Sometimes it is very hard to come up with explanations for the behavior of the Trump administration. Increasingly, I’m defaulting to the position that they’re just fucking lunatics who believe insane things, and as long as we stick to that as the best rationale that can be found, we’re probably going to be on safe ground. For example, let’s take a look at what they’re up to with the Obamacare.
The Trump administration formally declared its opposition to the entire Affordable Care Act on Wednesday, arguing in a federal appeals court filing that the signature Obama-era legislation was unconstitutional and should be struck down.
Such a decision could end health insurance for some 21 million Americans and affect many millions more who benefit from the law’s protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions and required coverage for pregnancy, prescription drugs and mental health.
Just yesterday, I wrote that Trump was looking to bring down the cost of health insurance in anticipation of facing the electorate next year. That seemed like a decent take on why he spoke with Schumer and Pelosi about possibly restoring the funding he had eliminated in 2017 for cost-sharing reduction subsidies. Those subsidies were designed to keep Obamacare’s Silver Plans affordable.
But what do I fucking know? He’s in court the very next day seeking to throw the whole law out and take health insurance away from 21 million people. There’s no consistent electoral plan here. The Republicans just got absolutely destroyed in the midterm elections because they threatened people’s access to health care. They kept falsely insisting that they weren’t trying to deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions, and now they’re threatening access for everyone. That’s not exactly politically astute.
When I published The GOP Doesn’t Care About Your Health back in March, I wrote:
One way to determine if a political party cares about people like you is to see if they have any interest in whether you have access to quality, affordable health care. If they’re indifferent to whether you live or die, that’s a good indicator that they’re not on your side. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is a member of the Republican Party, and he could not be more clear that he has no interest in health care as a topic other than for its potential as a political weapon against the Democrats.
At that time, I was basically laughing at Trump because he had suggested that the Republican-controlled Senate was going to come up with a great new alternative for the Affordable Care Act, and McConnell’s response was a flat-out, “Nope!”
He was as clear as he could be that he was not going to ask his committee chairs to waste one minute of their time working on health care. Even Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas told the president to come up with his own damn bill: “The president’s entitled to his opinions, so I don’t begrudge him that. But what they need to do now is tell us what their plans are.”
The whole episode was amusing in an extremely grim kind of way, but Trump had already indicated that he intended to kill Obamacare in federal court, so the story he told about a replacement bill was a cover story from the start. The Republicans controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress in 2017-18, and they never got close to figuring out a way to protect people with preexisting conditions without some kind of mandate that people buy insurance and a buttload of subsidies for both the insurers and their customers.
The congressional Republicans were dumbfounded when they first learned that the administration was going to fight the health care law in court, and they’re still unhappy about it today.
In filing the brief, the administration abandoned an earlier position — that some portions of the law, including the provision allowing states to expand their Medicaid programs, should stand. The switch, which the administration disclosed in late March, has confounded many people in Washington, even within the Republican Party, who came to realize that health insurance and a commitment to protecting the A.C.A. were among the main issues that propelled Democrats to a majority in the House of Representatives last fall.
There’s really no explanation for this I can come up with that makes any political, moral or even ideological sense. I think it’s the product of rotted minds. The president and some his close advisers simply want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act to spite for Obama, and because they were told it is some Stalinist monstrosity. Only idiots were supposed to believe that, but now the idiots are in the White House.
The first article I’ve read on your new blog. Congratulations Martin on making this happen. I’m a silver annual subscriber. You definitely needed to monetize your writing this way. Nice job!
I’m at my son’s baseball game now so this is a phone comment. Thanks a ton for becoming a subscriber!
Another long-time lurker turned subscriber. The new site looks great!
Once this gets more media attention, this looks to be a big thorn in the Republican Party’s side. As maligned as the ACA is, it works after a fashion for most people. Folks with employer based insurance will find out rapidly how they benefited from the ACA if it truly is declared unconstitutional overnight. All those no-cost preventative measures and wellness/well-child visits will go poof, and leave a lot of people who thought they were not affected by the ACA scrambling to pay for an office visit that insurance would have covered.
With no replacement in sight from the Republicans and nothing to point to as even an outline of a plan, all they have is FUD about what the Democratic officeholders and candidates are offering. And compared to the chaos that will be the health insurance and health care industries snapping back to pre-ACA, some sort of single-payer will likely seem very preferable. And, if subsidies to private health insurance companies are unconstitutional as a way of extending health insurance to people, single-payer is the only (reasonable) alternative. Sadly we will likely have to go through a bit of a rough patch where anybody under 65 will be hoping not to get sick.
Thanks so much from becoming a subscriber! I love it when people de-lurk! Welcome to the Frog Pond. I hope you like it.