The Senate Parliamentarian has ruled the following are required to comply with the filibster rule, and are not subject to modification through the reconciliation. Put another way, the GOP now needs 60 votes for the following:
Defunding Planned Parenthood: This section prohibits Planned Parenthood from receiving
Medicaid funds for one year. (Sec. 124)
* Abortion Restrictions for Tax Credits: Two separate provisions contain Hyde Amendment
language to prevent premium tax credits and small business tax credits from being used to
purchase health insurance that covers abortion. (Sec. 102(d)(1) and Sec. 103(b))
* Sunset of Essential Health Benefits Requirement for Medicaid: This provision states that,
beginning in 2020, states no longer have to cover essential health benefits in their Medicaid
alternative benefit plans. (Sec. 126(b))
* Funding for Cost-Sharing Subsidies: This section replicates current law by providing
funding for the subsidies through 2019. (Sec. 208)
* Stabilizing the Individual Insurance Markets (“Six Month Lock Out”): This section
imposes a six-month waiting period for individuals attempting to enroll in coverage in the
individual market who cannot demonstrate that they have maintained continuous coverage.
(Sec. 206)
* Medical Loss Ratio: This section allows states to determine how much insurers are allowed
to spend on administration, marketing, and profits versus health care. (Sec. 205)
* Availability of Rollover Funds: This provision allows states that spend less than their
targeted block grant amount to rollover funds to the following year and to use funds for nonhealth
purposes, specifically repealing the provision of the Social Security Act that prohibits
states from using Medicaid funds to build roads, bridges, and stadiums. (Sec. 134 –
1903B(c)(2)(D)) (Note: this provision has been removed from the most recent draft).
* Decrease in Target Expenditures for Required Expenditures by Certain Political
Subdivisions (“Buffalo Bailout”): This provision limits the ability of New York State to
require counties other than New York City to contribute funding to the state’s Medicaid
program. (Sec. 133 – 1903(c)(4))
* Grandfathering Certain Medicaid Waivers; Prioritization of HCBS Waivers: This
section says that the Secretary will encourage states to adopt Medicaid Home and
Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers but does not set forth any actual details for this
plan. (Sec. 136)
* Reporting of CMS-64 Data (T-MSIS): This provision requires the Secretary of HHS to
submit a report on Congress recommending whether expenditure data from the Transformed
Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) is preferable to data from state CMS-64
reports for making certain Medicaid decisions. (Sec. 133 – 1903(h)(5))
* Coordination with States: This section requires the Secretary to consult with states before
finalizing Medicaid rules. (Sec. 137)
It was Sanders staff that did the bulk of the arguing before the Parliamentarian. Topher is from the Center for American Progress: in no way is he a Bernie guy.
Kudos to Sanders staff for punching BIG holes in this bill. Arguing before the Parliamentarian is intense and requires a lot of prep work.
— Topher Spiro (@TopherSpiro) July 21, 2017
Yeah, the guy (and his staff) that the neolib wing of the Dem party continue to disparage as never having accomplished anything in all his years in the House and Senate.
Bernie is leader of the opposition to Trump: full stop.
This drives some people crazy – but among rank and file Democrats he is very well liked.
Those darn rank-and-file Democrats, along with the general public at large, are getting in the way of smokeless back rooms selecting the Democratic leaders.
Drives all of DC nuts that Bernie continues to enjoy the highest approval rating of them all. And he doesn’t even have to go around inflating his resume to get that respect.
I keep asking:
Why are those “rank and file Democrats” not raising holy hell over the neocentrist rulers of their supposed party?
I mean…really!!!
Enough is enough!!!
Dump ’em!!!
Would they be pseudo-neocentrists? Crypto-neocentrists? Perhaps even neo-neocentrists? Are there wings to the movement that would give us left- and right neocentrists?
Don’t forget the centrist neocentrists.
Count ’em any way you see ’em, JDW.
The center holds.
So far.
Kinda like gravity.
Money produces a certain kind of gravity. It pulls towards the the middle.
Towards stasis.
When it fails?
An explosion outwards, into uncharted waters.
They call it “revolution” in the history books.
Deal wid it.
We are really close to that point now.
Are you ready for it?
I doubt it.
But It cares not.
It does what it does.
Meanwhile…as the great radio comic team Bob and Ray used to say:
Y’On Y’Own.
Deal wid it.
If you can.
Best of luck in the future.
Sump’n tells me people like you are going to need all the luck they can muster.
So it goes.
You earned it.
It minimizes the role of women who have been the main forces in most of the protests we see. Senator Sanders wasn’t the one who organized the March for women which really sparked the current protest movement.
I would feel the same way if some were claiming Pelosi or Schumer were THE leaders to the opposition against Trump.
Bernie’s organization had 4,000 people show up in Chicago.
Two weeks ago he had 1,000 show up in Iowa.
No other Democratic Politician could come close to organizing that.
It has been Sanders that has been traveling the country opposing Trumpcare.
He is the most liked active politician in the Democratic Party BY FAR.
The last poll had him up 14 over Trump.
The vast majority of protests we have seen around this country. The women’s march kicked that off. The activists at the indivisible project also deserve a lot of credit for how they have helped organize people to attend their congressmen town halls.
That isn’t to say that Senator Sanders hasn’t done his part but it is the height of hubris to minimize what all of those people have done just to try and re-litigate the 2016 primary.
By the way I still don’t think he would have won against Trump. He wouldn’t have made the same mistakes as Secretary Clinton but he would have made his own in particular with people of color. There is also that he had his own skeletons that could have been used in a propaganda campaign against him.
His wife under investigation, his rape fantasy writings, his not having a full time job until his 40’s, emails in his own campaign (or really anybody’s campaign) that could have been spun as negative, etc.
The Sanders campaign and Bernie’s family would have had their internal communications and/or other information stolen and disseminated by WikiLeaks in a propaganda campaign meant to serve the interests of Trump’s election.
Even after all Trump has done to damage the interests of progressivism around the world, WikiLeaks has not played a part in stealing and selectively releasing information which is damaging to Trump or anyone on his orbit. Many of the Trump Administration’s actions and statements stand in opposition to the values that Assange and WikiLeaks previously claimed for themselves, which makes their current disinterest in “transparency in government” a flashing neon sign that Trumpism is what Assange and his organization really support. They’re arch enemies of the progressive movement.
Anyone who fails by this time to understand that Julian Assange and his organization approve of the Trump Presidency and will take actions to protect its worldwide interests is not living in reality. Literally none of the information WikiLeaks currently highlights on its site attacks the President, anyone in his orbit, or any Republican Party interests. The page is filled with selectively highlighted information stolen from Democratic Party leaders and the U.S. intelligence community.
You are nothing but a centrist troll.
What a load of shit.
You sling slurs because you cannot refute the fact that WikiLeaks served the campaigns of Trump and candidates from the Republican Party in 2016, and they are serving Trump and the Congressional Republican caucuses to this day. WikiLeaks even made an attempt to help Marine Le Pen win the Presidency of France. Le Pen would have been a strong ally to Trump, forwarding his toxic worldview. These are important observations.
Arthur, what do you think of the health care reform Bills currently moving in Congress. Have you called Congressmembers to register your opinion? Have you worked to inform and organize others to call Congress as well?
AG likely spends his time engaging in lame virtue signalling and little else. Given his rhetoric, on some level he appears to believe that those who are about to lose what health coverage they have on some level “deserve” to – they’re just neocentrists after all. So expect more word salad and virtue signalling, bragging about “life changing” jazz, and the usual barrage of insults. Nothing more. Nothing less.
If Arthur were to be open and honest, his consistent support for the Ron Paul agenda, up to and including specific calls Arthur has made to reduce Federal government power, would lead to his advocacy for a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act with no replacement. That’s the basic position Senator Rand Paul is taking, after all.
Arthur knows that openly supporting ACA repeal would not fly with this community. So yes, a cloud of obfusgative, digressive hostility is likely to be his response instead.
But let’s face it, if you’re a progressive who is not actively fighting to prevent Trump and Congressional Republicans from tearing down the ACA, you’re not worth a damn to our movement.
This. That’s the bottom line. And there is still much to be done.
That’s bullshit. Telling the truth that helps someone despicable is not “serving them”. So, you support suppression of facts from the public because it makes your candidate look bad, do you?
Wikileaks did not “serve” the Trump campaign. Clinton and Shultz’s own dirty dealings were brought to light by the incompetence of their foreign IT service. They shot themselves in the foot, like all criminals.
The put classified data on a server maintain by nationals of a foreign government. Pakistan, for God’s stake, OBL’s stronghold. I have no doubt that the ISI had daily data dumps and saw those e-mails befor state department officials did.
Think about this! What she did is EXACTLY like Tillerson putting official SoS e-mails on a personal server maintained by Russian nationals. What would you say to that?
<blockaquote>… The women’s march kicked that off. …
Unfortunately that protest didn’t extend beyond those that were with HER. Who were pissed that she’d lost.
Hell, I’m still relitigating the 2000 general election. Why? Because JebCo in Florida cheated. Same reason why Sanders supporters remain angry about the 2016 primary.
How so? By going around and saying “hard working, white people” as Hillary did in 2008?
Not all Sanders supporters remain angry about the 2016 primary. Sanders isn’t spending his time complaining or blaming everyone else for losing.
None of this silly stuff matters anymore. It’s over and the left is going to end up eating dirt for the next few years. Still, there will be an opportunity to win big in 2018 and 2020 with the right solutions and the right message.
Bernie gets it. He isn’t stuck in the past. He’s out there still working and winning the argument.
I don’t think most Sanders supporters are angry about the last election.
Mostly they talk about winning in 2020.
All well and good. The immediate priority should be local elections nd 2018. No point in complaining about the DNC and the traditional Democratic party if the work isn’t done to drag the party to the left.
You forgot to insinuate that Hillary Clinton had some major medical problem. There’s still time for you to do that. You might want to just do a cut-and-paste job with what you wrote during the 2016 campaign.
Why would I insinuate that? First, it’s off topic which was primarily Sanders and secondarily an imaginary Sanders v. Trump general election. Second, I never made such a claim in the past; so, why would I do it now?
You’re a lot like Trump — comprehension difficulties, interjecting crap in a conversation to get attention and/or mask the inability to understand the conversation, memory distortion to serve his own purposes, and always spoiling for a fight with those that don’t bow to him as he expects they should.
Sod off.
In fairness, Marie was one of the more cautious commenters on those particular threads (look through one of them here). There were plenty of others who really were trying to play amateur neurologist. Most of the actual offenders have since scampered off not long after the election and its immediate aftermath.
Thank you for your generosity in setting the record straight.
Not a problem. You’re welcome.
The women’s march wasn’t about people ticked off that Secretary Clinton lost and it extended well beyond people who voted for Secretary Clinton. In fact one of the organizers (Linda Sarsour) was a pretty staunch Sanders support in the primaries.
As far as what mistakes Sanders would have made with people of color – how about his tendency to couch most people of color as poor. See his ghetto comment in one of the debates
Sanders has an approval rating among POC about the same as Bidens.
That argument won’t hunt anymore.
This sentence is really funny:
“His wife under investigation, his rape fantasy writings, his not having a full time job until his 40’s, emails in his own campaign (or really anybody’s campaign) that could have been spun as negative, etc.”
It is a load of nonsense.
Did you get it from David Brock?
Regarding the investigation, go here.
The story is here:
And then repeat the charge
I don’t read David Brock but if you think that those issues I raised wouldn’t have been jumped on by Trump team and Republicans in general had then I think you are pretty naive.
As far as Sanders not organizing – approval rating is not the same as organization. Fundraising for state and local candidates. Slogging through state and local meetings. Sanders is starting to do more of that but still not enough in my opinion. Not if he wants the support of those who do a lot of the work in the party which is not necessarily those who attend a rally.
You know who is obviously setting himself up for a future presidential run (although doubtful in 2020)? Jason Kander. Through his “Let America Vote” organization he has been going state and local events across the country.
No one is doing more at the grassroots than Sanders people.
I hope you realize that Clinton’s state and local fundraising was all funneled upwards into her own campaign.
It’s funny how insulting Bernie will get you recommended at dKos and also at c99, where endorsing the Dem candidate was an unforgivable sin.
It’s almost as if they are scared of something. And they are.
The idea that Bernie would have won scares the living crap out of a good number of Democratic Establishment types.
I give him credit for his current activism but I still am wary at best of him. I think he has a huge blind spot when it comes to intersectionality. I think he is a huge hypocrite when it comes to transparency (see his never releasing his tax returns and putting off his campaign disclosure until it became a moot point). I think his “more progressive than thou” approach is grating.
Add to all of that I think he is just plain too old to run 2020 and yes that applies to Biden as well.
We need new blood.
WTF. Yeah sure, had it been Sanders v. Trump, voters would have said, “I’m going with Trump because Sanders doesn’t get intersectionality.”
Have you reviewed Sanders’ campaign disclosure? Anything wrong in it?
Not releasing his tax return did hurt Sanders in the primary. Had he been seriously considering running a year before he announced in 2015 (or two years or decades like Hillary), I’m sure he would have seen that his tax returns were in order and ready to release as needed. He screwed up on that, but totally understandable that he would have deferred to Jane Sanders to handle this personal matter. (Jane, nice lady that she is, was problematical in ways other than their tax returns, but so too was Melania.) But how would that have been an issue in a general election against Trump?
In the abstract agree with that, but so too were Clinton, Trump, and Bloomie (if he’d gotten into the race). Physically and cognitively, Sanders is a healthy if not healthier than the others. However, looking forward Sanders role is best as a leader and not a presidential candidate.
I think Sanders is still a good Presidential candidate and he should still run if the alternatives are establishment Democrats like Booker, Cuomo, or Biden.
I wanted Warren to run in 2016. I doubt she runs in 2020.
There was a draft Warren movement in early 2015. It closed when she said she wasn’t running.
Every single member went to Bernie.
Had Warren run I believe she might have beaten Clinton.
But she didn’t, and she does not have in my view a case for running against him in 2020.
If he runs, she won’t.
At least she wouldn’t have had “old white man” hung around her neck. And “old white women” works two ways.
No, HRC wouldn’t have been able to play the gender card. But apparently she was able to mock Bernie for marching with MLK and got black votes for it.
That’s not why she got black votes. How do you explain Bernie’s stronger performance with younger blacks?
Not sure what is up with his tax returns – I agree with you.
His age is an issue.
There are no perfect politicians.
But he just ran the most successful left campaign this country has seen in 40 years, and he emerged from it more popular.
I think some in the Party have difficulty accepting where Bernie stands with the general public, and I am not convinced anyone will be able to replace him.
We are truly doomed as a republic if Bernie fucking Sanders is irreplaceable. I dig the guy and all but damn. He’s old. We’re gonna have to replace him. Sooner rather than later. Acuarially speaking.
Generating politicians who are popular with the general public is not something Democrats have been very good creating at over the last 40 years.
Of course the irony is that Bernie isn’t a Democrat.
The two most broadly popular politicians in the most recent decades were Presidents Obama and Clinton.
If Bernie had been in the general election, his popularity would be much lower than it is today.
Trump, McConnell and Ryan are very unpopular. Yet historically aberrational gerrymandering, the disproportionate nature of Senate representation, voter polarization, a brand new wave of targeted suppression of voters who vote for Democratic Party candidates, and an intense, unprecedented campaign of propaganda foisted upon the American people by a foreign adversary and the FBI delivered to these unpopular Americans the power they now have.
Even with all of these factors in play, nearly three million more voters cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton than the Republican Party candidate.
All of Bernie’s popularity in Vermont, and his persistent leadership on the single payer issue, failed to help deliver a single payer program in his State.
In bringing up all these things, I’m not laying the claim that the Democratic Party has no need to change and improve. The Party does need to improve.
A message I would like to see the Party hammer is that the Republican Party has taken away the right of workers to organize and enter into true collective bargaining over wages, benefits and working conditions. Workers should have the right to fight for themselves, and the Democratic Party supports that right much, much, much, much, much more than the Republicans. Every American worker deserves the right to organize with their fellow employees for a better future. Including this as a leading campaign issue would offer Americans an opportunity to fight for themselves, something which many Trump supporters may find appealing.
Unfortunately, lots of people in the progressive movement are not particularly down with that issue. Look at this blog, for example. Not much labor solidarity here. It’s certainly not identified as a priority issue by almost anyone at the Frog Pond. Given that, it’s harder to criticize the Party on their failure to highlight Unions when they’re not getting consistent pressure to do so from the non-Labor grass roots. In my opinion, many in the progressive grass roots are missing out on a prime opportunity to effectively address economic inequality, but this is the fact today.
This fact is as unpleasant to me as the fact that the majority of Americans are not supportive of single payer health care when the real rubber meets the road. I’m confident that if more Americans had Unions and public health insurance they would be happier. But I’m willing to engage with the challenges we have, and I know better than to think that the only thing between us and political nirvana are “neoliberals” and corrupt politicians from the Democratic Party.
What do you want? Some Millenial in love with his phone?
How old is Gillibrand? That seems like a good age. Bubba and Obama were both pretty damn popular and took office in their forties. Almost 80 seems a bit old to be taking the reins of what is sure to be a colossal shitshow by the time Trump is finished.
I really like the way Senator Gillibrand is conducting herself. That said, it’s way too early to hitch our wagons to anyone. The primary concerns of the 2020 American electorate haven’t been established yet. Let’s see what happens between now and 2019.
A disappointingly large number of Americans showed themselves to be willing to reject a substantial woman in favor of a flimflam man and raging sexist asshole in 2016. Those who kid themselves into believing that it was all about Clinton and that another female candidate would have an easier time are fooling themselves.
I want to believe that the American people who elected and re-elected an African American could also elect a woman, but my previous certainty that they would be willing to elect a woman POTUS has been shaken somewhat. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be a strong supporter of Gillibrand or another qualified, ideologically solid female candidate, just means I’ll enter with some small concerns.
Those establishment types don’t give a crap about policy. They pay homage to minorities and gays to get votes, but secretly laugh up their sleeve. All they care about is power and money.
Yep, and the voters knew it too. For all the dubious claims about ‘Sanders problem with POC’, polls showed that it was Hillary that had problems with POC. Doing worse than Obama with blacks is understandable, but she did slightly worse than Kerry too (88-8 vs 88-11). Doing worse than Obama08 (and Obama 12) with Hispanics against freaking Donald Trump is mind-blowingly inexcusable.
Mea culpa, she actually did slightly better than Kerry with blacks – 88-8 is better than 88-11. Not that it changes the point of my post (especially since W did make an effort to reach out to POC).