Dispatches from Trump’s bunker are becoming Felliniesque. It reminds me of the unbridled joy I took in reading those late stories about Mitt Romney’s absolute denial that he was about to be beaten like a half-starved rented mule.
The difference this time around is that Trump really does seem to understand that he’s about to go down like an overmatched tomato can. He’s never getting that revenge he wanted against President Obama. He’s met a woman he couldn’t push around.
And now his high roller brand is shot. Everyone knows he’s not really a billionaire. His credit is probably shot, too, since anyone who needs to know now realizes that he’s a horrible risk who doesn’t honor debts or contracts.
He’s going to get nailed to the wall on Trump University, probably in state after state after state.
He’ll never get another show like The Apprentice. He’ll never be able to say he’s a winner again.
His daughter is pissed because no one will buy her clothes and her inheritance is as good as in bankruptcy court.
The in-laws aren’t too impressed with Trump’s decision to make his final argument an anti-Semitic jihad against a global Jewish conspiracy to suck the lifeblood out of the white working class.
His wife now knows a lot more than she needed to about Trump’s behavior and affairs when he leaves her watchful eye.
The IRS is going to finish that audit soon, or begin one if that was just a lie. His foundation has a few…uh…problems.
And there’s all that Russian stuff to explore. That ought to keep his buddies at the FBI busy for a while.
As for the media and the GOP?
The stories they tell about Trump will be as far from flattering as possible.
And Trump won’t be able to crash charity balls anymore because people know he doesn’t actually donate any money.
His buddy Christie won’t be leading the Justice Department to save either of their asses. Mike Pence won’t remember Trump’s first name. Gingrich and Giuliani will graduate to their next big scam.
But Trump will still have Breitbart.
Breitbart and Twitter and a Facebook Trump TV channel with no financing and no investors.
It’s going to be YUUUGE.
I have a somewhat different view but it’ll depend on the outcome.
No fair punting. You’re supposed to make predictions before the outcome, not after.
Fine, I think Trump will be remembered as an incompetent man who fought Hillary Clinton for the leadership of the world and still damn near won. I think Trump while not taking full revenge on Obama, has put the final nail in Obama’s post-partisan 2008 ideology. I think it has awakened open White Nationalism as a potent force in American politics for years to come.
Clinton 51
Trump 47
Tied Senate. Tim Kaine breaks ties.
Wow … when you put it that way …
I still want him to develop, overnight, an extremely accelerated untreatable case of leprosy and want his nose (as well as other body parts) to fall off in the middle of a speech.
I still want him to develop, overnight, an extremely accelerated untreatable case of leprosy and want his nose (as well as other body parts) to fall off in the middle of a speech.
Oh, please do mot wish The Donald away. He will have his Trump TV, his access to Twitter, a PAC, and what ever is left GOP will have to defend all the stupid crap that he will spew. Let the man ruin what will be left of the GOP.
Global Jewish conspiracy?
“There is a lot of sentiment that enough is enough, that we need fundamental changes, that the establishment — whether it is the economic establishment, the political establishment or the media establishment — is failing the American people.”
I’m not so sure he will fade away that easily. Hillary with a GOP congress will be able to do nothing and get blamed for everything. GOP congressmen will be terrified to make any deals for fear of violence and worse from Trump supporters. Without control of Senate, Hillary will be able to appoint no one, and without control of the House there will be no budget and no government. An effective coup d’etat. And it will be all Hillary’s fault confirming his accusations of her uselessness. In the meantime the USA’s standing and influence in the world will continue to plummet – a fall only partly arrested for a time by Obama. Trump’s malign influence could still destroy the USA.
An effective coup d’etat. This, to my mind, is the most logical outcome of this election if the Democrats don’t take the Senate. Even if they take the Senate, Hillary’s going to have to get crackin’ because the Democrats could very well lose it again in the by elections. Lots of Democratic senators up for re-election in 2018, and the Democrats do notoriously poorly in the off years without a presidential election. They need to be gearing up right now for 2018. Insufficient effort in 2010 and 2014 made Obama’s road pretty rocky and stymied him at every turn for 6 of his 8 years.
The one thing I would fault Obama on above all else is his failure to do more to convert his personal popularity into congressional majorities in the mid-terms, although it is doubtful whether he would have succeeded even if he had tried harder.
The idea has settled in that Democrats don’t turn out for mid-terms. There’s some truth in this notion but even more operative is the fact that the party in the White House nearly always loses seats in the mid-term. This was no less true when the boy blunder ruled the land.
Certainly Booman is correct that TrumpCo has taken some massive torpedoes amidships and the main hatchways may well give in. Yet I agree with your assessment as well. Politically, the “new” Trump Movement will not die with its namesake’s defeat, and the Trumpites will have a very strong influence in keeping elected Repubs effectively deranged.
Unlike RMoney, who had no real constituency or connection to the angry hoi polloi base of the Repub party, Trump was clearly THEIR choice and I think they feel a “personal” connection and involvement with him. So he isn’t going to be forgotten by the next weekend like the hapless stooge Mitt. He is going to have the staying power of Pinhead Palin at the very least.
If HRC does not obtain a senate majority, we have to see Election 2016 effectively as a victory for the Repubs for the reasons you detail. McConnell sees that there is nothing but upside to Total War against a Dem prez; he certainly has not been taught a lesson from the unprecedented blockade of Obama’s final Supreme Court nominee, and no one thought to remind the failed electorate of this, or of the senate Repubs’ prior blockade of Obama’s lesser appointees. Our constitution is too opaque and inscrutable for the average voter, who cannot name their senator or representative. So chaos and crisis loom even with an HRC “victory”.
Dems battled Trump but did not effectively battle the failed Radical Repub Congress or party. They will not be decisively repudiated. So the Great Satan persists…
If even half of those things happen, I’d be happy.
The Republican Party started this mudslide and Trump is the biggest clump in the mess. He can be the face of their own self-realized demise, but he was an acceleration from their embrace of the Tea Party and Citizens United. Trump is their voice and their face and now they regret it, at least the old school Republicans do.
The actual Trump fans will be outraged because they stupidly believe he can actually run the country. We all know he cannot. What I hope is that along with the damage Trump takes, his followers will also have to bear. Let the honest and decent people put the Trump clan back underground if we can’t change them. I just hope they don’t also believe they can stage a violent takeover if he loses.
“Let the honest and decent people…” – I just hope there are enough of them left.
A contrary opinion: “the rehabilitation will proceed surprisingly smoothly”.
No rehab necessary.
He’ll be thrown out faster last night’s empty tequila bottles.
Remember, conservatism can’t fail it can only be failed. Trump failed conservatism by being too much of the people. Conservatism really needs a slick, smarmy, fakely humble paragon who has realized that granny needs to be on a diet.
Now, where oh where do we find such a paragon?
Whether or not Trump himself will be rehabilitated, his supporters have been weaponized, and will poison the well of constructive government for many years to come.
But have they? There aren’t a lot of “moderate” republicans left. These are the same voters who voted away their “moderate” republicans. These aren’t new voters who believe new things at all. Most of the base long believed what he was saying.
Poison? yes. Years? ummmm…not so much.
About 34% of Trumpers are over 65. While I’m not a Trumper, I’m also over 65.
We ain’t got the fuckin’ stamina to maintain the levels of indignation required to continue to obstruct for “years”. To say nothing of the fact that we die faster and faster every year.
No, while there are rough, interesting times in the near future, sooner or later the rank ordered mess of boomer racism will die out. My bet is on sooner.
will die out with us boomers.
Even if Trump himself loses interest after a loss (supposing he does in fact, dear-God-please, lose), Breibart himself will not. Me thinkst the green-eyed granny starver will not come through this unscathed.
I don’t think Mr. Breitbart is interested in this race – he’s under audit in the afterlife. 🙂
prediction that he will not “lose” interest? I.e., it’s interest he’s incapable of having in the first place? Can’t lose what you can’t have? That’s how I read the intended meaning, anyway.
And who knows, I COULD be right. It could happen!