Everything is going phenomenally well.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
So Trump turns to “outsiders” for advice, as opposed to his own staff? What staff? He’s fired (or had someone else fire) his own hand-picked people since his first day in office. He has made spectacularly bad choices for the American people and some of them, like Pruitt and Zinke, are still there, bulldozing the laws that were meant to protect us and opening the door for ecological and economic disaster.
I am exhausted from trying to keep up with the bullshit. I don’t know what lies ahead with all the investigations, and I don’t know if any of the results will actually matter. But I do know that it’s all changed the face of this country and our standing in the world. Trump’s people have helped undermine our country and seem hell-bent on destroying what’s left of it.
You have to admire the evil audacity of the Republicans.
Losers of the popular vote in every presidential election but one in the 24 years they still have a chokehold on the courts, took America from a budget surplus to a monumental national debt, lost two wars on their limited watch, destroyed the global economy, threatened numerous times to destroy the national credit rating (which is both an economic and national security asset), glorified white America’s racist and sexist nature.
And now their innate cruelty is coming down on people who have lived here and contributed for decades just to prove how racist and xenophobic white American Republicans can be.
Bush/Cheney launched the trashing of America’s reputation and the Republicans could not have picked a more evil, effective menace to complete that trashing job than Trump and his minions.
When a country repeatedly does not fulfill it’s democratic obligations to its people (gerrymandering, voter suppression, foreign influence, stealing a Supreme Court seat), acts without regard to human rights (TFS expulsions, the `wall’, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, torture), and reinforces all that with demonstrated unreliability as an ally (letters to Iran from a Republican Congress, threatened Iran agreement withdrawal, withdrawal from Paris accord, tariffs) it’s pretty amazing stretch of evil and stupid that the rest of the world has to accept at face value.
When the same country keeps repeating the same stupid, evil, counterproductive decisions you have accept as established fact that the same country is stupid, evil, and counterproductively dysfunctional.
Reading that litany of evil and stupid it really makes you wonder what the Democrats think they have been doing the last 18 years.
They are the other side of this counterfeit coin, LosGatosCA. Nothing more and nothing less.
The answer to that question is the sad reality of a confluence of things — money in politics, comfortable careerism and plain cowardice that put last, if any at all, policies that actually address voters needs, and truly fighting for them rather than just talking about it and hoping somehow folks won’t notice the difference, that all adds up to a bunch of nothing. Or worse, adopting GOP evil (we got to cut social security to save it!) and passing that off as “help.” The base had to push back on Obama on that one.
Some will shout in response, but Obama! but Clinton! The ACA! But in the balance all of these are outweighed by the net effect of all the consistent harm the GOP and its policies have done, that they have been able to continue practically unabated for all these years. And do so, incredibly, in or out of power. Which points to an incredible track record of failure as an opposition (or majority) party.
And the democrats continue their track record of failure as an opposition party in the face of the GOP/Trump clown show. In 2016, I thought, no way the democrats, with an accomplished, competent politician running, can lose to an ignorant, unprofessional and racist con man. And yet it should have been more than obvious, given their track record of missed opportunity and the unaccomplished, that it was more than possible.
The legends of Satan are many, powerful and long-lived. Perhaps those of us on the so-called “godless” left might well begin to reconsider our position on the matter.
Trump is a perfect walking, talking and acting image of the many characterizations of Satan throughout the centuries.
Think on it.
P.S. William Butler Yeats, 1919
Think on it.
And from reporting, he’s reaching out on unsecured phones. What could possibly go wrong er?
But….but….but…..her emails!
Somehow that never gets old.
Under Obama, the Congress was paralyzed but the executive branch was functioning. Under Trump most of the government is paralyzed, the GICEtapo excepted. The ship of state is rudderless and adrift, and it seems clear that the rest of the world is well aware of this by now.
Hard to even know what is meant by Der Trumper seeking “advice” at this point. He looking for people who will tell him what he wants to hear. That the collection of sycophants he has assembled around him is inadequate to this task is mind-boggling. Der Trumper has nothing in particular he wishes to accomplish, has the attention span of a gnat, and has simply unleashed a swarm of rightwing extremists to demolish the executive branch and the administrative state. Events now simply overtake him. He is, however, certainly taking the advice of his DOJ team of Federalist Society members in selecting his parade of rightwing judges.
His sickening reality TV show will apparently have upcoming episodes of “Trumper in Korea”, “Kennedy Retires”, “Iran Saber-Rattling” and “US Deficit Explodes”. These should provide much entertainment and excitement (with guest appearances by Benjamin Netanyahoo and friends), but Trumper is almost a bit player at this point, as he obviously has very short hours of “work”, and this includes the deranged 3 am tweeting and daily “Fox and Fools” watching. Since it’s been shown that everyone around him openly thinks him a fool and an imbecile, the obvious response of a Crackpot Cabinet member is to act as though he doesn’t exist and operate as you see fit. Trumper himself can’t tell up from down.
So as the Cretin-in-Chief obsesses on the slow-moving investigation into his illegitimate election, the US is akin to the headless horseman, a dangerous highwayman without a brain. And should one of our adversaries and antagonists actually do something that requires the US to have a functioning prez, it’s hard to see how any sort of head could be reattached to the blithering and blathering imbecile the incompetent white electorate thought to entrust with the nation’s office.
Oops, “nation’s highest office”, goddamit.
A tour de force!!
The “outsiders,” just like his staff, are all “the best people” thus in Trumpworld, at least, things are going swimmingly.
And so to continue this incredible bullshit storm, Trump and friends, to include the Israelis, have hired spooks to undermine Obama people who were involved in the Iran deal according to The Guardian. Trump seems hell bent on exiting the Iran deal onMay 12 based on Yahoo’s report the Iranians are cheating. Never mind in reality we could get out about anytime we choose. But the earlier the better and we can prepare for the next mid east war.