I often hear people say that it’s hard to call someone a racist because you never know what is in a person’s heart. But I think you can tell a person is a white supremacist when they say things like this:
President Trump reportedly referred to immigrants from Haiti and African countries as coming from “shithole countries” on Thursday.
Trump made the comment in an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers during a discussion of protections for immigrants from several countries, according to The Washington Post.
“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to multiple people briefed on the meeting.
He reportedly suggested that the U.S. should bring in more immigrants from countries like Norway.
Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) were present at the meeting, and were surprised by the comments, according to the Post.
Trump has been quoted criticizing immigrants from these countries in the past. The New York Times reported in December that he once suggested that Haitian immigrants “all have AIDS,” and that Nigerian immigrants would never “go back to their huts” if granted entrance to the U.S.
When he says we shouldn’t have people coming to our country from Haiti or Africa but should instead should have more people immigrating from Norway, that’s not even code anymore. That’s precisely what any Nazi would say. But even more remarkable is that most Nazis would realize this and if they were somehow serving as the president of the United States, they’d know enough to be a lot more subtle about their preferences.
That Trump would spout out such clear Nordic/Aryan supremacy in the midst of so many witnesses, including members of the opposing party, suggests that he’s either insane or completely indifferent to how he is perceived about racial matters. Maybe, like when he suggests we should steal Iraq’s oil, he simply has no idea how that sounds to most people.
I don’t know, but whether he’s evil, insane or stupid, there really needs to be a more concerted effort to put an end to this travesty of a presidency.
Why would he think there was anything wrong with his comment? This is how he was raised and how people talk in his circle of acquaintances. He’s been mouthing off like this his whole life with zero consequences. He won’t suffer any consequences from this either. Remember this is a man who doesn’t understand why we can’t actually use nuclear weapons.
Speaking of “zero consequences”.
He’s having quite a day with announcements. Of course, he screwed up the news of the FISA vote and that had to be walked back. He also boasted about selling F-52 jets to Norway, a plane that only exists in a Call of Duty game.
SheWitch Sarah Huckabee Sanders jumped down the throat of a reporter earlier today when she asked about Trump’s confusion over FISA. I think Sarah’s ducking questions about the F-52.
He’s a bigot, he’s misogynist, he Is deliberately cruel and he lies every time he opens his stupid mouth. It would be great if this would all come to one glorious moment where he flips out completely and someone has to drag his bloated body offstage.
He’s losing it publicly, and we knew it all along anyway.
He’s losing it publicly, and we knew it all along anyway.
How is this any different from what he’s always been? We’re talking about a guy who wanted the Central Park Five executed. And said so at the time. Trump is the GOP id. He uses an air horn when the rest of them know to use a dog whistle.
He lies to claim he’s Swedish. Addled, racist nitwit. Tired to my bones of having to think about him at all…
So this the merit based immigration the donald has been talking about.
And apparently, CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta finally went there tonight and said on Wolf Blitzer’s show that we “can dance around it all we want”, but we just to have to come to terms with the fact that President Trump is a racist.
It is amazing that it has taken someone in the mainstream media this long to finally state what has been obvious since the day Trump descended that escalator.
“Ignorant” (which isn’t the same thing as stupid) probably needs to be tossed in there to ensure full coverage of all 4 bases. But, yeah, those are all the possibilities.
“Ignorant” is subsumed under “stupid”. But there is another axis, and that is pandering. Trump may not be a very experienced politician, but he knows enough to say what his people want to hear. (“His people”, meaning his voters, not “his audience”, meaning whoever is in the room or whoever consumes the resulting reportage.)
. . . under “stupid” (you could look it up!).
That would be why I made a point of saying
Your pandering point has some merit, though it‘s arguably subsumed under “evil”!
In principle, ignorance and stupidity are distinct. Trump is ignorant because he is stupid, so in this case, the one determines the other. This is a frequent overlap, but, to your point, certainly not a universal one.
And politicians do not invariably pander because they are evil; they pander because they are politicians; these two things are identical. Then, if pandering is evil, then politics is evil — a conclusion that you may not have intended…?
Rep. Mia Love, daughter of Haitian immigrants, tells Trump to apologize.
And, predictably, she is alone among Congressional Republicans in her level of outrage and sense of decency.
Is Rep. Love going to succeed in organizing members of her House Caucus to pressure Trump to retract?
She’s no real help to Americans, her Party, her movement, then. Drop in the ocean. Perhaps not even as consequential as that, if she proceeds to vote for the next noxious Bill and budget Trump wants.
Nevertheless, she is the only Haitian-American in Congress. Most Republicans said nothing.
In fact, Trump’s inevitable refusal to acquiesce to Rep. Love’s demand will give our horrible President another opportunity to humiliate a black person.
What I am hearing on the news this morning is the White House is denying he said it.
Even though there were a lot of witnesses. Oh well!
The explicit gaslighting is a primary exhibit in the evidence to show that a primary goal is to humiliate all black and brown people, not just African-Americans.
It isn’t an either/or/or situation.
This comment was calculated. The far right was not happy after Trump opened that bipartisan meeting on immigration to the public, to prove he was a stable genius, only to end up looking like a damned fool out to lunch, with no clue what was going on. Kevin McCarthy tries to bring him back in line but the stable genius was having none of it, and insisting no less to “take the heat” and give the democrats what they wanted on immigration and DACA. Ann Coulter no less, was on Lou Dobbs and trashed Trump nine ways to Sunday, and many on the racist right were apoplectic and rightly pissed off. Immigration is the line in the sand for the deplorables.
Calling the countries of black and brown people “shitholes” was just the ticket, to let them know he still has their backs. And for good measure, in case they didn’t get it, he lets them know good white immigrants “from Norway” are cool.
At times like this it just amazes me that we went from the first black president, who had his issues but he was cool as hell, to this racist, demented moron embarrassment of a president.
If this was calculated, wasn’t it a stunningly poor calculation? Sort of like the calculation that firing Comey would have no repercussions?
This is an “at long last, have you no shame” moment. Republican leaders are finally going to pull the plug on him. I wonder if Pence will take the oath on Martin Luther King Day.
I wish this was an “at long last…” moment, but it doesn’t appear that way, at least not yet. Dems and others are outraged, as any normal, decent person would be. But in many ways this is par for the course for the Bigot in Chief, and unfortunately it’s come to be expected that he’ll say things like this. So far republicans are remaining silent, to let it blow over. And many of these bastards are just as racist as Trump is.
What worries me is this kind of talk is becoming normalized. White leaders and politicians at one time used to talk like that and no one have it a second thought, it was expected. Some of us who were on the business end of such comments had an ironic appreciation for the fact that we knew where they stood, unlike others who would ramble on about “we’ve come a long way” and behind closed doors would do everything they could to hold up their end of white supremacy. The upside to this was there was a sense of shame. But this open bigotry carries no shame for those engaging in it, which is why the deplorables love him because now they can come out of the closet with their hate. It also makes them feel more free to engage in violence. We have our racist moron “president” and his GOP enablers to thank for that.
What worries me is this kind of talk is becoming normalized. White leaders and politicians at one time used to talk like that and no one have it a second thought, it was expected.
Durbin today made the comment that no one has ever talked like that in the White House. People on Twitter made the point that Nixon talked about everyone like that, except privately of course. Of course there is yesterday too. Democrats voting to give an unfit clown more spying powers. I still haven’t seen people like the MSNBC crew ask camera whores like Adam Schiff why he voted to give Trump more spying powers if he’s indeed, as Schiff thinks, a tool of Putin.
Trump is not the least bit ashamed of himself. He actually believes that his racist views are mainstream and that anyone who says differently is just being “PC”.
Remember when Trump lectured the press on how “everybody” (ie, other white people) secretly agreed with his “fine people on both sides” remarks? I think the phrase he used was “you know I’m right, you just won’t admit it.”
So I’m sure he thinks that “everyone” also would agree with his “shithole” countries remarks, too.
Fox News’ Jesse Watters and master Trump propagandist said that Trump’s disparaging words were fine because instead of “locker room talk” they were typical “bar room talk.”
Why would people from Norway ever want to immigrate here?
You ever been to Oslo in the winter?
I live in minnesota, ha.
“He tells it like it is”
So weird that “economic anxiety” delivered so many white voters to Trump while bypassing minority voters. I think we need another 4000 word thumbsucker from the New York Times to explain the mind of the Trump Voter.
Duncan; It Occurs To Me That The President Might Be A Racist:
Yes. Unlike his tax returns, he’s never kept this hidden. He might as well have sung, “Come, come all ye racists and vote for one of your own.”
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