I offer the following article from Counterpunch without comment.
Because none is needed.
Weapons of Mass Distraction Get More Destructive
by Frank Scott“Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.”
— Noam ChomskyThe daily attacks on American consciousness – not an oxymoron if you continue hoping for the best while preparing for the worst – via the treacherous fairy tales and homicidal gossip sold as news, not only continue unabated but get worse. If that’s possible.
The American Un-Intelligence community, according to our consciousness controllers at the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and Marvel Comics, has proved that Putin and the evil Russians interfered with our cherished democracy in which the majority of eligible voters never vote. Their department of mental constipation has done this by indulging in estimates of how many people might have viewed possible ads run by suspected Russians. These may have made totally absurd claims about America, like unarmed black men being killed by the police. Who could believe such nonsense?
And they back up their charges of Russian evil-doing in our sacred markets based on revelations from paid political-academic spin doctors, all not only instantly accepted but spread far and wide by our corporate media mind managers. Who could doubt the story? Well, maybe little children not yet brain dead as a result of lifetimes of social conditioning based on psychocratic theology about free markets and individual egos fed by mind numbing drugs and commercial therapy.
The only distraction from this fable is the almost daily parade of celebrity and political figures confessing to sexual abuses committed many years before but owing to market legal and moral forces kept secret until election dates, film openings and other entertainment spectacles were on the agenda. The righteous anti-commies of the past have been replaced by righteous anti-rationalists of the present and conservative know-nothing-ism is now balanced by liberal no thinking-ism.
As always, you have to laugh to keep from crying, fearing native or foreign terrorist attack and wondering if we might have been better off when we were hunting meat and gathering veggies in nature instead of hunting for parking in order to gather commodities at the mall.
Sometimes the only solid thing we have is the plastic we use to pay for those commodities, even if the alleged dollars we spend don’t really exist and are only electronic blips with slightly more material foundation than the angels on a head of a pin or the pinheads we still accept as rulers because Russians have taken our fictional democracy away. Of course. Profitable films and fantasies to the contrary, the one thing we Americans need not fear is invasion by zombies. They feed on brains.
Related, Larry Wilkerson (video and transcript) November 2, 2017: Code Pink Conference: Divest from the War Machine .
Wilkerson is quite passionate in the video. Interesting that he reveals that SoS Kerry argued strenuously with Obama in support of officially sending large numbers of US ground troops.
Hmmmm…so did SoS Clinton.
Sometimes I wonder if that kind of info is simply more false news/disinformation, meant to play the boss up as innocent while his underlings go about the real dirty business.
Plausible denialbility and all that…
Ah — but Clinton let it be publicly known that she pushed for regime change in Libya and Syria. Don’t know what her stance was on the participation of US troops. While she undoubtedly approved of and supported hiding behind NATO for the official bombing of Libya, don’t know to what extent, if any, she crafted that alternative.
FWIW, Wilkerson has always been a straight shooter when he isn’t constrained by officialdom. However, this is the first time I’ve seen/heard him without any filters. Note who he’s crediting with having pressured Obama not to send troops into Syria. That’s who Wilkerson is praising and not Obama except for having felt that pressure and acting accordingly. As no troops were sent, Obama was getting the credit (or the blame depending on one’s position) for the decision. In his speech Wilkerson diluted that credit for Obama. So, tough to view this as he was ‘covering for the boss.’
Also: For Those Who Don’t `Believe’ In `Conspiracies’ Here Are 58 Admitted False Flag Attacks.
We really need a law — domestic and international — declaring that ‘false flag plots and attacks’ is a crime against humanity. In addition to whatever physical destruction desired or accomplished, they operate to destroy the rational cognitive functioning of observers. Both those that deny any such false flag has occurred and those that overgeneralize and see false flags in all or most instances of violence against innocent people.
Another law to be disobeyed and false-newsed out of effectiveness?
Nahhhh…we need new leaders!!!
Only that change will suffice.
It would be a legal hammer that we don’t currently possess. Defined very specifically as a plot to engage in an act of violence that would attributed to individuals/parties that were not involved in order to further the aims of the actual state perpetrators.
Wouldn’t apply to all the state conspiracies on that linked list. For example, Bush/Cheney lied but didn’t employ a false flag to get its war on in Iraq. (I’m assuming 9/11 wasn’t a false flag, and if it was, it was poorly executed because they couldn’t come up with even one Iraqi perpetrator.) Of course, pure wars of aggression, which the Iraq War was/is, are in violation of international law, but only aggressor losers pay a price for such a crime and the losing must happen somewhat near in time to the aggression.