant children
Probably better than the alternatives.
I thought you’ve been arguing all along that Clinton IS the Controllers’ choice. Now you’re saying she isn’t all of a sudden? What changed (in her or in your thinking) about who the Fix is in for?
No, there aren’t. And I have seen zero evidence from you of U.S. involvement in the attempted coup.
We are living on Planet Earth, you know. Might want to stop by sometime. Maybe visit a library.
I had a similar thought. Who would risk a base with nuclear weapons to take on an ally? If there is any truth in this, that guy should be carted off quickly and silently to a maximum security room.
The only thing wrong with the Turkish coup was its failure.
I wonder… Trump is under attack true but he did everything in his power to get nailed from both sides. Now he also has to contend with the fact that he has attacked both Muslims and the Military.There are numerous military personnel from all races. They are serving America and watching Trump attack a dead Soldier and his Parents. That has got to make a very negative impression on them about voting for Trump.
WIth all these negative attacks I am wondering if Trump is going to use this as an excuse to not do any debates against Clinton. I am sure that is a top priority of his campaign to keep him out of any debates. Just saying
I said months ago (to be fair, I am far from the only one) that Trump will never debate.
Never, never, never, never, never. Ain’t gonna happen, never was.
Josh Marshall at TPM agrees. He thinks Trump will start to demand that the third party candidates be included.
Third party candidates would be a much better situation for Trump. First, Stein is basically Trump in Green Clothing and would join him in piling on Clinton. Second, 1-1 debates allow one participant to grill the other and not let the other off the hook. This can happen in multi-party debates on occasion – as with Rubio-Christie – but it’s rare, and Trump wouldn’t let that happen.
TPM also points out how utterly ridiculous the Trump complaints were about the debate schedule, and that he flat-out lied about the NFL letter and about Clinton choosing the dates. (I know, Trump opened his mouth and lies came out. And in other news the sun came up in the east this morning).
For sure, Trump took the bait hook, line and sinker. But I want to take up your use of the term “suicidal”.
I’ve gone from being aghast & frightened by Trump to glibly dismissive but now I sense we’re watching a spectacle of self-destruction–like some nut perched on a ledge convinced he can fly like Superman. It’s sickening but we can’t turn away.
Of course, he probably knows he can’t fly but his whole life experience suggests otherwise and he’s compelled to find out the truth. Too bad for him, of course but the thing that worries me now is that those in the crowd who really want to believe he can fly will feel betrayed and angry…and they have guns.
Some of the people currently supporting Trump will never waver. The racists, the misogynists, the delightfully deranged CDS sufferers, the terminally power addicted officeholders.
The rest? Sooner or later, they’ll crumble. They won’t vote for Clinton, but they’ll likely just not vote. It won’t matter in TX, MS and LA. But PA, MI, WI and OH?
Oh yeah. Karma coming round the corner fast.
I’m sorry, but after reading this where he gives Fox his take on Canadian history, all I can think is that his Trumpisms are coming at us faster and faster. Just amazing.
That’s got to be a parody. I know that Trump is almost impossible to parody, but it’s pretty hard to believe Trump carries this level of stupidity.
I think the tell is “…as the Fox host began scribbling notes.” Kilmeade doesn’t scribble notes. Based on his behaviors, I’m not even sure he knows how to write and read.
Looked at some of the other stuff on that site and, yeh, that’s parody.
strikes again!
Lord, mainsailset!!! I think you’ve broken a mast!!!
Could you possibly have been serious???!!!
Unbelievable if true, but it just goes to show the level to which this Trump thing has fallen.
On all sides of the fake aisle.
Hey, Arthur, care to enter yet another defense of voter ID laws?
Here are the sort of people Arthur has stood with in taking that position of his, an indefensible position based on the ways these laws in the several racist States had been drawn up:
The Charlotte Observer’s post-mortem on the North Carolina law:
JULY 30, 2016 3:21 PM
4th Circuit ruling exposes the real N.C. voting fraud
“We knew. Deep down, most of us knew.
We knew that North Carolina’s 2013 voter ID law, like similar laws across the country, was not truly about voter fraud, but voter suppression.
We knew Republicans were less interested in the integrity of elections than in building obstacles for their opponents’ supporters.
We knew. Some Republicans even admitted it. And last week, in North Carolina, they got called on it…”.
Looking forward to AG’s next quoting of MLK.
What does this have to do with someone taking that Burrard Street Journal post as anything but parody?
You are Johnny One Note. In the flesh. And even that note is wrong.
Go away.
Now hold on there Arthur. The BS Journal has some great stories like: ” Sarah Palin Allegedly Strings Multiple Words Together to Form a Sentence”. Good stuff there, I think.
Hey, AG, thanks for the link. It’s sort of a Vancouver, BC version of The Onion!!
But seriously now: when did the US grant Canadian independence?
We grant them independence every single day.
He wasn’t “viciously” attacked. He was honorably attacked. There was nothing “vicious” about it.
My thought too. Trump was called out, clearly and forcefully, for his religious bigotry. None of the methods, premises, content used in doing so were dishonest or unfair.
Being “criticized effectively” is in no way like being “attacked viciously” way of describing what’s going on here cedes way too much ground to Trump.
But let’s just be clear here: can you think of a way in which
… because I sure can’t. This is white supremacy and as soon as you start having a conversation that begins with the premise that “well, a little white supremacy is negotiable” you are well and truly fvcked.
Here’s the problem:
People root for the underdog. Most Trump supporters are rebelling against both political parties. They see the media as left-wing.
There will come a point when even those who aren’t Trump true believers will look at the race and get tired of the bullying of the bully by the MSM.
Anyone familiar with the typical news story knows that there are two sides, and they will seek out the other side. So far if you want to hear the other side you have to go to either far left sites or read the international news.
Or read the right-wing folks.
So this strategy is going to make that 27% more firmly distrust the media and the government. A sort of doubling down on America’s fascist tendencies.
This suggests to me that Clinton’s shirt tails are short. So we know how the game of government will be played the next four years. Like the last eight.
That 27% already only watch Fox News and only listen to hate radio. What the MSM has to say about Trump never penetrates in any case.
Bob–what response would not, in your opinion, engender more mistrust of the media by that 27%? Some sort of faux both sides do it crap?
Not sure. I am very bored with Trump, and I’m bored with the Manichaean coverage of the race.
There are reasons why people are discouraged with the two major political parties and it doesn’t all boil down to racism and sexism, but you’d never know from reading the news. This narrow reporting avoids the actual complaints of the common people.
Coverage of Brexit was similar. The average bloke in Britain has seen good jobs disappear while he sinks into poverty. He blames it on the EU (correct) and immigrants (incorrect).
I’m not even sure it’s possible to do it in the US. Maybe a lefty site will come out with a think piece like “Who represents the working people?” That’s about it.
I’m afraid Brexit disproves your media theory. Brexit would not have passed without a concerted, decades-long propaganda campaign against the European Union. Nobody ever got tired of hearing about it, going so far as to take an anti-EU hack journalist and turning him into a successful politician.
I know as a defeatist liberals we like to see everything turning against us, but Gore and Kerry were both done in by a highly biased media. Nobody got sick of hearing Al Gore called a liar, or Kerry called a coward. Media matters; and overcoming a negative media narrative is very difficult. If the high school media clique is coalescing against Trump, that is very, very good news.
Trump is a narcissist and very possibly a sociopath. When he speaks, he creates his own reality. He believes it and sycophants and following fools also believe it and provide him positive feedback. Next day or next news cycle the bubble bursts, and he is likely as not to wander into the thresher blades. But not to worry. There is always another lie and another reality to extricate himself. Most likely he will lose his following over time. But, if not, oh shat…
looks like li’l lawd beauregard got the short straw:
Hoo boy, just watched CNN play their entire interview with Mr. Khan this morning, then quote Paul Ryan and Lindsey Graham repudiating Trump’s dump on Khan and Muslims, then run a three-way discussion of the issue where the Trump surrogate came off as desperate to change the subject.
Then, leading into the commercial break, a teaser for the next segment: The Donald and Putin, with a clip of Trump denying he’s ever met Putin and then a clip of him talking about how he’d met him and what a great guy he was.
The wolfpack smells blood.
Does this mean that CNN has finally dropped coverage of the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines plane over the Indian Ocean? (You know, the one that was spirited away to Diego Garcia and hidden after the passengers were killed.)
LOL – now the CNN broadcast is addressing the debate schedule/NFL conflict brouhaha, and at one point the chyron read “NFL: Trump is full of hot air”. The reporting, by anchor and commentator, isn’t giving Trump any cover at all, they’re pointing out every falsehood.
It’s hard to keep the media on your side when you tear them apart at every rally. I think they know what will happen to them if he wins.
I think ripping into Trump is just waaayyyyy more interesting than another Hillary scandal and that’s why the media might be heading towards taking Trump apart. I mean, jesus christ, who wants to watch another episode of Clinton Nothingburgers? The pilot aired in 1992 and it’s gone on to be the second-longest continuously running TV series after The Simpsons (1989).
What this episode with the Khan family is demonstrating is that Donald Trump is utterly incapable of paying defense. The media has enabled his all-offense-all-the-time public strategy his entire life, and he bulldozed the other Republican candidates with the same strategy.
What he’s discovering is that Presidential general elections are covered by the media, and responded to by the public, differently than any other public event. Trump’s been incapable of adjusting to this reality, and to this moment he remains incapable of doing anything other than attempting to delegitimize his critics through bullying attacks.
This technique just won’t work with the Khans. Trump’s attacks are not being accepted by the public, his campaign surrogates aren’t willing to defend it, and his response is turning this into a story which will uniquely taint his campaign unless he apologizes. Nothing else will put this away. Since Trump ritually humiliates others as his prime method of getting through his day-to-day life, apologizing is antithetical to his way of being. That’s not serving him well right now.
Imagine if he was elected POTUS, and how this facet of his personality could play out.
In foreign relations words have meaning, that is why officials use bland, seemingly meaningless words.
This is a very dangerous man to be running for president. I honestly think Palin would do better.
(Not for Trump’s eyes. Might give him an idea to switch from being disgusting and outrageous to boring. Boring got Mittens to 47%.)
(btw – might not be a good idea to say, Candidate X Waddles Into…)
“American America”? Good Gawd. Even stupider and blunter than McCain’s “real America” nonsense. Do I have to watch it? I’m assuming it’s all Mom and apple pie stuff…there’s a deep discount on such stuff after the conventions.
If you don’t watch it, you’re not entitled to critique. God, you’re tiresome.
It was a joke! Not a critique!
Marc Jones @CycloneJonesesq Jun 13
@KeithOlbermann Keith, Trump is like what would happen if Archie Bunker ran for President!
Archie had a good heart. And he did grow during the 1970s. Trump stop learning and growing back in 1954.
That is true.
This whole thread so far?
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Leftiness version.
Dkos Jr..
It’s like high school. Everybody crowding around the “popular people.”
i knew my son was going to turn out fine when he came to me at about 13 years of age and said “Dad, did you ever notice that nobody likes the popular people?”
I’ll tell you the truth, folks.
I only hang out here anymore in order to be able to watch y’all run into the stone wall that the fixers have set up for you in the person of Hillary Rodham Clinton. It’s almost a morbid fascination on my part. How you can be so smart and so fucking stupid at the same time is a wonderment to me.
Have fun.
Time’s almost up.
I give it until 2017…sometime in 2018 tops…before the top comes off of the rotten barrel of apples you have chosen.
Be well.
You gonna need all the wellness you can grab onto.
You gonna need all the wellness you can grab onto.
heh — you should know by now that once one becomes a “true believer” NOTHING can displace that for more than a very few. And even those few will blame others for what went wrong. (ie Bush lied about WMD. As if it wasn’t obvious to anyone with a working brain that he was lying in real time.)
I don’t know what I’ll do in November other than not vote for Trump. Beyond that I’m not advocating for any other candidate or recommending not voting at all. I reserve the right to change that election day, but it’s possible that I won’t even know what I’ll do until I get I cast my vote.
As I have been saying, this can of worms will squirm itself out as it must. It is beyond any of our power to affect the outcome. It will be what it will be.
Hope for the best; prepare for the worst. The best any of us can do.
One mind at a time…
AG citing Nirvana, a band whose leader’s self-importance was matched beautifully with the incoherence of his lyrics, is damned near perfect.
Why worry about Hillary Clinton when Obama’s going to stage a coup anyway?
Because Obama has been her puppet all along. Like the Shogun’s of Japan, she retires yet still pulls the strings in the background, using her devil provided powers.
If a coup occurs, it won’t be “Obama” staging it. He is…and remains…a frontman for the people who own this government. For as long as the centrist fix has been well in place, no coups have been necessary…just an occasional impeachment attempt or at least a stern backroom finger wagging when some frontman got out of line.
The problem now?
The fix has broken down. Not all the way…HRC is still with the program, but Trump’s a loose, loose cannon. Had Sanders won…the fixers worked that part of the fix fairly well, although they got outed very quickly by the hacker community, whatever that really is…but had Sanders won and proven to be as intractable as is Trump, emergency measures of some sort would already be in place. Now? The Mighty Government Media Wurlitzer has let out all its stops in an attempt to make sure that Trump doesn’t get within a mile the White House. That sort of media attack thing used to work very well for them, but it’s breaking down under pressure from the Information Revolution. People no longer reflexively believe anything the media says.
If Trump wins?
All bets are off.
The controllers are not going down easy.
This seems to be in direct contradiction to your last conspiracy theory. Please advise.
How so? You really think that Obama has the chops and power to stage a coup by all by himself? He’s a fucking game show host, not a practiced intelligence/military operative!!! The
producers…errr, ahhh, controllers…tell him what to do, and he has played his role very well.A coup is a coup, no matter how it’s run or for what reasons. Our last plainly recognizable one was the JFK murder. After that? Nixon, in a kinder, gentler manner. He was acting out; the controllers didn’t like it.
“Watergate” my ass!!!
I personally believe that 9/11 was a coup fueled by clever inaction. They wanted a Blood For Oil war both for profit and to control the Middle East. They knew what was up and essentially sat on their hands. They even kept Bush II out of the loop. Who needs that kind of idiot involved in dangerous, surreptitious actions?
Here is where it dawned on him what was up:
He was their pet goat.
Their pet idiot.
Bet on it.
I guess it’s nice you’re abandoning your last crazy word-salad conspiracy, even if it is by gish galloping into four or five new ones. I’m sure in the world where words have no semantic content but are intended to signal an emotional pose the actual content of the conspiracy doesn’t really matter- so long as all things are ultimately caused by the Reptilians the names of their public faces are interchangeable and irrelevant. Thus does a COUP BY OBAMA become a CLINTON PRESIDENCY, both things we should “BET ON” despite being mutually exclusive in the universe where words have meanings.
Words have different meanings in different worlds, marduk.
We live in different worlds, I am quite sure.
You can make fun of my world all you want. Many people share my general views. Read Counterpunch for a few weeks and see what I mean.
There is no world where an Obama coup is compatible with a Clinton presidency, Arthur. They are two different things.
Don’t mistake my mockery for a lack of understanding. I understand the pose your word salad intends to convey quite clearly. You don’t have to engage in crazy conspiracy theories to be a supporter of the radical left. You can understand the existence of what’s commonly referred to as the “Washington consensus” on economics and foreign policy without going on about the Reptilians, just as you can recognize the power of global capitalism and the march of Neoliberalism without going on about the Bavarian Illuminati.
I have never mentioned any “reptilians” or “Illuminati,” marduk. Just really good hustlers. World class.
I do actually believe in aliens, though. I think that anybody who is capable of killing anyone else for anything less than sheer survival when attacked is “alien” to the human species as we have come to know it. A nasty evolutionary mistake. Millions upon millions of people have lived in relative peace with their neighbors for eons. It’s only when the hustlers start their hustle that the knives come out, and after that starts it’s always a hard fire to put out.
I just found an explanation of why you wrote what you did above about Illuminati and reptilians.
Media overdose.
From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact
You’re old news now.
Discredited old news.
P.S. “No news is good news?”
That’s the old news.
The good news?
“Old news is bad news.”
More from the same article:
Sad shit, ain’t it?
That’s you and your people they are talking about.
Some sad shit!!!
Not that the mainstream Dems didn’t want Sanders…that’s their prerogative as (supposedly) free U.S. citizens…just the backstabbing way they got to it. This is the modus operandi of the people that you are apparently supporting, marduk. It is HRC’s modus operandi as well, and I’m telling you as plainly as I can that it does not work in the long run. Not anymore it doesn’t. No backroom backstabbing goes uncovered these days. Too many hackers, too much surveillance. The neolibs who thought that a surveillance state would give them unlimited power? They forgot about the old “hoisted on your own petard” thing. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, too. They are now trying to foist HRC as an admirable, honest woman on the American public, but instead of foisting they just got hoisted.
Kicked in the petard, so to speak.
And it ain’t over yet.
Not by a long shot.
The hackers are saving the really good bits for last. Bet on it.
Watch for that as well.
Wait for it.
Any day now.
Aaaaaany day now…
Because (something something something) PermaGovTM. Also, too, and such as, reasons.
Bet on it.
The Donald is treating the Khan’s just like Bush treated Cindy Sheehan. Fundamental inability to acknowledge grief with empathy.
What would we do without Twitter?
How else can we hurl insults at celebrities and freaks all over the world?
Seems to be the only use for the medium. It’s perfect for the sociopath without a filter, like the Trumpenfuehrer.
I notice that Ryan and McConnell rejected Trump’s words about the Khans, but still have not withdrawn support for Trump’s candidacy,
Uh huh
Uh huh
Understanding the Trump-Khan War
Published JULY 31, 2016, 8:55 PM EDT
There are smart terrible people and dumb terrible people. While they’re both dangerous in positions of power, the dangers they represent are significantly different. We’ve been watching the now multi-day war between Donald Trump and the Khan family. Trump has managed the amazing feat of finding himself savaging the mother of a dead American soldier who literally had never said a word against him. What is most important about understanding what is happening here, however, is not the callousness or shamelessness of Trump’s behavior. It is that it all could have been so easily avoided – not the damage to the Khan family but the damage to Trump himself. This may seem like a perverse way of looking at what has unfolded. But it’s actually the most instructive for understanding Trump’s actions, how his mind works and the sort of danger he represents.
Any political operative or communications professional, indeed anyone with some moral imagination and common sense would know how to handle this situation. Assuming you wanted to maintain the policies blocking Muslim immigration, you would simply say: “I grieve for the Khans’ loss and I very much respect their opinion and their courage. But I believe the policy I have outlined is necessary for our national security for the following reasons …”
Simple. Wouldn’t solve the original offenses that lead to their speech against Trump. But it would cut off more damaging engagement and at least suggest (whether or not it were true) that Trump is a man of empathy who believes that harsh policies are necessary.
You will never win a fight savaging the parents of a dead soldier. So it’s a fight you simply don’t engage in. A smart terrible person would get this and say something along the lines of the quote I noted above. Trump doesn’t seem terribly bright. But this isn’t about intelligence as we test it with logic puzzles. Realizing that this would be the only way to respond requires a level of self-awareness a narcissist lacks and a degree of impulse control Trump simply does not have. Empathy or any moral consciousness would get you there too. But remember, we’re focusing here on the difference between a smart terrible person and a dumb terrible person both of which lack those qualities.
CNN’s got the entire text of McCain’s condemnation of Trump online, and it’s a powerful statement. I’ll never forgive him for foisting Palin upon us, but this has got to shave a goodly chunk off his stay in Purgatory:
Sorry, McCain doesn’t get the indulgence as long as he’s supporting this monster for President.
Indeed, there is that. Okay, maybe a few weeks off of the Purgatory time.