Unfortunately, the lost scripture that explains influenza was not uncovered with the Dead Sea Scrolls and so it remains an impenetrable mystery to spiritual geniuses like Gloria Copeland.
Copeland, who serves on President Trump’s evangelical advisory board, is opposed to flu shots because Jesus never mentioned them. Or, if he did, it was left on the cutting room floor of all the extant gospels.
“Well, listen, partners, we don’t have a flu season,” Copeland said in a video clip posted online by Right Wing Watch. “And don’t receive it when somebody threatens you with, ‘Everybody’s getting the flu.’ We’ve already had our shot: He bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases. That’s what we stand on.”
She said the faithful who don’t have the flu can ward off the infection by repeatedly saying, “I’ll never have the flu. I’ll never have the flu.”
For those who are ― somehow ― sick anyway, she offered a prayer.
“Flu, I bind you off of the people in the name of Jesus,” she said, “Jesus himself gave us the flu shot. He redeemed us from the curse of flu, and we receive it and we take it, and we are healed by his strifes, amen.”
Now, unfortunately, Donald Trump isn’t very familiar with the Bible outside of the two Corinthians he heard about a few times at weddings, so he doesn’t realize that there also two Timothys in the Bible and one of them says that high office holders can avoid being held to account for their crimes by intoning: “I’ll never be impeached. I’ll never be impeached.”
On the other hand, that prayer won’t work because it’s simply not true that Jesus gave us impeachment or that he redeemed us from the cure of impeachment. In fact, those two things don’t even make sense.
“…when somebody threatens you…”
How dread inducing is that a 1/3rd of our citizens see the basic aspects of a functioning modern society as such an acute “threat” that they are willing to gamble their own lives and the lives of their family just to punish the other 2/3rds.
Remind me again how (and why) we’re supposed to meet these people half way?
I don’t know why we are even talking about impeachment right now. It will never happen as long as the Russians control Congress.
I’m more interested in the Continuing Resolution that is about to expire.
Because everybody has their own personal windmill to tilt at and impeachment/25th Amendment “solutions” are Boo’s personal windmill.
The only way the Popular Vote Loser will be removed from office short of term limits are ballot box solutions is if he dies or strokes out to the point where he is demonstrably a non-ambulatory vegetable. Should that happen, then Boo’s 25th Amendment solution would come into play.
This always comes down to IOKIYAR writ large. The Popular Vote Loser was onto something about his shooting someone on 5th avenue comment. He knows as long as the Republican/Russians (you say potato, I say potahto) control the Hill, they won’t do anything within their Constitutional purview to hold him accountable for squat. We’re a year into his term so have a pretty good idea of how these things play out. I’m now convinced he could stage a TV event that highlights him throwing a bag of live kittens into the Potomac and force the bag underwater with a pole and follow that up with him strangling puppies with his bare hands and it wouldn’t change things.
I’d go so far as to say that even if Dems retake the House and Senate, nothing along the lines of what Boo keeps putting forward will happen unless any leaders of an impeachment movement know in advance that they have enough votes in the Senate to convict.
So whenever Boo trots out the impeachment issue, I just picture a windmill. 😛
Exactly. It’s all about convicting in the Senate. NO WAY that happens. Full stop.
How many times did Republicans talk about impeaching Obama? Yet when they gained control, they didn’t. It’s just red meat for the base. Whose base? Take your pick.
That’s correct. It takes 2/3rds of the Senate to convict and the Democrats will never get to 67 seats over the next 3 years. The best that can be done is to take both houses this year and then box him in: no reactionary court nominees and no funding for the wall among other things.
Tilting at windmills means attacking imaginary enemies, unless it has another meaning to you, that doesnt seem to fit your argument.
So whenever someone butchers an idiom, i picture grog trying to be insightful? 😛
Kenneth Copeland Ministries operates on a 1,500-acre campus near Fort Worth, TX, equipped with a church, a private airstrip, and a hangar for the ministry’s $17.5 million jet and other aircraft. Copeland resides with his wife Gloria in a $6 million church-owned lakefront mansion.
A con man, laughing at the marks all the way to the bank.
Nice work, if you can stomach it…
Not me, I throw up easily.
Personally I don’t think trump will be impeached, indicted or anything else. I believe that America’s ability to save itself from cataclysm is long since past.
60 million plus Americans chose to elect a boy who was clearly an immature, ignorant, malignant clown and a complicit GOP. You don’t come back from a civic and democratic literacy deficit as big as that.
American infantilism is now the prime historical force.
I’d like to share what my Senator had to say about Trump.
Kenneth Copeland has a nice history of this kind of ludicrous “theology”.
His church was at the center of a measles outbreak in 2013 because they are also anti-vaxxer nutjobs.
You can bet your ass that when Copeland eventually suffers a fate like fellow crazy Pat Robertson, that in addition to this whole “Jesus binding thing”, his ass will be planted in a hospital with all the best medical care tending to him. Because apparently when it comes to taking care of his most cherished shepherds, their Jesus always seems to need medical science to prop up his “miracles”.
Televangelists are to real religion as professional wrestling is to amateur wrestling (greco-roman wrestling).
Professional wrestlers prepare a show for fame and fortune.
Amateur wrestlers dedicate their lives to their sport, which promises poverty, suffering and sacrifice. Only a few make it to the Olympics, whose corrupt leadership tried to do away with greco-roman wrestling as an event. Still they train, always seeking to sharpen their minds and hone their bodies.
It says a great deal about the current president that, when searching for “religious advisers,” he chose the show business imitation of faith, not the real thing.
Like calls to like, I guess.