Trump should stop doing a lot of things, but probably at the top of the list is making allusions to people possibly killing his opponent.
That I even have to point this out is disturbing.
And, now, some music.
Trump should stop doing a lot of things, but probably at the top of the list is making allusions to people possibly killing his opponent.
That I even have to point this out is disturbing.
And, now, some music.
Here we have an absolutely perfect example of the mainstream centrist Dem mistakes distributed and propagated through the media…and before his nomination, the mainstream centrist RatPub mistakes, distributed the same way……that have enabled Trump’s rise every step of the way.
He is plainly not arguing for her assassination; he is saying this in the context of gun control poliics. He is using HRC’s .01 percenter-protected position to make this argument: “Why should the privileged…always the spearhead of the anti-gun movement…be the only ones protected by guns?”
Is he a clumsy, unfeeling ass in the process? Yes. So nu?
Point that out.
Make salient gun control arguments against his own.
Do not accuse him of wanting her shot. That’s ridiculous on any number of levels, not the least of which is that he is apparently quite sure that he can beat her in a national election.
By doing his, you only fan the anti-.01% flames of millions of undecideds who…if not the brightest bulbs on the planet…are certainly bright enough to see through boilerplate centrist “Be very afraid!!!” rhetoric of his sort.
Mistake #193,206.
And counting.
And yet…here he is, climbing steadily.
If and when he is elected, his opposition will be the ones to blame.
Strong but wrong.
Game but lame.
Bet on it.
If anything, I was fair to a fault.
For a second I contemplated reading the comment you were replying to, an then I thought, nope, can’t do it.
I’ll just guess what was in there (wrong of me, I know) and say Trump was most definitely willing to put that out in the universe. Trump, if something happens: “I didn’t tell anyone to do it.”
Trump is never responsible for anything, I just cannot understand how people who support Trump cannot see what a weak, whiny baby he is.
But Booman…your “fair to a fault” is simply not working. That is what I am trying to point out here. I doesn’t work to …purposely or otherwise…either quote out of context and/or totally misunderstand what he thinks that he is saying. How do I know that? I know it on the evidence of a years and a quarter of watching the major media do exactly that instead of vigoorously attacking him of factual, provable grounds…his alliances with gangsters, his vaunted negotiating ability turning out to be about a 50/50 call ’em, his totally crooked University…I could go one, but why?
Nattering at his supposed gaffes…which he may or may not plan in advance…simply has not worked.
Here he is after 15 months of this shit, bigger than ever
Race tightens in projected U.S. Electoral College vote: Reuters/Ipsos
How you and the rest of the almost unison anti-Trump media cannot/do not see this is beyond me.
You gotta get factual, and quickly.
One month and three weeks to go; an already badly battered opponent even before the debates!!!
You are picking on his greatest strength, the hidden (Purposely or not, even he isn’t sure.) message. If it’s hidden as well as it apparently has been hidden from the hordes of voters supporting him, do you really think that they will suddenly rise up against yet another supersonic dog whistle?
Videos of him in bed with a goat.
Negotiating w/mafiosi.
Negotiating w/Putin.
Him chewing out some gardener or other lackey for not being a perfect purveyor of Trumpist glitz.
Any rotten “I’ve Got a Deal” meme will do.
Hell, lots of his supporters would be happy if someone took a potshot at HRC. Even happier if she went down.
But truly bad behavior on a very plain level that reg’lar folks can easily understand?
That’s what would work.
What you are doing just empowers him even more.
No, you are totally wrong.
His supporters constitute a revenge culture. Morality has nothing to do with it. Morality is irrelevant. This is “Hooray for me and fuck you, Jack.”
They want him immoral. They want him to screw everyone. That’s what they wish they could do too. It’s what they would do if they had the chance and the power.
This is the subtext to Trumpism. Bullying and thuggery. This is what it’s all about. They applaud every rotten thing he says and does.
They are barely aware that Trump is just a goyish Duddy Kravitz, a crass little hustler who will never be accepted in Manhattan. He knows this deep down, which is why there is no cure for him. It’s why he is so voracious.
And both he and his supporters would love to see Hillary get shot. That’s just what can happen when you fuck with the “big boys.”
So yeah, there is an actual danger someone might take him up on it. They probably think Trump will pay for their defense.
Keep running this “They are all wrong” game and prepare for the inevitable.
“They” does not exist.
Individuals? Yeah. Sure. The are certainly individuals who “…want [Trump] to screw everyone. That’s what they wish they could do, too. It’s what they would do if they had the chance and the power.”
But not enough to win an election.
And yet…he is on the cusp of doing so.
Because his opposition has been shown to be as jive as is he.
As full of lies.
As incompetent.
As dishonest.
Only…Trump is the new dishonesty.
U.S. politics in a nutshell.
Disregarding a couple of minor “accidents,” here’s how it goes:
JFK/LBJ->Nixon/Ford->Jimmy Carter (“Ooops!!!”)->Reagan/Bush I->Clinton I (“Ooops!!!” [Kind of…])->Bush II->Obama->…
To whom?
That is the question….
To whom?
We shall soon see.
Won’t we.
Who do the controllers most believe that they can control?
Whoever it is…that will be the winner.
Bet on it.
I am.
I bet my life.
An invitation to an assassination is not a gaffe. Coyly doing it so as not to get himself arrested is not a gaffe. He seeks the support of people with vengeance fantasies about Hillary Clinton and he is pushing their buttons.
I don’t know what you call that sort of behavior but it is not politics. Unless is is sexual politics of the sort that you find with guys who control, abuse, and kill spouses.
It’s classic Strongman fascism.
Mussolini or Hitler aren’t going to walk up to your door and bash your skull in. But the Blackshirts or Sturmabteilung sure as shit will. Just give them the idea that the behavior will be tolerated, never mind rewarded.
Voila. Instant paramilitary force. A favorite of Strongmen everywhere. Especially before they gain actual political power.
It’s no coincidence that Stormfront has been an avid supporter of Trump since the beginning. A rose by any other name, and all that.
As I’ve said here multiple times, calling Strongman Trump a carnival barker or simply a joke is idiotic. His most loyal supporters are white nationalists with guns itching for a race war. I have been personally threatened multiple times, which is one reason why Scott Adams, fascist-enabler, no longer allows comments on his blog.
“You” in the following, is not my lover or my father or my mentor.
It’s America.
Do you really think it’s all over, Booman?
Buck up, my man.
It ain’t.
I see the U.S. of which you speak, alive and resilient.
I saw it on my northwest coast/Alaska trip last month.
I see it in Newark and other recovering smaller cities.
I see it in the Bronx.
In Stroudsburg and Scranton and Bethlehem, PA.
I see it in Ithaca, NY.
In Annandale, NJ.
In Litchfield, CT.
In large parts of incredibly multi-ethnic Queens and other outer borough enclaves of hope for NYC that are “gentrifying” in an entirely new way. Veryt little glitz, lots of hope. Bushwick. Sunset Park. Far Rockaway.
I see it in the young musicians. Everywhere.
In the audiences…especially the latino audiences.
And that’s just the past month.
Do not surrender to despair, Booman.
It ain’t over ’til it’s over, and even if Trump wins, it still ain’t over. Not by a long shot.
Bet on it.
Ascertain where the left fucked up…it did, y’know…and carry on.
No, Trump couldn’t possibly be auditioning a candidate to play Jared Loughner in his upcoming little psychodrama. This is twice with the same infelicitous construction of language.
And Trump suffers under the same protections, even when he is not running for President. If it’s the 0.01% thing.
Hillary Clinton has Secret Service protection because Robert Kennedy didn’t in 1968.
It’s that simple. “Lock her up.” he likes to hear chanted. Gets cheers in advocating loss of security protection.
I’m tired of Trump being given a pass because some people have convinced themselves that he is anti-establishment. Being against the RNC isn’t necessarily anti-establishment.
Trump’s gun argument is not even comprehensible. It’s just “Hillary’s taking away your guns.” Why doesn’t she do away with her hired guns? That is a sly invitation to an assassination not to an Occupy Wall Street rally. And it’s a way to make the birther debacle go away.
Trump’s campaign is not coherent; it’s making one outrageous statement after another and accepting the cheers of the folks who like that sort of trolling for the lulz.
You really need to start checking your facts when you make declarative sentences like this:
Politifact might rate that as partially true, but it’s actually false. Former President’s Act 1958. However, SS protection was added a bit later:
That was modified in 1994 from “lifetime” to the first ten years after leaving office for those inaugurated after 1/1/97, but that modification has since been repealed.
So, Clinton has SS protection because she’s had it since sometime in ’92 and will have it for the rest of her life unless she chooses to relinquish it.
wrt presidential candidates:
The criteria for assigning a candidate SS protection is complex and it’s up to the candidate to request the protection. Although some requests may follow a recommendation of by the SS, WH, etc. Doubtful that any candidate requests (once they meet the campaign/polling criteria) are declined. That’s why a no hope candidate like Carson got SS protection.
SS protection is automatic for nominees 120 days before the general election if not in place sooner than that, but again, they still have to meet the established criteria.
How Antigay Fundamentalists Indoctrinated Russia’s School Children
The World Congress of Families US-Russia Family Tree
Also in Trump’s corner is Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries.
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement is the relgious counterpart of the Alt-Right movement.
So Trump’s ground plan for GOTV is going to tap the right-wing religious just like GOP has done for three decades. It’s just that Trump’s religious right is doubling down further on the dominionist rathole.
These are Trump’s oligarch contacts (Putin is incidental):
lizbirge, dKos: Alleged Russian mobster wanted by Interpol got VIP treatment at Trump’s Miss Universe contest
So we have the criminal world and all of its “glitzy” side counterbalanced with hardcore dominionist entrepreneurial evangelical Christianity (which does not necessarily make the Russian Orthodox Church happy).
The Guardian — UN security council to hold emergency meeting on US air strikes in Syria
Sorry to interrupt the chatter about Trump using more words to incite violence with actual killing by our own damn government. Killing that might have gotten some attention here if a Republican were still in the WH. OTOH, liberals seemed to have lost any revulsion for USG killing in the ME.
We already know that the CIA is backing Nusra forces and DoD has special forces embedded with YPG (Syrian) Kurds and with the Kurdish Regional Government in Iraq.
I smell division in operations between two agencies of the US government or someone double-dealing at the theater level.
The US is trying its best to keep arm’s length away from Russia and the Assad government but ignorance can also cause mistakes.
It would not surprise me to learn that there is sabotage going on of operations because the timing of evicting Daesh is coming too close to the US election. We have seen interference in US operations during elections before. And as Obama becomes more of a lame duck, the temptation to blow him off by racist US officers increases. I wish I had more confidence at the moment in the loyalty of the US military, but the religious and political rot has gone on for a decade or so now.
Also, news items are often not what they seem at first glance. All sides make it difficult for independent reporting from the war zone.
Yes, the US government spin is that it might’ve been targeting error while trying to attack the Islamic State. Russian spin is that the attack was the US defending the Islamic state.
I think the simplest answer is that chaotic environments make mistakes all the more likely and impossible to avoid. The aftermath is basically finger-pointing.
Marduk…still a coward.