UPDATE-1 :: So today the fools in the kabuki theater here at the pond are still throwing 2’s around!! What a sad bunch of idiots. [Feb. 21]
[In flagrant contradiction to Martin Longman‘s request to stop harassment of downratings, a specific group continues the bullying.
I will once again limit comments and look for timely posting of diaries. McCarthyism revived. 🙁 ]
Russian oligarchs and “asylum” in England, Israel and the USA. One helluva method to brew anti-Russian sentiment … so helpful in subversion tactics, espionage and the overthrow of the regime in Moscow …. the Poppy Revolution, or color the revolution by any name. The loss of Clinton is the loss of the ilk like Soros and Saban.
So the Seven Sisters corporation is losing it’s might?
Lost the Iraq War, screwed up the Libyan oil production and ownership, miscalculated the Syrian transport corridor from the Persian Arab Gulf to the Mediterrarean Sea. Lost out in alliance with the MB nations in Egypt after the coup by General Sisi with support from the UAE and staunch US client state KSA. The MB is outlawed in these Salafist totalitarian regimes under Sharia Law. These Gulf States have more clout with neocons in Washington and are NOT included in the Muslim Travel Ban of failed oligarch Donald Trump.
Major loss in the PNAC goal for the New 21th Century is the Caspian Sea oil and gas region [h/t Jerome a Paris @BooMan].
To compensate this loss, the AngloSaxon Imperialists of the US/UK decided the European Union [=read Germany] had to be separated economically from Russia by cutting off the flow of oil and gas to European states. The greatest hunter trophy would be Ukraine, which lies on the crossroads of major transport lines. [=link to Hunter Biden]
One needs proxies to succeed, as it’s not feasible to conquer EU states by means of a military invasion with American troops. So we must appreciate the subversion of a strategy by any means. NGOs are doing a great job to “democratize” regimes of a totalitarian order. The color revolution was a tool used from Ukraine (2004), Georgia (2008), the Arab Awakening (2011) and the most succesful prize ○ Ukraine (2014).
The pro-Russian oligarchs in Kiev were pushed aside by oligarchs from the West, many minister in Kiev’s new regime were imported from Western countries and granted immediate Ukrainian “citizenship”.
Undoubtedly, the CIA intelligence inperium in Europe under the name Gladio was helpful to use its agents under neo-Nazi groups as was illustrated on the Maidan. The citizens’ protest was infiltrated and taken over by thugs from the Lviv region, well known for genocide on the side of the German SS troops. I’ve written about these groups which are infested in the regions of Prussia under the German Kaiser before the first World War.
In the Baltic States, Poland and the Ukraine the “patriots” fought alongside Nazi Germany against Communism for their independence.
Look at a chart of Rumsfeld’s New Europe and its liberal, progressive nature on LGBT Rights – NOT! Shared values my a$$.
Great British Imperialist Winston Churchill had to be subdued by an ailing FDR towards the end if the Great War 1940-1945 and 70 million killed. Churchill expected the British to re-establish its colonial powers across the globe. Admiral Churchill’s major loss to the Turks at the Dardanelles in 1915-1916, invented “concentration”camps during the Boer Wars, used poisonous gas in the British campaign in Mesopotamia, and was ousted from politics by the British in 1946. Churchill’s bust is back in the Oval Office after 8 years of exile.
« click for more info
Not his finest hour: The dark side of Winston Churchill (The Independent)
The New World Order after 1945 led to break-away regions and wars for independence across the globe in all continents.
On Brexit
Am I surprised the British Conservative party under leadership of PM Theresa May were the first to become really cozy with tyrant Donald Trump? After Brexit, a cat in the dark makes brisk moves. Lacking any preparation from ousted leader David Cameron (The MI6 spy rock in Moscow and his share of espionage affairs), May had no negotiators to start exit talks with the EU, so she had to resort to delay tactics before putting Article 50 into effect. It’s now scheduled for March 2017 and it’s becoming clear there is no way out but a hard exit. Two years of coming negotiation failure. Her new policy? Divide and conquer … like the old days of running an empire.
○ The Brexit gamble: Divide and rule tactics could leave UK without deal, say EU politicians
Planet Earth has an existential threat for the future of nations and its people, bio-diversity, global warming, pollution and most important the supply of clean water and food.
People in the West can’t waste time and money to fight these petty conflicts which may end in a nuclear catastrophy.
President Trump is being neoconned as all the Republican establishment figures had crossed over to Clinton’s side before the election. Now “Democrats” are working hand in glove with despicable figures like CIA’s front men Morrell/Hayden/Negroponte and US Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham …
○ US senator calls 2017 year of ‘kicking Russia in the ass’
I’ve resided in Holland for many years now and it’s living climate is one of the best in the world. Since the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington DC, society has changed mainly though indoctrination of fear and anxiety for terror [=defined by Sharon/Netanyahu as Muslims] and copied in the United States. From the US, these Islamophobic groups have given funds and support to European politicians across many nations. The rise of populist movements gained strength after the banking crisis of 2007/2008, the military campaigns of “NATO” countries in Libya/Syria which caused the flow of refugees into Europe.
This fueled further fascist themes in domestic nations and became a threat to unity of the Europea Union. The financial problems of Euro nations was already an headache, the addition of migrants may cause a complete failure. Just as example, Trump’s remark about Sweden, Sweden had a catastrophy yesterday!! The nation of Sweden has accepted 200,000 migrants … how many were accepted by the two foremost AngloSaxon “white” nations? The United Kingdom will accept a total of 20,000 spread over a period of 5 years, the United States quota from Afghanistan – , Iraq – , and Syria – .
- II. Number of Asylum Seekers in Sweden
Sweden received 160,000 asylum applications in 2015, [4] a steep increase from 80,000 in 2014. [5] During 2015 Sweden received the largest number of applicants per capita in the EU (almost 2% of the total population). [6] The five largest countries of origin among asylum seekers were Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, and Somalia. [7] Of these 160,000 applications, more than 35,000 were from unaccompanied children. [8] Among the unaccompanied minors 90% were boys between the ages of thirteen to eighteen. [9] Approximately 66% of all unaccompanied children in 2015 were Afghans. [10] Although there was an increase from 2014 to 2015 in asylum seekers from all countries, the steepest increase in asylum seekers was among those from Afghanistan, from 3,104 in 2014 to 41,564 in 2015, a 1,298% increase, compared with an increase of 30,583 to 51,338, a 68% increase, in applications from Syrians. [11]
Trump did not succeed in building his narcissistic Trump Tower on the Red Square in Moscow, like McDonalds did!
Their best-known collaboration — Trump SoHo, a 46-storey hotel-condominium completed in 2010 — was featured in Mr Trump’s NBC television show The Apprentice.
Yet when Mr Trump testified under oath in 2011 about his relationship with Mr Arif’s company, he confessed that he found his partners puzzling. Mr Trump said he knew what they did. But he said he was unsure of exactly who they were.
“I don’t know who owns Bayrock”, Mr Trump said. “I never really understood who owned Bayrock. I know they’re a developer that’s done quite a bit of work. But I don’t know how they have their ownership broken down.”
« click for more info via FT
Donald Trump and Bayrock Group Chairman Tevfik Arif, center, and executive Felix Sater attend
the Trump Soho launch party on Sept. 19, 2007 (Photo credit: WaPo)Mr Trump’s Bayrock blind spot gains significance in the context of this year’s presidential race. Mr Trump has taken a stance on Russia that is at odds with US political orthodoxy — praising President Vladimir Putin’s leadership skills and saying he would consider lifting sanctions imposed on Russia after its 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine. Critics have asked whether Mr Trump’s business interests might be colouring his policies.
Mr Trump has responded by saying he has “zero investments in Russia”. But that is not the whole story. In recent years, Mr Trump has worked diligently to forge alliances with Russia-connected businessmen that would position him to profit from capital pouring out of the former states of the Soviet Union, and to seek opportunities in those locales. If no deals followed, as was often the case, it was not for a lack of trying …
○ Welcome to Astana, Kazakhstan : one of the strangest capital cities on Earth
○ Why am I not surprised by Clinton visits to Kazakhstan: one of the most corrupt capital cities on Earth
Donald Trump Plans to Invest in Georgia | EurAsia – Sept. 2010 |
Real estate mogul Donald Trump plans to build one of his trademark skyscraper towers in Georgia, the country’s presidential office has announced. In a telephone interview with EurasiaNet.org, Trump’s special counsel, Michael Cohen, confirmed that a letter of intent has been signed with property developer The Silk Road Group. The Trump Organization expects the deal to close by the end of the year, he said.
Georgia’s Rustavi-2 television station on September 22 broadcast footage of Trump meeting with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, Economic Development Minister Vera Kobalia and Silk Road Group co-founder Giorgi Ramishvili in his office in New York City.
Rustavi-2 claimed that the Trump building will built in downtown Tbilisi, near the city’s new Radisson Hotel. The area, which overlooks the city’s Mtkvari River, has already been cleared of rundown townhouses.
Cohen did not elaborate about the project’s location or the expected size of the investment.
The statement posted on the presidential administration’s website, however, said that the project could be placed in Tbilisi, the Black Sea resort town of Batumi or the Acharan village of Bobokvati.
Echoing the wish of other government officials, Tbilisi Mayor Gigi Ugulava expressed the hope that the investment will help pique interest from other US businessmen in Georgia, a country that heavily relies on foreign investment.
○ Senator John McCain’s interests In Saakashvili and Georgia (2008) and Ukraine (2014)
○ Oil and gas ensure that the US backs the Uzbek dictator to the hilt
Plenty of traffic from the US to Almaty, home of one of the most cruel dictators in a former Soviet Union satellite state!
« click for more info
Frank Giustra speaks as former President Bill Clinton looks on during a press conference announcing the
Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, New York, June 21, 2007 (Photo: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters/Corbis)
It’s not Russia!
They are just a regional power trying to maintain a level of dignity to satisfy its citizens. After glasnost by Gorbatsov and the assets robbery of the Yeltsin Years, under Putin, only a tyrant could keep Russia from further decay. The only military might of Russia is stored in its nuclear arsenal. I do not feel threatened by Russia in any form, the Dutch as a trading nation always had a good relationship and a cultural exchange with the Russian people from the century of Peter the Great.
Putin’s daughter was living in a small town south of Leiden, nothing fancy and her father visited her regularly, incognito. Even seen doing shopping together in the local supermarkt.
It’s the foreign policy of global superpower the United States that’s not showing leadership in the New 21st Century … we’re all being neoconned! One can just cross out neo, we are being conned by men in Washington DC and Downing Street 10.
When will people wake up!
As AG would end … [DON’T] BET ON IT! 😉
[Update-2] :: Documentary: Checkpoint Russia
Checkpoint Russia | Belgium VRT | [English subtitels]
When Vladimir Putin was re-elected president in 2012, Russia was considered to be a partner by the EU. Nearly 5 years later we are arming ourselves against possible Russian aggression. The VRT’s Russia expert Jan Balliauw went to Russia in November. The result is this documentary that has been sub-titled for an international audience.
The con is on.
Big time!!!
Thanks again, Oui.
Enough about cute little kitty cats and pretty girls who sing badly but often. May this kind of information go viral!!!
P.S. Another telling image. (Frank Giustra.) Wouldn’t it be wonderful of the Trump organization and the Clinton Foundation were both outed at the same time???
Please God…
Next Renaissance Weekend, right?
“The financial problems of Euro nations was already an headache, the addition of migrants may cause a complete failure.”
Yep. It was Russians who crashed the Western economies and handed their govts over to the banksters to austeritize.
It was Russia who invaded 5-6? countries in 5-6? (I forget.) days and sent millions of refugees swirling for shelter.
Reminds me of the Panama Papers press coverage: everything was reported in the individual’s relationship to PUTIN.
Yes, yes, that’s all true! Glad you agree.
Damn, the liberal Wurlitzer does exist! How come it never gets used for positive things?
Goose-stepping Our Way Toward Pink Revolution
“The Trump regime (whether they’re sincere or not) has capitalized on people’s discontent with globalized neoliberal Capitalism, which is doing away with outmoded concepts like the nation state and national sovereignty and restructuring the world into one big marketplace where “Chinese” investors own “American” companies that manufacture goods for “European” markets by paying “Thai” workers three dollars a day to enrich “American” hedge fund crooks whose “British” bankers stash their loot in numbered accounts in the Cayman Islands while “American” workers pay their taxes so that the “United States” can give billions of dollars to “Israelis” and assorted terrorist outfits that are destabilizing the Middle East to open up markets for the capitalist ruling classes, who have no allegiance to any country, and who couldn’t possibly care any less about the common people who have to live there. Trump supporters, rubes that they are, don’t quite follow the logic of all that, or see how it benefits them or their families.”
Some potent satire.
Mostly straight-up factual with a modest amount of satirical hyperbole. The restoration of “pink” after the stupid lapel ribbons became discredited must now be worn on our heads. Muslim headscarves are more fashionable if one must be a lemming. Pink headscarves would be inclusively edgy.
While I’ve long understood the power of propaganda, witnessing the swift creation of Putin-Russia-Trump-Russia-Putin hysteria among Democrats and once thinking liberals has been eye-popping. When this passes, I’ll always view these hysterics as similar to the dumb-clucks that bought into the WMD hoax. Neither appreciate that once a brain is propagandized, it is forever hobbled.
The links between Giustra and buds to Putin-Russia are more evident than that of the real estate developers to Putin-Russia. At its core, both were about making a lot of money with a small down payment really fast. But it was serious big money from essentially one deal for Giustra/buds. Satar/Arif/Sapir/Trump/others had to construct and sell/lease multiple buildings and the combined hoped for payoff was a fraction of the Giustra/UrAsia/Uranium One deals.
You mean this guy, right?
Regarding real estate, I don’t have links right now, but I’ve read on several financial sites that the Chinese are no longer buying treasury bonds but, instead, buying residential property and developmental land wit their excess dollars. Let’s see, one country sells raw materials and agricultural goods to another country that in return, purchases land and sends manufactured goods. Can you spell C-O-L-O-N-Y? Are we playing Africa to China’s Britain/France? Obviously, I think so. And that the Democrats (Clinton Democrats, if you prefer) are playing the role of the native boys selling out to the colonialists.
LOL Chinese millionaire just bought YUUUge tract in the the Appalachians for “conservation”.
Canada put an end to residential buys with a surtax just recently. No housing bubbles for them, thank you very much.
Based on income and housing prices, looks as if Canada already has a housing bubble. However, Canadian banks haven’t been as reckless which probably reduces the chances for a bubble burst.
Adirondack not Appalachia.
China’s wealthiest man Jack Ma just bought 28,100 acres of land in the Adirondacks for $23M
$23 million is chump change for billionaires. Doesn’t even buy half a primo Long Island mansion with a few acres.
Definitions vary on the mountain range question, so could be my source was not au courant. I remember thinking how cheaply he was getting the land and I might have been surprised at that price for the Adirondacks, which I did not think was that badly depressed.
While there was a big push for Chinese that had succeeded financially in the prior decade to scoop of US residential property after the great crash, at the state level, residential real estate was as desirable to them as it was to US banksters.
High rise commercial/residential property, dense populations, and mass transit is what they understand. Chinese experiments in importing planned mega-suburbs and mega-shopping malls haven’t gone so well. They’re now building mega-cities. China is building a megacity that will be larger than all of Japan.
China has a lot of empty megacities.
Those empty megacities are artificial and more imitative of US suburban single family home communities (if they have been planned at a larger scale). A lot of this development in China was done by “entrepreneurs” and not so much the state.
Wow! Just Wow! Reminds me of the late Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series with all the land on the capitol planet being one megacity.