The Dutch troops left Bosnia and crossed the border into Serbia. After reaching safety the Dutch celebrated their escape from hell with crown-prince Willem Alexander, PM Wim Kok and FM Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. The UN forces failed to protect the Muslim civilians as 8,000 boys, young men and adults were taken apart and executed in a beastly manner until all were shoveled underneath dirt in mass graves. A horrible memory and the single greatest human tragedy after WWII in Europe.

The hypocrisy of the Dutch foreign ministry and the Mark Rutte government after they gave five years support to the old colonials powers United Kingdom, France with the United States to support rebels and foreign jihadists in their effort for regime change based on ill-founded R2P policy of team HRC, Joe Biden, Samantha Power and Susan Rice.

Absolute part of western propaganda to irritate the Russians for their presence in Tartus and the support for Assad along with Israel nemesis Iran. Failed policy led to the Syrian tragedy of 300,000 deaths of both civilians and the Syrian Army. A magnitude of Syrian refugees spread to neighbouring states and in the end traveled to Europe to escape the ultimate horror of war and destruction.

PM Erdogan of Turkey was the puppet of the west to let jihadists cross the border into Syria funded by the CIA, Qatar and the Gulf States with special mention of KSA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

FM Bert Koenders is preaching ethics and morals while urging for a U.N. humanitarian corridor for the last neighborhood of Aleppo under control of the anti-Assad rebels.

Who are the Dutch kidding? The Dutch too are an old colonial power and were forced to allow the colonies become independent after WWII. The Dutch too were responsible for massacres by their military as The Hague tried desperately to hold onto their overseas territories.

Here is a full translation of the opinion piece published in Dutch national newspaper “De Volkskrant”.

Humanitarian aid to Aleppo has first priority

Will the war in Syria even worse, after five years of conflict? Yes, it could be worse. On July 14, the troops of Assad have taken the high ground overlooking the Castello road, the last major access route to what was once the economic center and the largest city in the country. Three hundred thousand civilians in Aleppo now actually besieged. Syria is crumbling off the last bit of respect for human rights, the verwerperlijke bombing Friday at a maternity clinic as provisional low.

The UN rightly describes the current situation as “medieval and shameful.” There is a real risk that the name “Aleppo” is again synonymous with the failure of the international community.

Only international pressure can prevent a greater disaster. The UN, the International Support Group for Syria (ISSG) and other countries need to make the Assad regime with louder voice calls an end to the siege. This kind of pressure has an effect. For example, a number of major countries at a meeting in Munich last February reached an agreement on a cessation of hostilities.

That agreement held a few months largely state. It was also enforced the agreement humanitarian access to over a million Syrians, who could be granted relief. That’s diplomacy in action.

The recent talks between the US and Russia in itself a positive development. But more important is to look right now what can be done to Aleppo. Continuing the dialogue between the US and Russia is essential in the current situation. At the same time an international focus that focuses on the IS terrorist organizations, Jabhat al Nusra and other groups is necessary, but not sufficient. An intensified military campaign against Jabhat al Nusra at best leads to the group splits, and the more moderate fighters will join other rebel groups. At worst reinforces the military campaign misleading story of the Assad regime and its pillars that extremism is the root of the conflict in Syria, which ignores the fact that the regime used daily brutality against its own people.

IS and Jabhat al Nusra Assad for strategic assets. These terrorist groups Assad can present itself as the lesser of two evils and calls the world to support him in the fight against terrorism. If he succeeds in this plan is not obeyed the will of the majority of the Syrians; they want ie neither Assad nor ruled by terrorist organizations. Such a policy is dangerous and short-sighted. As long as the brutality of Assad tolerated, remains the suffering of the civilian population, the instability and the blooms continue extremism.

International efforts must therefore continue to focus on two tracks, with access for humanitarian aid, the restoration of a cease-fire and resumption of peace talks in Geneva priority. The international community has committed itself to resolutions of the UN Security Council to these objectives. The success of the peace talks hinges on the willingness of all concerned without exception to compromise. Discussions can only be continued if there is sufficient international pressure exerted on the warring parties to implement the UN resolutions into practice.

The UN agency has proposed for the coordination of humanitarian assistance to establish a regular 48-hour humanitarian corridors to avoid famine and the death of thousands more civilians in Aleppo. These corridors make humanitarian aid available and this proposal should not be blocked in the Security Council. Humanitarian aid should not be questioned and may be granted to all people, whether they flee the city or stay decisions.

Access to the most necessary aid, the lowest common denominator, a starting point. Then we are obliged to ensure to the citizens of Aleppo that a neutral party, such as the UN, would assume responsibility for the development and implementation of an agreement. It is essential that the fate of 300,000 civilians in Aleppo is provided. That’s where the Dutch government these days in the International Support Group for Syria up for deployment.

Yes, the Dutch under PM Jan-Pieter Balkenende and FM Jaap de Hoop Scheffer [later “earned” top job as Secretary General of NATO] gave full political support to US president George Bush in March 2003 for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. An investigation reported the Dutch had supported an illegal war according to International Law. Years before the Chillcot report more or less proved the decision by PM Tony Blair was based on false evidence and lies to the House of Commons and the British people.

Dutch Investigation: Iraq Mission Ruled Illegal by Oui on Jan. 12th, 2010
British Empire Report: Its 179 Deaths In Focus [Updated]
2.5M Words To Explain Utter Failure of Iraq War
Blair On Downfall Saddam, Iraq Compared Favorable to Quagmire In Libya and Syria by Oui on Oct. 25th, 2015