I have a few solutions for this:
Russia’s ambassador to the United States has told NBC News he can’t remember a period of worse relations between Washington and Moscow, after both countries expelled dozens of diplomats following the poisoning of a former Russian spy.
Said Anatoly Antonin: “It seems to me that atmosphere in Washington is poisoned — it’s a toxic atmosphere. It depends upon us to decide whether we are in Cold War or not. But … I don’t remember such a bad shape of our relations.”
If Ambassador Anatoly Antonin doesn’t want poisoned relations with the West, he could try convincing his boss to stop holding fake elections, murdering people left and right, using nerve agent in the United Kingdom, shooting down passenger airplanes, invading and annexing territory from his neighbors, having his mercenaries attack our troops in Syria, and hacking into our infrastructure, voting networks, and political parties’ emails.
I’m sure we could think of something reciprocal to do in return to be a little less annoying to the Kremlin.
Ambassador Antonin added, “Today Russia’s responsible for everything, even for bad weather. It’s high time for us to stop blaming each other. It’s high time for us to start a real conversation about real problems.”
Antonin could improve bilateral relations immediately by not saying risible things like we’re blaming his country for the weather. That would be a good start. Just not saying things that make Americans want to slap your face would be like a new beginning.
In the meantime, we’re trying to rid ourselves of your leader’s great gift to us, President Donald Trump. There’s no amount of apologizing that’s going to atone for that trick. You pantsed us in front of the world, congratulations. But don’t think we’ll ever forget.
In all seriousness, though, you can’t assassinate people on the street in our countries with military grade chemical weapons and think we’re going to smile, shake hands and “start a real conversation about real problems.” That was an arrogant miscalculation that has now resulted in the expulsion of more than 150 Russians from twenty-seven Western countries.
Early 2018 had Putin heading towards a staggering, but not surprising, electoral victory against dead and disqualified opposition candidates. This dominance allowed Russia’s president to ride his eventual 76.6 percent final poll tally to a new level of cavalier confidence on the global stage. Political dominance at home and fawning support from President Trump gave him a delusional sense of invincibility. It led him to overreach and miscalculate.
Now, well over 20 Western countries have joined together to give Putin the one-finger salute for a U.K. chemical agent attack he is suspected of either directing or condoning…
…Of course, Western allies will also lose in this tit-for-tat game by giving up their limited eyes and ears in Russia. But the Western economic consequences and political fallout are likely minimal, with Russia needing foreign exchange from energy sales more than the West needs reliable Russian wheat productivity figures.
Trump may not want anyone in his administration to talk about these expulsions, perhaps out of fear that the pee-tape will be released, but he still went along with it. If Putin wanted better relations with our country, he could have made completely different decisions. He got cocky and overplayed his hand, proving he isn’t as smart as he thinks he is.
Well yes, but I wish Vlad would release the pee tape. I don’t plan to look at it but it would be fun for it to be out there. He at least owes us that much.
In all seriousness, I think the main dirt he has on Orange Julius is financial. But he definitely has Trump’s itty bitty nads firmly in his tweezers.
After all that has come out about Trump’s affairs and lecherous behavior towards multiple women, the pee tape will mean nothing to his rabid supporters.
I don’t see DJT worried about that.
But he worries that IF Putin withdraws all the Russian money in his enterprises, then he will basically be penniless (figuratively). I think that is the blackmail power of Putin!
Yes, the pee tape would be deeply embarrassing to any other person but he is grossness defined and the same with his followers as you note.
Bu the man is all about greed and laziness. Laundering dirty Russian money was not only highly lucrative but also a pretty easy thing to accomplish. Remeber back in 2008, Dumbass, Jr.s bragging: “In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” That was pseudo-techno babble for, “Yeah we’re doin’ a lot of laundry these days.”
If Russia’s initial response to the public poisoning had conveyed the slightest concern or sympathy, rather than flippant mockery, perhaps it wouldn’t have looked so completely obvious that they were involved.
Remember we provoked them into it, whatever it is.
East Berlin. Budapest. Prague. Kabul. Grozny. The Crimea. Doesn’t matter…
All Putin seeks is peace and friendship between our two great peoples, Russian and American.
It’s all our fault, and it’s Victoria Nuland what done it.
Mir i druzhba, y’all…
The y’all really gives you away. You clearly come from the Southern portion of Russia. Now, how do y’all manage to concoct a mint julep with vodka?
It is not five-sigma (or even two-sigma) certain that Russia dispersed the nerve gas, or even shot down MH17 (as why Ukraine was confidentially included in that investigation, but not Russia?) By now Russians know well Western plays with authoritative expertise and moral mythology. They may even feel excused from any explanations, as Who would really listen? They are not that useful or culturally special as Saudis, after all. Kremlin must have concluded long ago, that the real Russia’s sin is that it would not bend over and relinquish its resources as some Nigeria. Ostensibly free elections would probably mean just that, almost like in Ukraine.
Not so long ago…
please just shut up.
Thank you.
We must apply the cui bono test to this poisoning.
Who profits from its media dissemination?
The first thing that occurred to me when this whole story went down was “Why was this spook poisoned?” If it was a simple punishment or attempted deletion of a functioning and dangerous enemy of Russia, why use a nerve agent that has been widely identified as a Russian weapon? Really. I mean…as far as the real spook pros are concerned, how many ways are there to kill somebody? An apparently bungled burglary or mugging, a car bomb or tampered steering/brakes? The list is endless. This guy wasn’t living some some sequestered, heavily guarded life, he was walking around the suburbs of London going to shopping centers and restaurants. In a heavy crowd, an ice pick in the back will do the trick and no one will even see the act.
Are the Russians that dumb? I mean…these are the same “Russians” who apparently fooled the entire U.S. security system and helped get Trump elected, right? If it was them, it was meant as a serious message. To whom? Who knows? Other double/triple/quadruple agents, probably. “Keep your mouths shut. We can take you out too.”
Or…it was performed by other agencies that are trying to brand Russia as the world villain of the moment. I wonder who that might be?
Again…the use of the Novichok nerve agent is a curious one. If it was non-Russian agencies that wanted Skirpal out of the way (for whatever spooky-spook-spook reasons), why use an identifiably Russian tool? I suppose it might be the “kill two birds with one stone and not get caught” angle…get rid of Skirpal and harm the Russians or at least provide yet another excuse to place more blame on them…but given the apparently endless, international media shitstorm over Russian influence on the Trump regime, it sounds to me like just another attempt to play “Blame The Russians.”
Is Putin a dictator?
In the normal course of state business, do he and his little helpers routinely kill or imprison opponents?
Also certainly.
And the same thing…minus the fairly simple “elected dictator” idea, because we/they have another form of governmental hustle going on…goes for his western opponents. If you think not, you are living in a dream world. The moment the leader of a major power leader is elected, he or she has blood on their hands. That’s the way it works. Innocent blood? Often. Bet on it.
It’s part of the job description.
It’s part of the control mechanism.
Any attempt to deny it is laughable.
So…where’s the beef in this little shit sandwich?
Damned if I know, and damned if I care. Skirpal chose to be part of the spook world, and his luck ran out.
Only one thing is certain.
It was spook work.
Bet on that as well.
Which spooks?
Does it really make much of a difference?
In a sense, all spooks are more allied with each other than they they are with their supposed employers. They play a dangerous game with huge rewards. Look at Putin for all you need to know on that account. He is a world champion spook….the world champion, for now at least…with riches and power beyond belief.
Like mobsters, in the end, they are all allied against the “law-abiding” world.
Bet on that as well.
Now a standalone post.
The Skirpal Poisoning, SpookWorld and the RussiaGate Movement
Please comment there.
Thank you…
Have the Russian Nationalists even attempted to come up with a counter narrative on the Skripsal Affair? Maybe along the lines of “somebody, um, er, mislaid some nerve agent, we’ll have to check?” Geez, at least try to act like “we’re looking into it”, that’s all the Brits likely needed. It’s not as though everyone isn’t happy to ignore Putin’s ongoing political killings, but they do need some kind of story-line (however implausible) to play along with! Instead it’s just bare-faced denials of the hand in front of one’s face.
Hard to see this as anything other than a massive miscalculation by the Czar. And it’s not as though Russia’s Great Adversary is leading the charge here—it’s the Europeans saying enough is enough. 27 countries and 150 “diplomats” is a whole lotta ruffled feathers, Vlad!
It’s actually kind of surprising that our Great Imbecile was somehow persuaded by the UK to support the West and Trumper’s hated NATO against Putin’s provocations. It’s not as though Der Trumper has the slightest inclination to rely on any intelligence agencies/communities. Who got to him?
So we’ve got an unqualified amateur fool playing prez in the WH, with not a judicious civilian advisor in the whole Trumpite empire. And there surely appears not the slightest counterweight to Putin’s militarist adventurism in the Motherland. It’s a terrible, dangerous situation all around, and if one doesn’t have some serious apprehension over where this is all headed, one isn’t paying attention.
I cannot wait to see what Putin does when the donald drops out of the Iran nuke deal. Putin has the ability to make the donald look weak and foolish.