After all the propaganda to make Syria a Western owned state, making Iran and Russia the villains … the United States with its close ally Great Britain are preparing for another global military confrontation. The European lambs to slaughter … meeting today as EU.

Don’t tell me Donald Trump himself is the architect to name John Bolton to head the NSC. How the president is encapsulated by a deep state neocon of the worst kind. Don’t these guys die out?

John Bolton: foreign policy radical who backs war with Iran and North Korea  

Donald Trump has hired an unwavering and radical advocate of war against both North Korea and Iran to oversee his administration’s national security policy.

John Bolton has made a career of deriding diplomacy as a sign of weakness, and has disparaged both the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, and even the current administration’s use of sanctions as means of pressuring the North Korean regime to give up its nuclear arsenal.

Instead, the soon-to-be national security adviser has repeatedly argued, nuclear disarmament in both cases is best achieved through regime change delivered by US military might.

“A close look shows he’s genuinely one of the most extreme, irresponsible, and dangerous voices in the country,” said Adam Mount, a senior fellow and nuclear weapons policy expert at the Federation of American Scientists.


Hopeless, hapless … loss of all humanity. The seat of power, not representing We the People.

Tip of the hat to JDW – Israel Prepares the Ground Work for Iran War .

Tip of the hat to JDW – Netanyahu’s Revenge: Trump the Winner.