Booman wrote in his post “Trump Has No Plan for Central America.” ( :

I’m not going to argue that our country has a good track record of combating organized crime in Latin America…

True, of course.

But looked at through reality-focused eyes, how good has “our government”…if of course the word “our” can possibly be logically attached to the word “government” in the U.S., considering the over-the-top amount of totally Big Money-driven legislation and elected officialdom that has been imposed on us here during the past 50+ years or so…how good has “our” government been at combatting organized crime internally!!!????

Read on for more.
“Organized crime?”

A definition, please?

We have been in the midst of a drug epidemic that has literally shattered many of our our various cultures and areas/neighborhoods during that same 50+ years. Heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, the various other opioids and speeds…I mean, really, Booman!!! If we cannot clean up our own “organized crime” problems…and do not refer to the ongoing decline of the Italian mafia as anything other than an easily expected result of the climb into the working and middle/upper middle classes of the formerly slum-ridden Italian population…if we cannot clean up our own South/Central/Caribbean cartels, our Asian, Russian and Middle European crime organizations, our home-grown Southern Mafia/biker gang/black gang/hispanic gang/white supremacist group gangs etc.

Further…is corporate crime not the very essence of the word “organized?” I refer you to the ongoing Wells Fargo Bank debacle, just for starters. There’s more dirt for the digging on every level of the corporate world if anyone cares to look.

So…not to excuse Trump, who is and has been for over 40 years part and parcel of the overall U.S. failure to combat “organized” crime considering his own extensive connections to old-line mafiosi, his crime business guru Roy Cohn and the Russian/Central European gangs (and while we’re at it, let’s not forget the Israeli/Mossad-allied gangs in that lovely grab bag of thieves and murderers, and the various criminal elements that have been used and protected by the intelligence forces of the U.S.)

Not to excuse Trump, but really…

What the fuck did you expect!!!???”

I disagree with your title, as well.

Trump has no plan for Central America!!!??

Of course he does!!!

He wants it to be part of the same wide-ranging kleptocracy that he now represents as President of the United States!!!

Suffering human beings?

No “law and order for the people?”



They’ll be easier to control and exploit.

I fervently hope that we can manage the same thing here!!!

Considering the events of the last several days?

He’s well on his way to similar success at home.

Who’s gonna stop him?

The lying media?

Fat lot of good they’ve been!!!

The self-protecting, self-interested fools, tools and cowards…not all, just most…on both sides of the imaginary “aisles” of Congress?


The dithering DNC and its (at last count) 20+ long list of declared and/or possible presidential candidates?

Right down Trump’s alley.

He’ll pick most of them off one at a time, just like he did with the similar number of fools and weaklings in the Republican primaries leading up to 2016. Then he’ll leave the survivors to squabble amongst themselves…that’s already happening and it’s just going to get worse…and end up splitting off the one segment of the U.S. electorate that could conceivably defeat him.

Who’s that?

The non-voters who…if they were to vote…would comprise signifiant part of a potential supermajority that would sweep him, the dedicated RatPublicans and DemRats…right out of DC.

I grow tired of all of this misplaced foofaraw.

Go after the motherfucker with all weapons possible or start memorizing the following poem:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out–
     Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out–
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.

(Written by the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller, incarcerated by the Nazis in 1937.)

God be with you…

You gonna need some help!!!

Bet on it.
