I have something to say about this, but it’s probably not what you expect:
President Trump used his first official meeting with congressional leaders on Monday to falsely claim that millions of unauthorized immigrants had robbed him of a popular vote majority, a return to his obsession with the election’s results even as he seeks support for his legislative agenda.
The claim, which he has made before on Twitter, has been judged untrue by numerous fact-checkers. The new president’s willingness to bring it up at a White House reception in the State Dining Room is an indication that he continues to dwell on the implications of his popular vote loss even after assuming power.
Mr. Trump appears to remain concerned that the public will view his victory — and his entire presidency — as illegitimate if he does not repeatedly challenge the idea that Americans were deeply divided about sending him to the White House to succeed President Barack Obama.
Mr. Trump received 304 electoral votes to capture the White House, but he fell almost three million votes short of Hillary Clinton in the popular vote. That reality appears to have bothered him since Election Day, prompting him to repeatedly complain that adversaries were trying to undermine him.
Moving into the White House appears not to have tempered that anxiety.
On one level, I can fully understand why Donald Trump and his political team do not want his presidency to be hampered from the outset with the stench of illegitimacy. For a variety of reasons, it’s very difficult to govern if your right to lead is not respected. As a result, it makes a lot of sense to push back at narratives that undermine his legitimacy. For example, when he says that he would have or at least could have done better in the popular vote if he had designed his campaign to win it rather than to win the Electoral College, he is correct. He won the only contest that matters, and he deserves recognition for prevailing according to the rules of that contest.
It’s obviously not correct to argue that he actually won the popular vote or was somehow cheated out of winning it. That only bolsters his legitimacy with people who are already giving his presidency legitimacy, and with gullible fools. Perhaps it is important to sustain their support, and maybe that’s his real motive here. But you can’t sell that lie to a room of people who are only there because they’re pros at winning elections. They are too sophisticated to buy your nonsense, and they are either insulted or begin to question your sanity.
Having badly lost the popular vote is a stain on his victory, as is the low turnout at his inauguration and the massive global protests that broke out the next day. His terrible approval numbers are also a concern. But his real legitimacy problems are coming from his connections to Russia and the way that the FBI intervened in the election.
If he were truly and sanely interested in preserving his legitimacy he would not do seemingly everything possible to bolster the impression that the Russians have something on him and that he is doing their bidding. He would not have made a man suspected of being a conduit to the Russians his National Security Advisor. He would not have named a man to serve as Secretary of State who had once been awarded a Friend of Russia award. He would not act as Vladimir Putin’s defense attorney at every opportunity, especially when he is critical of nearly every other prominent politician on Earth. He wouldn’t nakedly signal his intention to lift Russian sanctions without getting anything related to the sanctions in return. He would not adopt a posture consistent with Putin’s desire to undermine the European Union, nor go out of his way to criticize NATO and our Far Eastern allies. He wouldn’t call Angela Merkel’s policies “catastrophic.”
He can’t go back and undo his hiring of Paul Manafort or his connections to Carter Page, but he can stop acting as if the United States is now located behind the Iron Curtain. Yet, he refuses to stop.
It’s true that this posture only undermines his legitimacy with a relatively small subset of Americans, but those Americans include the members of Congress, the entire Intelligence Community, our military leadership, our State Department, and the media. In other words, he’s not seen as legitimate by the Establishment. That dissent is part of his appeal and explains his political success, but he’s not just a candidate anymore. If he cares about his legitimacy, he ought to see that it’s most badly undermined at the moment by his policies towards Russia and the lingering concerns about their role in getting him elected.
Instead, he wants to fight the media about crowd sizes and he goes to the CIA and disrespects their dead. He treats the truth in a way that is guaranteed to undermine his standing with authors and reporters and professors who will write about his presidency and create his legacy for posterity.
Fighting about the audience for his inauguration in light of all these other bigger blows to his legitimacy is a fool’s errand.
His primary motivation continues to be the feeding of his ego and his megalomaniacal personality. Unless he comes to some level of reckoning with that, there will be no letup in these kinds of irrational missteps and bizarre behaviors. It is still not evident that anyone in his inner circle is attempting to reel in his natural instincts to make everything about himself and his personal pride. And the Republicans in Congress seem content to allow him to continue his distracting clown show while they rapidly and almost silently destroy every Democratic legislative accomplishment over the last 80 years. They will keep shoveling in front him bills and executive orders to sign, because the last thing they want him to do is realize that the only use they have for him is to scribble his signature on piece of paper once in while. Once he decides he might really want to start playing President, it has the potential to muck up their entire game plan.
While everyone continues to focus on his whining about inauguration numbers and his twitter outbursts about marchers in the street, the threshing blades of the Republican Congress are running 24/7, shredding and pulvering the hopes, fortunes and well being of tens of millions of Americans.
USA!!! USA!!!
I regret that I can only give you one 4 for this spot-on comment. It deserves many more.
While everyone continues to focus on his whining about inauguration numbers and his twitter outbursts about marchers in the street, the threshing blades of the Republican Congress are running 24/7, shredding and pulverizing the hopes, fortunes and well being of tens of millions of Americans.
And Democrats are voting for his cabinet picks, why? I heard that Sherrod Brown will vote for Ben Carson to be head of HUD. Why?!?!? Make the GOP own that. They don’t need Democratic votes to be confirmed.
I am not really sure why Sherrod would vote to confirm him. I know he gave his rationale on it. But to me, his explanation sounds like pretty weak tea. It is certainly something I plan on questioning him about the next time I have the opportunity to see him. I have tremendous respect for Sherrod. I am going to reserve most of my judgment until I hear the rest of the story directly from him, and how he reconciled his decision.
I cannot deny that I am a little disappointed in his decision. There was really no downside, in my view, to holding fast to voting NO. He says he plans on holding Carson’s feet to the fire on his promises on addressing lead hazards, fair housing and homelessness. But I think we all know how that will go when the rubber meets the road.
Geez I don’t know what his defense for this could be. Maybe he is trying to show he plays ball given his reelection in 2018.
The Dems are doing what the Dems do best … puff up their chests, sound big, then cave and sell out the people in hopes of currying favor with the Emperor. Anyone looking to the Fed Dems to save the countries ass should buy ocean side property in Kansas. Dems can only be useful in state governments, in deep blue states. Other than that it’s just a paycheck.
Fine. Go buy gold and canned goods.
Nope. I have other, productive plans.
Don’t buy gold … buy lead … little lead pellets with chemical additions. And learn how to use them, damn it!
Dems can only be useful in state governments, in deep blue states.
Tell that to NY or Rhode Island.
Why? Don’t they already know that?
NY? Andrew Cuomo. Does any more need to be said? The GOP has no power in Rhode Island so most everyone runs as a Democrat. Which leads to a very conservative Democratic Party.
Every Democrat should vote against every appointment. If this is true, I am deeply disappointed in Sherrod Brown, one of our more dependably liberal Senators.
One side has an automatic rifle with a huge magazine of ammunition while the other shows up with a Swiss Army knife.
I’ve been saying this, just not as eloquently, from the gitgo.
This is a Pence Administration combined with a Trump Twitter account. Worst of both worlds.
As long as Trump is able to grift, he won’t care about anything else, leaving Pence et al., to enact their Second Gilded Age Agenda with impunity.
I actually thought that the most insane thing that he said at CIA was the we should have “Kept the Oil” in Iraq. As time goes on, I hope more attention will bear on that comment.
The fact that he will say something like that in front of the CIA indicates that he really is unhinged and delusional, and that he really does believe these words that come from his mouth. I don’t see how he make it though a 4-year term.
Yesterday’s Rachel Maddow Show. Using the U.S. military to steal other countries’ resources is now official govt. policy. A corporate dream. Look out world!
Regarding Trump’s ties to Russia, I’m curious whether you’ve seen this Louise Mensch piece on the subject. There are a lot of hard facts there sandwiched with some speculation which I found startlingly specific. I’d love to read how it fits your view of L’affaire Putin.
Paranoia fiction. (Had to stop reading partway through.) McCarthy Era 2.0 crap. Slight difference — don’t recall that they went after any Republicans, but as DC pols tired of it, the Birchers ran with it and included Republicans in their cast of commie traitors.
Every link in the piece she uses for corroboration checks out. (I spent two hours the other night clicking through them.) The arrests of the two hackers actually happened. I think there’s some truth in the piece, but I’m not sure how much.
Do you think that Rush and Beck’s ravings over the past decade were totally fact-free? That’s how they hook the non-critical listeners/readers with the little grain of truth. Beck in particular (Breitbart as well before his demise) then builds a paranoid fantasy superstructure based on that kernel. Doesn’t even matter if that kernel directly ties into or is relevant to the fantasy.
That woman starts with the fantasy that Putin infiltrated the US IC with operatives (moles), and thus, anyone that doesn’t toe the official US IC line can only be a Putin mole. (It’s comparatively quite crude. More Bircher, flying saucer, or Beck than what gets through the MSM.)
(You don’t seem to be all the familiar with how propaganda — government, political party, or other organized entity — is promulgated.)
Marie3’s a Putin Truther. There is no evidence compelling enough that it won’t be summarily dismissed.
And you are a centrist truther.
Like dat.
The difference between you and Marie is as follows.
She backs up her conclusions with extensive research. That is known in some circles as evidence, none of which appears to be compelling enough for you to even try toclamber out of your self-dug centrist hole.
You back up yours with downratings.
Let the pond decide who to seriously consider and who to ignore.
Yeah, I’m gonna stick with Putin Truther.
As for downrating, as I’ve explained before all it takes to avoid a troll rating is to stop trolling. Most of the posters who used to troll regularly took the hint and stopped, or at least cut way back on the toxic behavior. You’re the only one who seems incapable.
Ha! Now the troll scold. I must be completely out of it because I thought since your first appearance in these threads that you’re simply disruptive for the sake it: a troll.
To misquote someone who was at one time quite prominent in U.S. politics:
Great Arthur. That gave me a good laugh. But you still have to admire Marduk’s tenacity and dedication to his chosen profession. Maybe Nalbar will chime in now. I’d love to hear from him.
I don’t thnk we’ll hear from nalbar this time, although we might. Y’see…nalbar is this entity marduk’s left hand man, and I don’t think it types as well with its left hand, thus the shorter (and rarer) nalbar posts.
Nyuk nyuk nyuk…
P.S. It sure can find the “1” on the keyboard, though.
P.S.S. Y’see, marduk figured out early on that if it downrated someone and no other entity rated that post at all, it didn’t count. Enter nalbar…or maybe it was the other way around because l wasn’t really paying attention to it/them when they were baby spook entities. Enter the marduk/nalbar “other.” When they both downrate, then the downrates count. It’s quite amazing how they almost never seem to give the same rating, though. One rates “1?” The other rates “2.”
I think that’s some sort of move to confuse us all.
Kindergarten-level spook entities.
P.S.S.-I also think that the similarity between the two names shows either a disregard for being caught out and/or a very weak
ignition…errr, ahhh…imagination.I mean…wouldn’t a name like…oh, say like “Sally Jolie” or “Big Hoss Dem”…be a little more effective as a shield?
So it goes…
P.S.S.S. I’m not saying that they are necessarily the same two people. Nor am I saying that they they are not. Maybe they live together. Maybe they’re just friends. Or natural allies. Or work for the same people. Who knows? What is quite plain is that they are dedicated to promoting the centrist Dem cause in the face of a great deal of clear evidence that said centrist Dem organization is now totally incompetent.
P.S.S.S.S. Hell…come to think of it…maybe they’re even working for the opposition!!! Who else would be so dedicated to propping up the lame DemRat mule as it currently stands?
Yes, the two are paired, very peculiar. I wonder why they bother. The one called centerfieldd (?) seems their up-market counterpart. My first assessment was that the trio migrated here from Daily`Kos. Just more ‘deplorables’. I think she meant to say ‘untouchables’ but didn’t have the guts.
I should have known better. Congrats on another threadjack.
The thread is called “Trump Doesn’t Get the Source of His Illegitimacy.”
Marie had written…about the subject of Putin’s illegitimacy and the article regarding it linked by lacerda:
You then…with no supporting evidence whatsoever…wrote:
Missing a quote end. Sorry. It’s been a long day.
Still having trouble with 2 + 2?
It’s still not 5.
Very good — now we know that you’ve developed to “concrete operational” cognitive stage.
I have been away from this place dealing with some very challenging personal circumstances, and I don’t expect to be commenting here much at all. I’m really disappointed to see you flinging silly insults here. I’m no more thrilled to see other people doing the same.
I disagree with the stance you take on Russian hacking, but whatever.
I apologized to you on these pages for making harsh comments about you and your posts during the campaign. You wrote, “apology accepted”. I did not expect you to reciprocate with an apology, and indeed, as far as I know, you did not. That’s actually not a big deal for me: I had to deal with my own karma, not yours. But I guess I was hoping that you would be adopting a kinder tone.
Hahaha! Louise Mensch? Really?!?
I still don’t know who she is, but definitely hahaha on that linked piece.
That bad, eh?
This Louise Mensch?
Republicans for Hillary?
Were there really any?
Good to know she’s almost completely given up using alcohol to compensate for her hyperactivity disorder.
Yes. She’s a Murdoch bootlicker who quit British parliament almost as fast as Sarah Palin quit being Governor of Alaska. She’s made a complete ass of herself too many times to mention, which anyone on Twitter is undoubtedly aware of.
I have read it, but have not had the time to read the various links.
All I can say is…WOW!!!
True, false, info, disinfo or anyplace in between that is an impressive piece of hustle. My own take? It is the beginning of Trump’s Watergate, professionally propagated by U.S. intelligence. My other possible take? It is the work of a brilliant, obsessive…and quite mad…paranoid fantasist.
Let’s see how it works out.
Betcha it goes viral soon, any which way that it was originally produced.
Or…it will sink like a stone, true or false.
Just the blog name explains her biased, narrow-minded view on how the IC operates globally … Hillary bot … Putin bot … Trump bot … none are self-thinking humans! Louise Mensch is self-serving leading to a conclusion by withholding contrary information. From her link to Snowden’s query about a training session, linking through to Washington Post article of May 2014 …
Statement by Mensch:
“Russian moles placed inside the NSA recruited Edward Snowden. A letter between the FSB in Cuba and SENAIN in Quito held in a file marked `Assange’ in London, dated 4th April 2013, the day before Snowden sent his only email on legalities, April 5th 2013, and before Snowden took his uppermost level documents during the rest of the month of April, proves conclusively that Mr. Snowden is a Russian agent who acted on instructions from Moscow. After Snowden fled to Hong Kong, he escaped from there by an Ecuadorean travel document arranged by Julian Assange, and tried to get to Cuba.
Snowden is a low-level IT idiot. He had help taking what he took from the NSA. I recommend the NSA review their case files and pick up the Russian moles within their agency. Snowden used stolen credentials, but it is almost certain that he received a piece of removable media like a memory card from his Russian handlers. He took military secrets. And by ‘he’ I mean the FSB.”
The U.S. Government forced Snowden’s hand and his lawyer to flee Hong Kong and contrary to any pre-planning, stranded in Moscow as the U.S. in fact blocked commercial flight routes out of Moscow for Snowdon to seek asylum in Central- or South America.
Louise Mensch makes a fuss about @GenFlynn’s twitter account being deleted … due to CIA investigation of his links to Putin’s Russia … Xtreme case of paranoia … or just plain ignorance of a well educated person. Wisdom doesn’t come with the level of education …
His legitimacy is not our legitimacy.
What did I just do there? Generalize:
His ___ is not our ___ .
Fill in the blanks with ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.
The maintenance of an alternate reality, for its own sake, is paramount. The notion of objective reality cannot be permitted to intrude. Everything must, and will, be sacrificed to this principle.
I would add only one thing.
Quote: “He won the only contest that matters, and he deserves recognition for prevailing according to the rules of that contest.”
Seems to me he got that recognition. He took office. Nobody seriously challenged his right to do that that I heard.
The game plan appears to be to continue hyping alleged slights and misreporting while Congressional Republicans do the real work of thrashing any Democratic legislative achievements. Expect much more gerrymandering and voter suppression and the de-legitimisation of remaining Dem Governors and legislatures. Expect plenty of more mischief abroad such as attempts to promote Brexit and undermine the EU. And then some will wonder why the USA has lost its “leadership of the free world”. The EU Parliament has just agreed a trade deal with Canada and I expect a deal with Asian regimes and Putin in the next few years. The USA will simply be irrelevant as the world manoeuvres around him. The USA will become an outcast similar to Apartheid South Africa until this fever passes.
Instead, he wants to fight the media about crowd sizes and he goes to the CIA and disrespects their dead.
Can people on the ostensible left please stop fluffing the damn CIA?!?
No they can’t because that’s the source of the claim that’s going to take down Trump and put Hillary in the WH (slightly hyperbolic but not by much). The alternative is for the Democratic Party, officeholders, and leaders to come to grips with why they have been losing since 2008, and they can’t do that because it’s contrary to their whole neoliberalcon political philosophy: crony capitalism and war are the panaceas for everything that ails humans..
Haven’t you been reading me long enough to know of complicated views on the CIA?
I have been a very harsh critic of their performance, certainly in the pre-1990’s. I have allowed that they are capable of terrible things and cannot be trusted. But I have also defended their officers, their mission, and their importance, particularly in collection and analysis.
I don’t disrespect their officers. I never have. And I certainly will criticize anyone who disrespects their dead.
Because institutionally the CIA reformed after 1990? Or because pre-1990 activities have been more thoroughly documented for the public to see and therefore, it’s safer to be a “very harsh critic.”
Uh, torture and extraordinary rendition were CIA activities and post-1990 and have also been documented, but in times of hot wars, the military takes the brunt of the glory and shame and the covert operatives can more easily hide in the shadows away from the eyes of the public.
I blame the Bush administration for the entirety of the torture program, although anyone who worked on it should have been purged.
As for the CIA, there actually was a big cultural change that occurred under Tenet, partly because the Cold War was over, partly because all the old hands retied or died out.
That shouldn’t be misconstrued as an endorsement of this or that policy or program. But the agency isn’t the same as the one that Casey led, or certainly the one that Poppy and his predecessors led.
how is that fluffing the CIA? Regardless of what you think about them, the people on that wall died for their country and should be honored just as much as the soldiers buried in Arlington.
There shouldn’t be any countries.
Les ouvriers n’ont pas de patrie, and all that.
Leon Wolf from Redstate in August of 2015, when Trump had a univision reporter thrown out:
In a way this is the best single paragraph written about Trump:
To Frank’s point, the problem is twofold:
No one has solved the problem of the “billion targets” successfully.
now that he’s President and not a candidate, we focus on what he actually does instead of what he Tweets or says that’s how we narrow the focus
My twitter feed is basically all about the crowds still.
We haven’t shifted focus yet.
He hasn’t actually done very much yet.
Yep. Seriously, what we’re seeing so far is what happens when we lose to Republicans. There’s a scurry of instant activity to undo executive orders, which I hope demonstrates the limits of change through that method.
Yes, the gag order is back on, as it would have been if Cruz or Bush or any republican would have won. Now we get the Keystone Pipeline. Not certain how to stop that now because it relied on having a President to stop it. And we’ll get a Republican nominee for the Supreme Court. I mean if we thought it would turn out differently, our voters should have turned out more. But they didn’t.
The people we need to reach first are the people like my Doctor who wrote in “Bloomberg” because he thought that the Democrats were too far to the left and is still convinced that Trump is really a Democrat under all that bluster. Democrats who thought that they were getting a moderate Democrat. I don’t know how many of those there are, but since I’ve met three or four since the election, I think there might be quite a few of them.
I don’t know what the solution should be. The problem is that the sky is going to be falling bit by bit, two years from now. Then there will be a storm. The ridiculous behavior takes place right now. We know full well that voters don’t respond well to “the sky is falling two years from now. So get behind us” when it comes from the left. Our own side doesn’t respond to that. I think we do need to stay on the ridiculous petty little man with horrible ideas that will harm us (eventually) framing, though.
Trump’s illegitimacy limits his ability to unilaterally define reality as he wants it to be.
Defining reality is a means of exerting power: Who are going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?
This is not difficult, fulks. It is authoritarian transition 101. That is why the resistance must be total, must be reality-based, and must be accepted by the Congressional Democrats instead of normalization and bipartisanship.
Otherwise, Democrats are admitting that all they said about Trump during the campaign were just politics-as-usual–which further delegitimizes them.
Doesn’t anyone here know how to play this game? You throw the ball; you hit the ball; you catch the ball. — Manager, Bull Durham
The Dem version of that Bull Durham speech is and has been since at least the
Humbert Humbert…errr, ahh, I meant Hubert Humphrey…years as follows:2018, indeed. Trump working that labor wedge some more…Trump signs five more orders on pipelines, steel and environment (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/01/24/trump-signs-five-more-orders-pipelines-steel-
A discussion of the temptation:
“One of the impacts of de-industrialization and capital mobility was the decimation of the industrial unions. It was always those unions who pushed for the widespread social democratic policies that typified the New Deal and Great Society. The building trades never played an important role in the New Deal coalition and they have never articulated big social policy. But with the UAW and USWA shells of what they once were, …the building trades have become more powerful within the labor movement than any time since the creation of the CIO.”
In the past I have argued that its best to “keep your powder dry” and live to fight another day in Congress over the big items, allowing some of the nominations to go through.
But over the last few days, you have to wonder if that is the right way.
With the ludicrous assertion about voter fraud, arguing about crowd size and freezing/cutting the EPA; maybe its time to go whole hog. The next time he does something like that, have Democratic members walk out of the meeting and assert the 25th Amendment due to mental disability in front of the White House to reporters. Then refuse to have anything to do with an obviously ill President or his administration. Essentially go on strike with the Executive Branch. They are being shut out in Congress anyway, so why not fight by saying
But there are hints that this was the GOP plan all along once Trump got the nomination. Let him hang himself and put Pence in place. He is much more acceptable.
The Donald is signing exec orders and he has no idea what the effect will be. Notice how one by one they are cutting off all grants. These are private sector jobs that are being eliminated. The clean needle program in rural somewhere USA. Buying water for Flint. New math text books for a native America school. An after school program in Cleveland. WIFI installation in a rural Library. The rising unemployment numbers should show up Feb….unless BLS starts to issue alternate facts.
Saw that job offers for federal call centers are being rescinded so it’s not just future hirings but any previous offers made, too.
DT agreed to sign all the desired executive orders at the top of the GOP pile (he doesn’t care to know what’s in them) if they stand down as he rips up the TPP? Plus DT gets all of pics of him wielding that might presidential pens (he’s really into symbols of power — like the big sword he used to cut the styrofoam cake at one of the inaugural balls).
It is the right way when your political opponent shares your sense of reality.
It is not the right way when your opponent defines a false (like opposition to the law of gravity is false and will finally come back to hurt you) reality and keeping your powder dry just lets them race down the road in that reality until reality bites back.
Example 2006-2008: While Democrats kept their powder dry the GOP and the financial industry raced down the road that the GOP with Clinton keeping his powder dry for Gore created with the Graham-Leach-Bliley act (Federal Home Loan Modernization System Act of 1999).
Fortunately reality caught the Republicans up short and they bailed out the bankers.
And then President Obama, who owed his election to reality coming back to bite, and the Democrats kept keeping their powder dry instead of instituting a new reality closer to avoiding the one that came back to bite.
Context is everything in strategy.
The context that I am reading is that we have a narcissist compulsive liar as President seeking to have dictatorial control of a democratic republic.
One of these contradictory things will give way, and for the moment it looks like it will be that democratic republic part that will wind up in the trashpile of history along with the Democratic Party that still has its dry powder that they never used for an accurate shot.
“the ludicrous assertion about voter fraud” — it’s even more ludicrous if one knows where the Gaslighter-in-Chief got it from. He didn’t come up with it all by himself. I followed up a hunch and found out that it was published on Infowars just a week after the election. Trump has yet to learn that the voices in Alex Jones’ head are not reliable sources.
That ties in to Boo Man’s thesis about why Trump has no legitimacy with the Establishment. He’s listening to loons like Jones while discounting the mainstream press, the intelligence community, and all kinds of experts.
You are once again making the same mistake that the whole rightiness/centrist/leftiness brigade made regarding Trump from the very beginning of his candidacy.
You refer to something that he is quite plainly doing as a “fool’s errand.”
You question the sanity of his actions.
Here we are, right are back to the same “He’s a dummy,” “He’s insane,” “He’s a clown” memes. Have we learned nothing from his massive success in coming from so far back in the pack that he was initially considered a cheap joke and less than two years later being elected president of the United States? He’s no joke, Booman. Not a bit of it.
This post you have just made is in its whole tenor one of incredulity.
“How could he possibly be arguing that ” …he actually won the popular vote or was somehow cheated out of winning it. That only bolsters his legitimacy with people who are already giving his presidency legitimacy, and with gullible fools.” (One of the other clown memes.) The political pros “are too sophisticated to buy [his] nonsense, and they are either insulted or begin to question [his] sanity.
Then you say that “…his real legitimacy problems are coming from his connections to Russia and the way that the FBI intervened in the election.”
I dunno about the FBI…my own single highly professional U.S. law enforcement contact considers the FBI to be a pack of fools…but what Trump appears to be trying to do is to completely realign the balance of power in the world by allying the U.S. with Russia.
Now…here’s the question:
Is this really insane? Or is it a result of the simple recognition that said balance of power is and has been working so badly that the populations living under it in the NATO nations (especially the U.S.) are literally getting ready to blow their stack?
Crazy like a fox.
It is well past my own education, experience and pay grade to say whether this move…which he is quite obviously trying to make…will work or not. That’s up to the …sometimes gullible and sometimes not so gullible…pros to make. I wouldn’t even try to make a guess, because there are too many possible variables. But seeing what he is plainly trying to do is not “guesswork,” it is as plain as the weave on his head. However, ascribing these moves to…oh, I don’t know, fill in the blanks.
Being in the pay of (or under serious threat from) Russian interests?
Choose any, all or some combination of the above. Whatever you choose, it is not going to do anything effective in the way of stopping him from doing these things. It’s a loser’s self-pitying rhapsody of excuses.
If you really believe that an effective alliance with Russia would be a terrible thing…and again, I would not bet on that one way or another because I simply do not know how to gauge the many possible variables therein…then you need to fight Trump on effective grounds. Solid proof is needed of his criminality and/or other moral failures on a highly shocking level…collaboration with Russia for personal gain, past collaborations with criminal elements in the U.S. for personal profit, behavioral lapses that reside on the level of pederasty, goat-fucking, S&M or other truly degenerate personal practices…like dat. Hard proof, not some apparently false news story about whores and bed-wetting.
Calling him stupid ain’t gonna work, Booman.
He’s not.
Russia? Maybe Donald Trump suspects that Russia is the most powerful country in Europe and it isn’t going away. Its landmass and natural resources alone make it so. Not even Vladimir Putin can make that not so.
My not so serious read of this:
Trump keys in on who he perceives as his most powerful rivals and strategizes to beat them. At the moment, that is Putin and Xi. They all will be playing two-against-one round robin.
People are gearing up and ready to fight back; so get that alternate twitter ID up and private, keep it just for those you know. We’re going to need to be as secretive to support our friends and neighbors as Anne Frank was. Bigly.
I see President Trump has still not dealt with his size issues.
I see President Trump still hasn’t rebooted from his pre-election, “alternative facts,” excuse for why he wouldn’t win. (A good con-man always prescripts the excuse for failure; otherwise the rubes might not fall buy a second time.)
Speaking of illegitimacy with The Establishment, I confess to a lot of concern about the way Trump is perceived by military leadership. My nightmare scenario is that Trump either does wink and nod to Putin–or Putin believes Trump is doing so–and Putin decides that a military adventure in the Baltic states would be met with indifference by the United States. The United States is of course obligated by treaty to defend any NATO state under attack. But what happens if Trump tells the Balts to fuck off and enjoy their new life under Russian rule? Does our military leadership say oh well? Do they shut up and watch? Or does NATO high command ignore Trump’s orders and defend the Baltic states?
IMO this is the most likely scenario for Trump ‘killing’ NATO.
Russian aggression—> Trump impedes NATO response–> NATO collapses.
My other opinion, and worry….is that this is already baked in the cake, that there is a prior understanding with Trump that Putin can do what he wants.
You talk about NATO collapsing as if it were a bad thing.
When is it ever a bad thing when a tool of US hegemony collapses?
Don’t get too close, I’m anathema
We are being gaslit; the numbers, the lies, the shock-horror of our betrayal of norms; it is all part of the plan.
Wake me when we get to the loyalty oaths.