(Jsrtheta wrote the title of this post (slightly edited to fit above) in a comment on Booman’s post The Second Amendment is an Anachronism. It so reeked of white, middle class Dem elitism that I had to sit for a while and let my anger fade before I replied. Here is what I had to say:)
Jsrtheta wrote:
Chicago is a wonderful city. Gun violence is pretty much confined to areas you wouldn’t go anyway.
And here we have the real essence of the white, middle class, middle-aged, elitist, entitlement-poisoned, middle-leftiness position that now screams all over this blog on every level.
A wonderful city for whom, jsrtheta? Go here and look at the demographic map of Chicago.(<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Chicago#/media/File:African_American_Population_by_Census_Tract_in_Chicago,IL(2011).svg>) Obama’s city, currently ruled by his political hitman, Rahm Emanuel. Roughly 3 million in population, with vast tracts of areas where you wouldn’t go. But somebody has to live there, right? It looks to be roughly half the area of the city. 1.5 million people, maybe? Or even more, given the overcrowding in ghetto housing. And those “somebodies”…black and brown, mostly…all over the U.S. read people like you like a book.
The Dems currently seem to think that they can run the table in the 2020 presidential election by appealing to the “minority vote.” Yeah, right. Look at how well that worked out in 2016. They think that they’ll prop up some Dem hustler of color like Cory Booker (not necessarily even at the top of the ticket) as their proof of sincerity and sail into the White House. They oughta think again. The “minority vote” saw though the Democratic Party during Obama’s stay in the White House, and they’re not coming back. Not in numbers large enough to win. Bet on it. They’ll stay home rather than get hustled again.
Home…you know…in those “areas where you wouldn’t go anyway.”
Gun violence is pretty much confined to areas you wouldn’t go anyway.
This should be the Dem’s 2020 slogan. Hell, it might even win them enough Trump voters to win.
Get real.
I’ve got to admit that I’m uneasy going into the Northwest area that I grew up in much less the near West Side where I was born. Hell, I was uneasy going back to I.I.T. at 31’st and State for my 50 year class reunion. But the area is barricaded like Fort Laramie now. The nearer suburbs aren’t much better.
There really shouldn’t be areas where one wouldn’t go. Nearly 70 years of one party rule have turned Chicago into a toilet. IMHO, the turning point was Orlando Wilson’s treatment of gangs as sovereign nations that bargained with the city as equals instead of the criminal organizations that they are that turned the tide.
BTW that Northwest area is still 90+% white. Color is not the problem. But color consciousness might be. Police more interested in payoffs than crime are a big part. Courts that routinely dismiss thefts of less than $500 are a problem too. No one respects a law that isn’t enforced.
True, Law and Order became a code phrase for racism. So, Democrats reacted with an excuse for any crime by anyone who is off-white. That’s a big part of our modern problems. Extreme polarization. Both sides wrong in different ways and beneath it all cynical politicians that just pander to one side or the other and laugh all the way to the bank when they aren’t peddling baloney to their loony constituents.
JB Pritzker lives in Chicago. I don’t if he has much of a crime problem in his neighborhood as he relaxes in his $20,000,000 home. Rival Chris Kennedy bases his campaign on concern about gangs and gun violence. I doubt he personally worries. I believe he lives in a heavily fortified lakeside condo complex.
baloney”. Cuz:
smells like baloney.
Please provide linked documentary evidence of
Thanks in advance!
Arthur, I’ll answer you instead of the troll below.
Due to the Cook County budgetary crises, non-violent theft of less than $500 cases are being dismissed by the Cook County Circuit Court along with some rather serious traffic offenses, like drunk driving if you other charges or damage are involved. This was reported on WBBM Radio 105.9 FM. If the scumbag below wants documentation he can look for himself. I’m not working for a troll with his head up Clinton’s ass.
. . . peddling baloney!
Who coulda predicted?
. . . shall we?
You asserted as if it were fact a claim that would arouse skepticism in any reasonable and reasonably well-informed person.
I — with utter civility! (“please” and “thanks in advance”) — requested evidence in support of your dubious claim.
You declined.
I pointed this out.
This, in your twisted existence, merited a “mega troll” rating!!!!
‘Nuf said!
Case closed!
. . . (you worthless coward).
Oh, what’s that? You can’t refute it? Cuz it’s true? Already demonstrated so, with documentary evidence?
So you troll-rate instead?
Sucks to be you!
Request for evidence. Crickets. Troll rate the person making the request. Wash, rinse, repeat.
. . . on the (literal!) right wing. Which (i.e., to escape any accountability) of course is why they slithered off over here in the first place.
Poorer neighborhoods…especially those of mostly one culture…have always been dangerous to identifiable outsiders. Poor people are largely pissed-off people, especially after several generations go by and that particular culture begins to realize that it is being kept in that neighborhood while other, less plainly “other” cultures are absorbed into the mainstream.
What got my goat was the phrase:
It was the use of “you” as a substitute for “we” that hit me. Like only “us smart people, us people of higher discernment”…that “we,” like they’re the only people who matter. It’s Deplorablism Pt. II, the other side of the HRC implication that working class whites are “deplorables.” People of color have big ears for those implications, and I believe that is one major reason that the Dems did not do as well as they expected to do with the minority vote in 2017.
And further…the same elitist fools who ran the Democratic Party in 2017 are still running it now.
It’s a lost cause unless some sort of drastic change takes place in the party, and soon!!! Sure, they may win some seats in 2018. We’ll see. But Trump News is rapidly becoming old news…as are Mueller News and Russiagate News, by the way…simply because of massive overexposure, endless repetition and no real, discernible progress. Just more clickbait every news cycle. What happens when the DemRat Chicken Littles scream “The sky is still falling!!!” while fewer and fewer people give a shit? What happens then?
Failure happens.
Can we afford failure?
Trump is betting on it. Pushing for it, even.
So are his handlers.
Reprising my robust demonstration that that is a LIE (and you a damnable LIAR for repeating it).
. . . (you worthless coward).
Oh, what’s that? You can’t refute it? Cuz it’s true? Already demonstrated so, with documentary evidence?
So you troll-rate instead?
Sucks to be you!
To whom are you referring? I troll rated no one and I fight in the open.
Not that your nasty mouth doesn’t deserve it.
What on earth is wrong with you?
Yes, that was pretty dismissive. Implying, to me, “It’s those people, their just animals anyway.”
Moved to Chicagoland in 1999 and left last year. Saw two governors go to jail and Daley’s last term was consumed with caring for his sick wife. Rham and the current GOP governor inherited a mess. The state has been running on auto pilot for way too long. The gun violence is primarily due to the corrupt police. They do not even patrol…they just show up after some child is dead in the street.