Hello again painting fans.
This week I will be continuing with the painting the Grand Canyon. The photo that I’m using (mine) is seen directly
above. I’ll be using my usual acrylic paints on a 6×6 inch canvas.
When last seen the painting appeared as it does in the photo seen directly below.
Since that time I have continued to work on the painting.
I’ve now added preliminary paint to those white spaces. The sky appears in blue, buttes in brown and just a hint of
green. I like to lay out things this way to see if the if things look right. Naturally I’ll adjust things as I go
along. Sometimes those adjustments are vast changes. Hopefully that isn’t the case here.
The current state of the painting is seen in the photo directly below.
I’ll have more progress to show you next week. See you then.
Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.
Still probably the best moment of my life.
Looks like it is progressing very nicely!
This what it is like to be along the river in my neck of the woods:
Looks a little wet.
Just a wee bit.
The field of dreams is looking like a lake, no?
Yep. It has been absolutely insane around here. Pretty close to breaking the all time record for flooding – pretty much have to go back to the WWII era for that. We’ll surpass that by a good two feet. Major bridges and most parts of my city should fare okay-ish as long as the levees that were built after WWII hold.
Let’s have some music.
More Pink Floyd:
And the last track off The Final Cut recorded right around the time when No Nukes rallies were a thing:
Recent Roger Waters solo:
I think I missed the previously completed painting (how did May go by so quickly?); this one seems to be progressing nicely too. Are you making your annual trek to the Southwest again this year?
I am certainly curious to see how things progressed for b2. Just remember, as Bob Ross said, “there are no mistakes – just happy accidents.”