If Charles Pierce is correct that yesterday’s Michael Cohen hearing was “as sordid as the worst brothel on the Singapore docks,” it was still nice to see the man brought low and thoroughly humbled. I almost enjoyed watching the Republican members completely ignore everything Cohen had to say in favor of savaging his character. If anything, they were far too kind. But there was one significant problem with the GOP’s performance. They continuously lambasted Cohen for having come before Congress previously and lying his head off. But the only perjury counts he received were related to lies the president had told himself. Even more sketchy is the fact that Cohen stated under oath that the president’s lawyers had reviewed and edited his perjurious testimony before he gave it.
This cognitive dissonance provided extra poignancy when Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona told Cohen, “you’re a pathological liar; you don’t know truth from falsehood” and Cohen responded, “I’m sorry, are you referring to me or the president?”
Still, the Republicans were successful in distracting from the main point, which was that Trump’s pursuit of a skyscraper in Moscow was initially a higher priority for him that winning the nomination or the presidency, and that he’s lied constantly about this, exposing himself to blackmail and foreign influence by the Russians.
The Democrats were little help. As the New York Times dryly noted, “few members seemed to have done deep research to elicit new information,” which is a substantial understatement. As repulsive as the Republicans’ tactics were, at least they had a plan and at least they executed it. Too many Democrats wasted their time going on fishing expeditions only to come up empty.
In the grand scheme of things, what Cohen provided was mainly contained in his opening statement and amounted more to aggravating factors than primary rationales for impeachment. He confirmed that Donald Trump has committed a variety of crimes, both before and during his time as president. Cohen provided documentary evidence implicating Trump in bank, wire and insurance fraud, campaign finance violations, misuse of a charity, and tax evasion. He also exposed Trump as a fraud who revels in stiffing contractors and routinely inflates his net worth when it suits him. He gave firsthand accounts of Trump’s extreme prejudice against black people. He explained his role as a fixer, including how he bullied reporters and university administrators, and how he worked with people at the National Enquirer to “catch-and-kill” negative stories about his boss.
These were all very serious matters, but not the kind of earth-shattering revelations required to build momentum for a Pence administration. The truly dangerous stuff lurked in the background. Cohen confirmed that he is actively cooperating with prosecutors in the Southern District of New York:
Prior to Wednesday, prosecutors in the Southern District of New York were known to have been examining whether any Trump Org executives violated campaign-finance laws as part of the scheme to reimburse Cohen and had been conducting an investigation of the Trump inaugural committee, CNN has reported.
On Wednesday, Cohen suggested they are also examining a conversation he had with Trump in the spring of 2018, within two months of the FBI having executed search warrants on Cohen’s home, hotel room and office.
After telling the committee that conversation was the last time Cohen spoke to Trump, Cohen said he couldn’t speak further about that matter because it is under investigation by prosecutors. “I’ve been asked by them not to discuss and not to talk about these issues,” Cohen said.
Minutes later, Cohen was asked: “Is there any other wrongdoing or illegal acts that you are aware of regarding Donald Trump that we haven’t yet discussed today?” Cohen replied: “Yes, and again those are part of the investigation that’s currently being looked at by the Southern District of New York.”
At another point, Cohen disclosed: “I am in constant contact with the Southern District of New York regarding ongoing investigations.”
Information more relevant to the Russia investigation was limited by design, and Cohen provided closed-door testimony on those matters this week to the congressional Intelligence Committees. After his Tuesday appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee, ranking member Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia stated, “When this investigation started, I said it may be the most important thing that I’m involved in in my public life in the Senate. Nothing I have heard today dissuades me from that view.”
Yet, two pieces of pertinent information were discussed in the open session testimony on Wednesday. Cohen stated that it was his opinion that he had witnessed Donald Trump Jr. informing his father that the now infamous June 6th, 2016 Trump Tower meeting was set up and going forward, although this is nothing more than informed conjecture on Cohen’s part. More concrete was Cohen’s testimony that he was present for a July 2016 speakerphone conversation between Donald Trump and Roger Stone in which Stone claimed to have talked directly to Julian Assange.
In July 2016, days before the Democratic convention, I was in Mr. Trump’s office when his secretary announced that Roger Stone was on the phone. Mr. Trump put Mr. Stone on the speakerphone. Mr. Stone told Mr. Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Mr. Assange told Mr. Stone that, within a couple of days, there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Mr. Trump responded by stating to the effect of “wouldn’t that be great.”
In one way, this isn’t as damning as it might look. As a Republican congressman pointed out in the hearing, Assange had publicly stated more than a month before, on June 12, 2016, that he had documents relating to Hillary Clinton that would provide “enough evidence” to indict her. The significance of the Trump/Stone call is that it contradicts the story both of them have been telling for almost three years now.
Based on other evidence that the Office of Special Counsel has produced in court filings, it seems unlikely that Stone was telling the truth about speaking directly with Assange. At different times, Stone used Jerome Corsi, Ted Malloch and Randy Credico as intermediaries, and he exchanged some text messages with Assange, but there’s no public evidence that Stone had phone conversations with him. On the other hand, assuming that Stone was at least accurately conveying what he had learned second-hand from Assange, this represents an earlier (and probably different) contact than anything Mueller has so far produced.
To see why this is a problem for the president, remember that this was one of the items Mueller had on his list of questions he asked Trump to answer: “What knowledge did you have of communication with or regarding Roger Stone, persons associated with Roger Stone, Julian Assange, or Wikileaks?”
Trump reportedly denied explicitly and in-writing having any knowledge of these communications. Mueller would need further corroboration to make a perjury charge here stick, but presumably he has phone records and perhaps other witnesses.
As Charles Pierce noted, “the Republican Party disgraced itself on Wednesday when Michael Cohen, the current president*’s former king fixer, sat before the House Oversight Committee to describe some of the garish and baroque offenses against the law and the republic committed by Donald Trump.” They did this by refusing to treat any of those offenses with even a remote degree of seriousness. I think the Democrats did almost as poorly by coming unprepared and without a coordinated plan that they could execute with much degree of success.
The hearing wasn’t a complete dud, but it did not live up to the advance hype. The truly good news for the president is that Cohen did not report firsthand knowledge, let alone personal participation, in any direct coordination with the Russians on the hacking. It appears that Cohen either did not go to Prague or he’s convinced that there will never be any proof of it. That undermines the Steele Dossier rather severely, which must be quite a comfort to the president’s nervous supporters.
On the other hand, there was plenty of confirmation that the president is a crook and a fraud whose lies are being exposed. And there were enough hints of things still hidden and beneath the surface to suggest that Trump has perjured himself and has legal problems that go far beyond the Russia investigation.
“Even more sketchy is the fact that Cohen stated under oath that the president’s lawyers had reviewed and edited his perjurious testimony before he gave it.”
Huh, I’m no lawyer, and I’m a realist when it comes to rich white people facing any consequences at all for their actions.
But this seems pretty bad for the lawyers.
Am I misreading this?
If he DID go to Prague, one wonders why he would open up about everything BUT that and while under oath. I can’t remember if he denied being in Prague or the Czech Republic– if the latter that leaves less wiggle room.
Curiouser and curiouser.
So you don’t agree with this?
How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Won the Cohen Hearing
Ya, it’s just the first hearing in what’s going to be an ongoing impeachment process. The Democrats will get better at it (at least some of them), and evidence will grow.
I’m building a ledgerstone rock wall. The hard part is getting the first stones even, getting it `out of the ground’, so to speak. Once you have the first layer laid….it’s easier.
Let’s not forget….it’s been awhile since the Democrats even ran hearings…..let alone investigative ones. And all the people who lead them have been replaced.
They will get better.
That’s true, but I think many of the others members should be taking notes from AOC. A few others did fine, such as Katie Hill and Ayanna Pressley and Jackie Speier. But I think many of the experienced members messed up the Kavanaugh hearings so I’m less inclined to take the “they’re just getting warmed up” at face value. I’m hoping that members see how she succeeded in both elevating herself and asking questions which elicit information.
You write:
Point by point:
#1- “…it’s been awhile since the Democrats even ran hearings…”
On merit!!! The “Democrats” have progressively tanked since Obama’s first term high water mark. Only the recent new breed from 2018 (and a couple of older Dems…Sanders, Warren) show any signs whatsoever of rejuvenation.
#2- “…And all the people who lead them have been replaced.”
Egregiously wrong!!!
First of all…the DNC still controls the Democratic Party, and said DNC is the most guilty party in the steep decline of the Democratic Party. Have Schumer and Pelosi been “replaced?” The Clintonites? WTFU.
Secondly…the phrase “the people who lead them” should be altered to say “the people who own them.” And they have not been “replaced”…not yet anyway…because Big Corp still owns most of the Democrats in Congress. It owns them in an electoral sense…as it does the Republicans…by controlling the media that covers them and maintaining the ridiculously high price of getting elected, thereby making their “ownership” of national and highly placed state politicians almost a total necessity. Until people like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, AOC and Beto O’Rourke control the DNC…people who have a clear view of the entrenched corporate corruption of the entire electoral system and are searching for ways around that corruption on progressively higher levels…, the Democrats will remain stuck in the recent past.
#3-“They will get better.”
From your mouth to God’s ears.
Let us pray it so.
Arthur, you favor a long set of very regressive domestic policies and social views. You oppose the policy agendas of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, AOC and Beto O’Rourke.
You’re a liar who will be called out on your lies and repulsive policy views until you stop lying and begin honestly making the case for your preferred policies. Stop being a coward and return to arguing in support of voter ID laws, one of your many extremely unfortunate positions.
I agree but possibly disappointed because none of that stuff will move the needle on impeach Trump
. . . all I saw of the hearings (YouTube).
On that limited basis, my response to this was “hunh?”.
Granting that “few” allows for exceptions and that description may even be a fair generalization of the rest of the Dems’ questioning, which I did not see; those 5 AOC minutes I DID see were the stark opposite of that description — spectacularly good, obviously demonstrating homework thoroughly done, and eliciting very important information on which to base further inquiry/investigation. It had me thinking “are we sure she was previously a Bronx bartender rather than a prosecutor with a long string of convictions?” My reaction was . . . well, may as well just quote it directly:
The problem we face and which was vividly on display with the Republican party and media and base voters is the endless, persistent “Myth of the King’s Bad Ministers”.
The Kingdom is going to hell because the King’s minsters are a vicious corrupt band of idiots who consistently make terrible decisions, and are open grifters and just flat evil. But, the people can’t process that information, because they cheered on the King and want him to be good. So they invent the myth: “If only the King knew what his bad ministers are doing, our righteous monarch would rise up and smite them!”
Only, in reality the King CHOOSE his bad ministers because they were bad. The King always knows everything. He is responsible for every bad decision. He tolerates the grifting because he doesn’t care about corruption – “Let them enjoy their corruption, as long as they demonstrate their loyalty!”
And he personally is responsible for every stupid and disastrous decision. But, the King’s supporters refuse to listen or believe.
They are committed to the King and anyway they hate the King’s enemies. They understand that if the King goes down, people they hate will triumph over them. So, they close their eyes and ears to the obvious lies, the open deceptions that fool nobody but provide flimsy cover for people who insist on believing.
But, the King won’t modify his bad behavior. He won’t select good ministers. He won’t even listen to anybody who suggests a better course of conduct.
And then you have a Caligula; and in history the only answer was to assassinate him and move on – to hopefully a better monarch, although in reality that seldom happens. Normally, you just get an Emperor Claudius who is less vicious, but totally imbecilic, and then they have to get rid of him too.
In this case impeaching Trump and getting Pence is like going from Caligula to Claudius to Nero. Nothing whatever will be gained.
What Democrats needed to do was to expose endlessly the degree to which Trump has CHOSEN these corrupt and evil men BECAUSE they are corrupt and evil. That needs to be beaten on like a drum, because they still aren’t listening. In Foxlandia Cohen is a liar and they don’t have to listen to anything he says.
And there’s ZERO inclination to ask the simple question: “If he’s such a congenital liar and Trump is innocent why did Trump make him his personal lawyer for 20 years?”
Nero got peace with Persia for 50 years.
And after the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, Nero had burned out sections of the city enclosed and turned into his personal palace grounds called “the Golden House” and built a giant bronze statue of himself 100 feet tall as a god.
His personality was exactly like Trump, except that Nero did a decent job of running the Empire. There’s no indication that Nero was a complete moron.
I think he did state that he did not go to prague, and has never been to the czeck republic. I was hoping that some follow ups would be asked:
* On your vacation to Italy in period when you were alleged to be in prague, did you meet with anyone
* Did your cell phone go to prague
* Why did you state that you were with Steve Van Zandt
But there was no follow ups.
Am I the only reader who finds the errors here in spelling, punctuation and grammar to be troubling?
. . . have occasionally informed me upon my raising of objections to such that some may actually harbor the suspicion that I might be slightly/somewhat pedantic. So there’s that.
* snort *
When Cohen stated that he’d had a conversation with Trump a couple of months after the FBI raids and these added that SDNY investigations were ongoing my first thought was to wonder if Trump engaged in witness intimidation/obstruction and tampering with Cohen and did Cohen tape the conversation?
It’s interesting that SDNY returned Cohen’s records to him that then allowed him to pour through them for evidence for his testimony. I would have thought that since he was no longer Trump’s attorney that Trump’s part of the cache would have been returned to his attorney’s. Likewise for Hannity and Brody. Gray area.
And I’m wondering how the ‘limited immunity’ in Alan Weiselberg’s case is playing out.
Do you still think that Trump is going to be impeached or resign? I don’t.
But I’m not distraught about this. I think 2020 is going to be a blowout, as long as democrats don’t destroy themselves with internecine warfare or allow themselves to be caricaturized as way too far to the left. Trump will go down as a LOSER, and soon after that he will be broke and in jail. Republicans will be embarrassed about the fact that they ever supported him.
That is…if we all get there. Has anyone else noticed that India and Pakistan are possibly on the brink of nuclear war? Anyone confident that Mike Pompeo and John Bolton are going to defuse this situation with the finesse that previous administrations have shown in the past?
Pompeo is another evangelical Christian. Just as a lot of these folks love Israel and hate Arabs because they want to see war in the Middle East–a war that will precipitate the Second Coming–Pompeo may well think an Indian-Pakistani war is just another confirmation of “signs” in the Christian Bible.
Repubs unanimously whining that there was an actual oversight hearing by a body called the “House Committee on Oversight” was especially comic, and simply more evidence that they are a morally bankrupt and intellectually deranged movement and party. At this point we can say that there is simply no possible evidence that could move them to aiding an effort to remove the political criminal in the WH.
Cohen’s testimony mostly involved proof of the manifest lies and deceit that Der Trumper used to manufacture his democratically illegitimate “win” via the electoral college, the failed constitutional device that the “conservative” movement has used to wreck the 21st century and any hopes of American progress within it.
Cohen was principally involved in ensuring that candidate Trumper’s lies to the American rubes could not be revealed until it was too late. These lies about Trumper’s dalliances with adult entertainment ladies and his ongoing pursuit of Trump Tower Moscow almost certainly had a effect on the result of the 2016 election, turning it into (another) spectacular American failure.
That (another) prez election resulted in a democratically illegitimate (Repub) prez obviously is not of the slightest concern to any elected Repub or their National Trumpalist base, whose minds are beyond closed on the subject of Der Trumper’s simply bottomless lawbreaking. One could not change the mind of a National Socialist in 1938, either, only national Gotterdammerung could accomplish that.
The reality is that the Repub party (and the allied braindead “conservative” movement) not only don’t care if Putin worked to elect a Repub prez, they are delighted he did so–and hope that they can continue to have the “support” of the Russian Federation and other reactionary autocrats as well! So of course our great patriotic Repubs hadn’t the slightest interest in what Cohen had to say.
As every day passes, we can see that the system of government of the US has been destroyed. It has the form and appearance of a government, but (other than a bloated military) there is nothing there. The failed (and phony) Trumper/Kim “summit” and military brinksmanship on display in south Asia show this only too plainly.
Later in the day when some of the newer Democratic members spoke it was clear that they had coordinated and had a plan; there was no duplication in their questions and they knew what they were doing. Not true of some of the more established folks.
Many of the GOP, on the other hand, stuttered and stammered their way nervously through prepared statements, almost as if they didn’t like playing the parts they had been assigned. I’m not sure what people were expecting but I didn’t see the hearing as a bust at all.
I think expectations of this testimony were set too high, not unlike expectations set for any work product coming from Mueller’s shop. There aren’t going to be any silver bullets that remove DT from office. That will only happen if the Republicans turn on him, which to date they have shown no inclination to do.
My impressions of the hearing are more about did Cohen do what he set out to do? If what he wanted to accomplish was to tell the truth and withstand GOP attempts to undermine his credibility, then he succeeded. He was a sympathetic and unruffled witness. Not a lot of people have the courage to go before the American people in any venue and say they screwed up, and genuinely apologize for their role in bad things happening to the country.
I disagree with BooMan that the GOP succeeded; they had a plan, they executed it, but it backfired in a big way.
One thing that concerns me is that because expectations were set so high, his testimony has been dismissed. That’s how immune we’ve become to the staggering criminality in this administration. His prepared statement was shocking; a Democratic President would be stepping down right now if those kinds of allegations had been revealed, with receipts. Truly damaging behavior was discussed in detail…the rest of the world has to be wondering why this guy is still our head of state. And here we are quibbling over Prague. What stands out for me is that he stated there was more, think about that, MORE criminal behavior that he’s revealing to SDNY. How have we become so numb to that?
That’s sort of the meta-narrative for the past 50 years of politics…
The basic take away I got from watching various news coverage and speaking with people is pretty much the exact opposite of Booman’s take. That being Dems did a nice job coordinating their questions and laying the groundwork for future hearings and Repubs weere just a mess. Seth Meyers did a really nice segment last night about this.
I mean, seriously, the President’s former lawyer presenting a check he received signed by the President, paid for the explicit purpose of keeping a porn star quiet that he was fucking, in order to win an election, with that same check having been written while in office is, what, nothing?
Seriously? Maybe to us political junkies, but to most people that alone is just insane.
Seriously? Maybe to most people, but to us political junkies that alone is just insane…