On Booman’s “Casual Observation” post of June 12th, Phil Perspective  posted an observation regarding the possibility of Democrats taking action against the Trump gang if they were to win the Presidency in 2020:

The big question is will Democrats pursue charges come 2021 if they win back the presidency or will they let bygones be bygones?  Given how cowardly Seattle City Council Democrats are, I have no doubt that DC Democrats would sweep everything under the rug come 2021 if they defeat Trump.  And then the worst of the younger Trump Train would resurface the next time the GOP won the presidency.  Just like the worst of the C- Augustus crew has resurfaced under Trump.

VidaLoca replied:

The bigger question is, will Democrats win back the Presidency in 2020?  If the don’t, by 2024 the country will be pretty much unrecognizable.  

If they do, the precedents are not strong in our system for the winners in a political contest to be coming after the losers with indictments. On the day after the election, the right wing will start plotting to retake power; they’ll scream bloody murder about how unfair, how illegal, how political it all is.  The centrist Democrats, never ones to stand up and fight for a principle in the best of times, will fold quickly.  They’ll want to be “reasonable” because that’s what they always want, and it will be hard to deny the “reasonable” argument that prosecutions would take huge amounts of time and resources that could be devoted to other things. Most of which will seem frivolous until we realize that at the end of the day, prosecutions don’t benefit people who fund Democrats.  They will have other priorities.

The left, the activists, the people who do want to see someone held accountable for this mess, will be isolated and marginalized even more than they currently are.  Mueller will publish a book, which will promptly vanish down the memory hole.  And it will be back to business as usual.

And jsretha replied to VidaLoca:

None of this is “as usual.”

I started a reply to jsretha, and it grew. Here it is as a standalone.

Read on.
I disagree, jsrtheta. I believe that it is “business as usual.”

Good cop/bad cop business.

DemRat/RatPub business.

The RatPubs do the dirty work and then the DemRats come in to smooth things over.

Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes and Trump:

Dirty work.

Down and Dirty.

Clinton I and Obama:

Smooooth, but equally murderous.

However, the general tendency of motion remains ever rightward.

This act has continued since at least the assassination years.

Bet on it.


P.S. Read about the plot to take FDR down in 1933 while you’re at it. Corporate interests are almost always rightist. As corporate power grows, the country leans ever further right. The original definition of “fascism” was:

Originally, it referred to a totalitarian political movement linked with corporatism which existed in Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini.

Interestingly enough, Mussolini himself was originally …a leading member of the National Directorate of the Italian Socialist Party. So-called “fascism” is an equal opportunity employer/destroyer. It will take over “leftist” movements just as it will ‘rightist” ones.

P.P.S. My favorite line from the above Business Plot Wikipedia article:

At the time of the incidents, news media dismissed the plot, with a New York Times editorial characterizing it as a “gigantic hoax”.

Some things never change.

