Since I just wrote a long piece on the disconnect between Republican perceptions of reality and actual reality, I am loath to write another one so soon. But, my word, can the Republicans get any more clueless?
Trump sees a border fortress as the physical manifestation of his identity as a builder and dealmaker — a president able to construct the nation’s security almost by hand, and to somehow persuade Mexico to pay for it.
The president has been questioning aides about the lack of progress: When will Congress approve the funding? Where are the schematics? Will it be made of concrete or steel? Which firm will build it?
[Department of Homeland Security Secretary John] Kelly said he is taking seriously the president’s interest in an environmentally friendly solar wall, which White House aides think could make the project more difficult for Democrats to oppose.
“Certainly, if someone thinks they can hang solar panels on there and reduce the carbon emissions and sell energy both to Mexico and the United States and it benefits everybody, sounds like a good idea to me,” Kelly said.
Trump is so fixated on a physical wall that in May, White House press secretary Sean Spicer showed off photos of tall steel rods along the border, calling it a “bollard wall.” Many scoffed that it looked more like a fence, and the president himself, one adviser said, had little patience for the design.
“He’s like, ‘No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I didn’t say ‘bollard wall,’ ” recalled the adviser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share a candid conversation. “I said, ‘The wall. Build a wall. People think wall, they think bricks and cinder blocks.’ ”
The president, the policymaker, the real estate magnate, understood one thing in his gut: He had promised a wall, and now he needed to build one.
It is not going to be hard for Democrats to oppose Trump’s wall, and it doesn’t matter if it is a “bollard” wall or a solar energy plant that can power the entire southwest. There will be no votes for Trump’s stupid wall. Perhaps nowhere does President Trump more clearly demonstrate that he’s insane than when he talks about this subject. He wants windows on the wall so people will be able to see the drug dealers on the other side before they hoist 60 lb. sacks of dope over the top and onto their necks. In case you are in doubt about the lunacy of this talk, a typical bowling ball is 15 lbs. Could you throw four bowling balls all at once fifty feet into the air?
He’s actually hassling the Secretary of Homeland Security for schematics? He doesn’t know that he’ll need a bunch of Democratic votes to get the funding for this and that no Democrat is willing to engage him on his fantasies?
Supposedly, they will scare Democrats into relenting on this.
Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) have been working with the White House to introduce a bill by the end of the summer that would cut the current annual level of 1 million green cards by half in 10 years, largely by limiting visas for extended families of legal U.S. residents.
Cotton, who along with Perdue has met twice on immigration with Trump, said the legislation is popular in key states where Democratic senators are up for reelection in 2018.
“Donald Trump recognizes that it’s possible to be both pro-immigrant and to believe that immigration levels are too high and skewed against educated, high-skilled, English-speaking immigrants,” Cotton said.
The strategic thinking among administration members is that they can gain a political advantage on immigration once they begin talking about proposals publicly. The release of the Cotton-Perdue legislation, they hope, will mark the beginning of a public immigration pitch.
Maybe they might bully some red-state Democratic senators into embracing a rollback of green cards. Maybe. But that has nothing to do with getting them to fund his dumb wall.
None of this even makes contact with reality.
And yet no one can convince Trump that he’s not on track.
I still wake up every single day and hope that I’ve been having the worst nightmare of my life and that Trump was never really elected. Then I grab a cup of coffee and face the grim reality.
The Republicans are as guilty as sin for promoting this idiot and giving in to his ridiculous demands. But they saw his win as a big free ride, conveniently ignoring his total lack of experience and finesse, not to mention a functioning brain. He’s ABnormal.
They built this Frankensten’s monster and now he’s squishing not only the peasants, but a few of the royalty as well. He’s going to burn down the castle and the entire population, and the Democrats need to just stand back and watch it burn.
The Wall is a fantasy, a physical impossibility, and the Democrats in the House and Senate and all of us who have been standing up to this terrible president cannot give in. We’ve done well so far. It’s just another battle we have to win.
No one can convince him that he’s not on track because no one is trying to convince him. He won’t hear of it. He needs hourly reassurances that he’s the most awesome prezident in the history of all mankind. They lie to him about how well he’s doing…non-stop fluffing. That’s why he thinks he’s signed more legislation than any President in history…that’s what his staff told him to prop up his ego.
It’s time to give up on the idea that anyone in that administration is motivated to embrace reality. It took 55 minutes for his NatSec team to convince him to certify the Iran deal…even then he did it begrudgingly. Reality is off the table, Martin. We need to accept that and work from there.
Very important observation re the sycophancy and toadyism which Der Trumper requires and which these craven lick-spittles (half family members) are happy to provide. Not that this is unusual for the regimes authoritarian demagogues, even just wannabes.
Look at the absurd public comments one of the heroic “sacrificing” Gen’rals is willing to make vis-a-vis Trumper’s Wall. Yeah, the Dems will get on board if the Mexican Hate Wall is “green”—that’ll force ’em to cave, cause the country is just SO concerned about global warming and the environment, leaving aside the moral and political principles involved, Jesus. What’s the likelihood this brave “moderate” gen’ral is standing up to Trumperian lunacy to his face? Zee-ro.
Garbage in, garbage out and the imbecile Trumper eats nothing but untreated sewage, provided in large measure by the toads of the “inner circle”. Let’s just say we can be certain there are no Albert Speers operating in this menagerie…
The only strategy Republicans ever had as the Party of No was to take hostages and threaten Democrats with burning it all down if they didn’t get their way.
They’re still trying to do this from the majority in control of everything. But now the Democrats can just tell them to eff off.
This keeps taking the Republicans by surprise for some reason. “But… but you were supposed to respond to those threats.” And then they don’t know what to do.
I really hope that when it comes time to fund the government to actually keep things running and Democratic votes are needed again to make it happen, Nancy Pelosi opens a drawer and hands Paul Ryan a list saying, “OK… this is what you are going to give me.”
Not her. She’ll be thrilled to be in the center of things again. (pun not intended)
What is the pun, Voice?
I assume it’s Pelosi as Evil Centrist.
Indeed “center of things”
IDK, I’ve thought that the Dems should make the wall a conscious vote and provide just enough Dems to pass funding for it, as long as the plan is expensive, stupid, and a boondoggle and destined to be controversial in the districts where it is being built. If a Dem needs to vote for it to win election, fine. But if they do bolt, they should work to “improve” the the plan by adding things that will make it even more worthless, damaging, expensive and controversial. Like adding in clauses that construction needs to start in national parks, or that would make the takings from Texas ranchers costly. If Trump wants a 20 foot see through wall, Democrats who need the vote should demand that it be 40 feet with foundations down at lease 20 feet below the bedrock.
It may seem like spending money on the wall would take money away from other programs, but honestly, the GOP is in charge and its not like their going to find extra money for education or high-speed rail anywhere any time soon.
If immigration is the biggest issue in 2018, we’ll probably lose big like we did in 2010 and 2014 since anti-immigration threats doesn’t motivate Democratic party voters to come to the polls to stop the GOP from screwing over non-voting immigrants. Its not a wedge issue, per se. Its just that Democratic voters don’t respond to appeals to help prevent the GOP from blocking ground zero mosques, demanding that brown people provide their papers for inspection to anyone who wants to see them, and demands for instant deportation.
The wall is stupid and stupidly expensive. So its probably worth allowing the GOP to start building it, hoping that we can bury them under it later.
How about an amendment that requires the use of unmanned self driving vehicles to drive along the wall. Tech world would love it. They get to test and perfect their systems 24/7 in all kinds of weather. But the fight on the floor to put arms (guns etc) on the vehicles will be fascinating.
How about “all labor must be Union labor” and “all materials must be made in the USA with Union labor”? Let’s see how (R)’s respond to that! If they vote against those amendments, (D)’s have election material.
Didn’t I read somewhere that Mexico is the biggest cement producer in the world?
Maybe. CEMEX is a huge country. But it can’t beat China. China used more cement from 2011 to 2013 than the US did in the entire 20th century, and we were building like crazy in the 20th century.
Take the needed funds from the Pentagon overseas budget. It’s a total folly, but less of an economic sink than dropping bombs on innocent people.
I understand the thinking but once you give bipartisan cover (and Reagan proved that 2 Senators from the other party counts as bipartisan in Washington as long as it benefits the GOP) then the GOP never “owns” the failure after that. Years later, when GOP farmers along the Brooke Grande (it’s a trickle in those parts of Texas, not a River, due to dams further upriver) are complaining about the wall they’ll blame the “damn northern Democrats who voted for this damn wall”, not the GOPers who provided 90% of the votes.
The GOP can fund a wall in reconciliation. Let them do that. The problem is that – like with health insurance – they’ve been promising one thing to the GOP proles and want something completely different in the inner party GOP.
Where are all the deportations and cancellation of green cards going to create labor shortages? It didn’t take the Georgia lege long to do in its state agriculture industry with its immigration policy.
Why should any Democrat vote for a wall? What do the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas think about the Wall? No doubt the Republican-controlled states would like to get rid of the descendants of the people who were there before those became states.
Interesting that since Trump began, not as many folks want to cross into the US.
I thought the actual sack quote referenced a catapult?
Total births USA 216 = 3,978,497 With the current immigration quota of 1,000,000, that’s 80% of new Americans are native, 20% from Mexico. Seems reasonable, no need to cut to 500,000.
Note: I got the 1,00,000 and 500,000 from ABC News, but internet searches show the immigration quota as a worldwide limit of 675,000. Which is correct? To me, 1,500,000 with one million from Mexico and Canada seems reasonable. And is that net immigration? or does it not account from emigration as well? Or was ABC talking about total immigration, legal and illegal?
This nation needs a true discussion of immigration and it’s effects on the economy and standards of living, not a stupid wall OR an open door.
Maybe we could contract with former Stasi and KGB leaders to find out how to build and staff an effective wall? (That sentence was sarcasm if you couldn’t tell.)
Makes perfect sense; educated, high-skilled, English-speaking immigrants are what is needed – but many of them are “brown” so we don’t really want them. On the other hand, the educated, high-skilled, English-speaking immigrants would rather not come here, anyway, because their neighbors can’t tell a Sikh from an ISIS terrorist. Even the turban doesn’t give them a clue.
Yes, because we can’t let older professionals, say those over 40, do those jobs any more.
…but so much of the family finances do relate to Russia….
What’s next? Saturday Night Massacre, early-morning tweetstorm style? Reichstag fire redux?
And now McCain’s been diagnosed with a brain tumor like what killed Ted Kennedy….
Man, I just can’t keep up with all the twists and turns; if someone tried to get this published as a thriller they’d have it rejected as just too implausible.
That extinction-level asteroid hit is looking better every day.
Saturday Night Live Massacre.
Offer the “dealmaker” a deal. A PoTrumpkin wall. Available at Walmart for $199.99, Amazon for $179.00, and pre-owned at eBay for $49.99.
As long as Trumpy can be convinced that it’s a great wall, first class wall, he can sell it to his rubes. After all, they’re still buying that Trumpy is a great and well-qualified POTUS.
The Guardian:
Vaguely on the topic of “Not Our Wall” for the Dems, John McCain was diagnosed with a brain tumor after his blood clot surgery. So he is likely out of commission for a bit. That’s one less vote for anything for McConnell until McCain gets better, dies, or resigns.
“Could you throw four bowling balls all at once fifty feet into the air?”
Yes I could. Bet on it.
Hilarious: the notion that once you sprinkle a project with “Solar” Democrats have to vote for it.
It’s projection, of course. They really do think that liberals are just like them, only with opposite interests. That we like solar not because of any actual benefits but because it pisses off conservatives. And that if a liberal doesn’t salute the solar flagpole every time it comes up for a vote – a la the 500 Obamacare repeal bills from 2011-2016 – then they lose their liberal membership card.
Morons. Once again (3rd time in the last 40 years) they have their president – a man who has the same IQ as their collective average. You’ll note the one GOP pres during that period who actually had some brains is the one they didn’t re-elect.