Here’s something for Oliver Stone to put in his pipe:
On Monday the Kremlin tried to put the best possible outlook on the election of [Marine Le Pen’s] opponent. President Vladimir V. Putin sent Mr. Macron a congratulatory message, expressing the desire to “overcome mutual distrust” and wishing him “good health, well-being and success.”
Never mind that before the vote Russian-state run media profiled Mr. Macron as probably gay, in thrall to Jewish bankers and among the enthusiastic “demons of globalization.”
Putin apologists on the left make me ill. Worse than tea partiers, in my opinion.
Me too, Martin. I just don’t get it.
I don’t understand why this comment is in a story that has nothing to do with Putin apologists on the left.
Are there any? It is a contradiction in terms. If you are “on the left,” by definition you are not a fan of Putin. If you are a fan of Putin, you are a Trump voter.
you’d think that would be true but it’s not unfortunately
What he means is that if you think the DemRats are as rotten as are the Repugs and alt.-righters, then you are “Putin apologist.”
I mean…all sides in this ongoing tragicomedy can’t be wrong.
Who would we root for if that was the case?
I’m gonna go back to my “Second City” binge.
Next thing on? Those good farmer boys are going to “Blow ’em up…real good!!!”
So’s the PermaGov, looks like.
So it goes.
Your freind…
Emily Litella
How terrible!!!
But…wait a minute!!!
This sounds suspiciously like HRC’s platform.
Not the public one. The “private” one.
I don’t know…nor do I care…about her own personal sexual life, but she was certainly pro-gay.
In thrall to…gimme a breakl!!! Goldman Sachs? Please!!! You doubt that?
Of course.
This is far too complicated for my little brain.
Maybe they were trying to get Macron elected.
Oh…never mind.
Too complex for me to handle.
Instead, I’m going to go binge-watch all of the episodes of “Second City.”
They were better than we were, anyway.
When I’m finished, maybe all of this will be over.
I hope so.
It’s like reruns of the lowest points of SNL.
Yore freind…
Emily Litella
Per CNBC Trump fired Comey. WTF?
Maybe Comey is honest? Maybe he didn’t throw the election to Trump?
Losers always need a fall guy to explain their loss.
actually, my current theory is that Comey may have figured given the magnitude of the Trump Russia problem, T winning would be the only way to really clean house. that’s my current theory [see Chaffetz, Sessions etc]
WAPO/NY Times have been painting him as a terrible villain. That’s always a good sign that he might just have been doing his job as well as he can.
You two are… credulous.
True enough. But it’s always bad to get involved in politics. BTW, if Hillary had squeaked in, do you think she wouldn’t have fired Comey? Oh, sorry, I forgot that would have been a good thing. Partisan ethics.
Thank you.
Partisan ethics.
A contradiction in terms.
>>Maybe Comey is honest? Maybe he didn’t throw the election to Trump?
and maybe if i drop this computer it will fall up.
well, he definitely threw the election to T, question is why
yes, that’s what I was going to post. wtf? the twitters I follow were abuzz with commentary that the Huma/ Wiener story didn’t add up. still,
here’s what David Corn had to say
WAPO, no paywall.
President Trump dismisses FBI Director Comey (5:46 EDT, 5/9/17)
Now the shit’s gonna start to hit the fan, I think.
All of this reminds me the classic Abbot and Costello skit, “Who’s On First?”
Nobody seems to know anymore who is allied with whom, or even which direction they’re running the bases.
Headed for a WaterGate-sized denoument?
Pass the popcorn.
Any bets on who takes the “Deep Throat” role?
Or maybe just the John Dean part.
Somebody’s going to rat someone else out eventually.
Sooner rather than later, I’m thinking.
here’s some of what they were talking about
NYT-last paragraph of its Comey Fired article:
Hint hint…
The FBI is probably getting close to something big in the Russia investigation, and Trump is trying to pull the plug. I doubt the stated reason for the firing (Comey’s ha doing of the Email investigation) had anything to do with it, much as it pleases me to see it happen.
Sorry should be (Comey’s handling of the email investigation)
Well, stupid remarks** about Jewish** bankers can be found across the political spectrum.
**Soon to be followed by an explanation that this really means Zionist bankers.
Having read your Trump Fires Comey post before this one, I think you have the gift of prescience.