On Thursday, I wrote “Donald Trump Jr. Still Needs to Answer for His Perjury” and that hasn’t changed since then. However, it’s a little clearer how Don Jr. intends to get around his problem.

A source familiar with the [Senate Intelligence Committee] subpoena said that Trump Jr. is considering three options for dealing with the order, none of which involve going to the Hill to testify.

One option is to ignore it entirely and let the GOP-led panel decide if they want to vote to hold him in contempt of Congress, a move the source expected would be unlikely to make it through the Republican majority in the full Senate, even if it did pass the Intelligence Committee. Trump Jr. is also considering invoking in writing his Fifth Amendment right to refuse to answer questions that lead to self-incrimination. Finally, he would be open to a possible compromise that could include written responses to questions, the source said.

Just like his father, he intends to be noncompliant and will dare the Senate to do anything about it.

Now, I like this next quote because it’s just the right combination of stupid and dishonest, and it’s precisely the kind of thing we have grown accustomed to hearing from leaders in the Republican Party. John Cornyn of Texas is up for reelection, which makes him more timid than a woodland rodent. He’s also Mitch McConnell’s number two, serving currently as the Senate Majority Whip. Even better, he actually serves on the same Senate Intelligence Committee.

Here’s what he has to say about a subpoena that was issued by a Republican chairman, voted out of a Republican-controlled committee (on which he serves), and whether he thinks it’s a serious matter requiring compliance from the witness:

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, a senior GOP senator on the Intelligence Committee, slammed the request.

“My understanding is Mr. Trump Jr. has cooperated extensively with the committee. I can understand his frustration,” Cornyn said Thursday. “At some point this is not about finding facts. This smacks of politics, and I think we have an important job to do to try to keep the Intelligence Committee out of politics.”

I mean, “Holy Shit!,” am I right?

He just accused his own committee chair and his own colleagues of politicizing the Intelligence Committee. Why would a bunch of Republicans decide to fuck with the president’s son just to score some cheap political points?

And now you have an approximate answer to the question, “How stupid do they think we are?”

They think we are infinitely stupid.