I originally posted this as a response to a comment Marie3 recently made regarding the pharmaceutical company Mylans and its tax dodging, squeeze-every-penny-you-can-get approach to its products. (You can find it here.) I reconsidered and I’m now posting it as a standalone article.
Marie3 wrote:
Another reason to hate Mylan, which jacked up the price of life-saving EpiPens: It’s a tax dodger :
The pharmaceutical company Mylan has been taking on a boatload of vituperation — and rightfully so — for jacking up the price of its lifesaving EpiPen injector, which reverses allergic reactions, by 500%.
But there’s another reason to detest this remarkably amoral corporation: It’s also a tax dodger. Mylan is one of the leading exploiters of the technique known as inversion, in which a U.S. company cuts its tax bill by acquiring a foreign firm and moving its tax domicile to the acquired company’s homeland.Mylan’s 2014 deal involved its buying a generics manufacturer from Abbott Laboratories and reincorporating in the Netherlands, the subsidiary’s home. As in all inversions, nothing else changed: Mylan’s operational headquarters remained in Pennsylvania, and its main workforce didn’t relocate. At one point, Mylan even appealed to U.S. antitrust officials to help it block a takeover bid from an Israeli company. But the deal did allow the firm to cut its U.S. tax bill.
Read on.
Big Pharma may be the worst of all of them on a moral basis, along w/Big Med, Big Food and Big Insurance. They are all sellers of false hope and they all collude with one another. On every level.
By the simple expedient of cleansing the nation’s food supply…simple in concept of course, certainly not in application…the terrible health problems of this country could be improved immeasurably. But NOOOOOoooo…literally billions of dollars are spent each year by these forces on lobbying, on buying legislators and other pols and on massive propaganda and advertising efforts. (Propaganda and advertising are the same thing, really. One is subliminal and the other isn’t. Dr. Kildare knows…)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
Even the bought and sold pols fall for it.
Before and after Botox/plastic surgery/whatever
AHHHhhhh!!! Now I can win!!!
I swear…alien invasion is as good an answer to why this is happening as any other explanation. At the very least, the people who are intimately involved in this ongoing scam are alien to any common feelings of decency and humanity.
The teacher of…certain things…G. I. Gurdjieff had a term for these people. (Emphases mine.)
One of the major concepts of Gurdjieff applies the word “Hasnamuss” to certain types of people. According to Beelzebub’s Tales, Hasnamuss is a being who acquires “something” which creates certain harmful factors for himself, as well as for those around him. According to Gurdjieff this applies to average people as well as to those who are on higher levels.
This “something” is formed in beings as a result of the following manifestations:
- Every kind of depravity, conscious as well as unconscious
- The feeling of self-satisfaction from leading others astray
- The irresistible inclination to destroy the existence of other breathing creatures
- The urge to become free from the necessity of actualizing the being-efforts demanded by nature
- The attempt by every kind to artificially conceal from others what in their opinion are one’s physical defects
- The calm self-contentment in the use of what is not personally deserved
- The striving to be not what one is
Sound somehow…familiar?
It does to me.
With some Tums to go with it? And maybe later a belly tuck and a colostomy? YUM!!! (Tums backwards spells Smut. Hmmmm…)
The controllers are taking us down on every level.
Is this a plot or just another fucking accident?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Don’t we.
Uhhh…don’t we?
All this looks like pure evil to me.
I never thought about propaganda and advertising being the same thing, but you are right. Now political candidates have become products, who are marketed for consumption to the voters. The campaign contributions from BigXXX are used to advertise the politician/product. It just gets worse each election cycle. HRC has now raised 1/2 of her $1 billion goal. A quote from the link below:
“Her campaign has resisted publicizing a fundraising target for the general election, fearing it would draw attention to big donors at a time when voters angry about the role of money in politics.”
Trump has raised $80 million so far, including $2 million of his own money.
Don’t forget the CEO in question re: the EpiPen is Joe Manchin’s daughter. Which means the Senate certainly won’t do squat because Senate Democrats don’t want to antagonize Manchin.
The Senate doesn’t do squat anyway.
OH yes!!!
Propaganda is just advertising clothed in cultural garb. All of those TV dramas based on the medical profession over 50+ years? Pure propaganda. The good doctor and his good medicines, supported by all of that good insurance.
That rotted out system plus the automobile/oil industry? They support well over half of mainstream television. Bet on it. In terms of money spent, probably more like 2/3rds. Pure propaganda. Look at the ads to know what you’re supposed to think. They sneak right in under your radar and bomb the shit out of you from early childhood right on to your deathbed.
The old joke?
It’s not a joke.
It’s a fact.
It will be interesting to see if doctors eventually unionize. BigPharma, BigMed, and BigInsurance have been invading docs’ territory for some time. Docs are signaling that they are fed up with the current health care system, since they are no longer in charge. Docs do not have the prestige they once had and are now referred to as “health care providers”, which can include several professions. The American Medical Association doesn’t seem to be able to protect the docs as they once did. Various Management at hospitals and corporate medical facilities typically make more money than many of the docs who work there. Pharmaceutical sales representatives do well too.
This article is 5 years old, but things have only gotten worse for docs.
“Seventy-seven percent of physicians say the American Medical Association does not represent their views, according to a new volunteer-based online survey by the physician staffing firm Jackson & Coker. Just 11 percent said AMA’s stance and actions reflects their beliefs. The doctors also rated AMA as ineffective in lobbying for their priorities, including tort reform (72 percent called AMA ineffective), physician practice autonomy (69 percent), physician reimbursement (68 percent), protections from insurance company abuses (75 percent), and ‘intrusive government regulations’ (78 percent).”
The AMA is a tool of Big Pharma and Big Insurance. Of course it doesn’t represent doctors.
Always remember the classic Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man.”
Aliens claiming to be bringers of peace and prosperity actually solve many of the problems of humanity. They depart, leaving a book in their language. A cryptographer/linguist breaks the code of its title, “To Serve Man.” This causes a rush among humans to visit their planet and the aliens acquiesce, sending ships to take those who want to go. Upon further study of the language, the book turns out to be a cookbook.
Too late…
Again…sound familiar?
It does to me.
That second picture instantly reminded me of Slim Pickens in “Doctor Strangelove”.
Me too. That;’s why I posted it.
Thank you for understanding the reference.
The United States is one of the only countries in the world (except for Nee Zealand and Brazil in certain circumstances) to not ban direct to consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals. It has to be propaganda; just listen to the side effects at the end.
The side effects thing effectively turns it into mass hypnosis…the highest, most effective propaganda of all.