Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut represents the 23rd-richest congressional district in the country, but that doesn’t prevent the Bernie Sanders-supporting Roots Action organization from describing his constituents as “largely middle class.” Perhaps it is largely middle class, but it also includes some of the most obscenely wealthy communities in the country, including Greenwich, Darien and Westport. One of the stranger aspects of the 2016 election was how these southwestern Connecticut, old money Yankee communities defected from the Republican candidate in large numbers.
Roots Action is targeting Himes in a new report they’ve put out of 15 House Democrats they’d like to defeat in a primary. The section on Himes notes that he used to work at Goldman Sachs, has gotten a lot of support from the financial services industry, and has been a fairly reliable friend to Wall Street even in the aftermath of the 2007-8 economic collapse. That’s pretty standard stuff, and I don’t have any substantive problem with the idea that Himes is far from a progressive Democrat on economic issues. If I have a quibble, it’s that he’s representing a bunch of incredibly wealthy people who are now voting Democratic, much like his colleague Josh Gottheimer in New Jersey’s 5th District (who is also on their list). It’s misleading to suggest that these districts are historically Democratic or that they’re typified by some kind of middle class ethos.
Nonetheless, it could be true that these districts have turned so hard against Trump that they’d support much more progressive representatives in Congress. The hope is that by issuing a warning shot, Roots Action will get better responsiveness to the needs of ordinary citizens, and that seems like it could make this a worthwhile effort.
Himes may have a different idea about how to cover his flank, however, as he’s just come out in favor of opening an impeachment inquiry. He serves on the House Intelligence Committee, so he has more information than most about full contents of the Mueller Report and other classified aspects of the Trump-Russia investigation. He’s also getting a firsthand taste of how Trump’s unprecedented obstruction is impeding congressional oversight. That he’s coming out for a formal inquiry may be based solely on the merits, but it could also be in reaction to having a big target put on his back by Roots Action.
I don’t know a lot about Himes other than what i’ve seen when i was working for my previous employer. He was always quite harsh and outspoken on Trump so I’m not surprised he’s on board with impeachment.
Those districts used to be represented by Yankee Republicans. Not doctrinaire social conservatives, but fiscally conservative law and order types. The place for those folks is the right wing of the Democratic Party today, since the Republicans ran out anyone not socially ultra conservative. I’m not shocked he is a target for a less fiscally conservative challenger. Not sure if it will fly in that district, since those folks want to have their Pride while keeping their pile. To dole a smidgen out to a “worthy” charity, not having it taken in taxes to support “those folks at the county office”.
Glad to have him for impeachment, though.
Good thing to keep in mind is that lots of these wealthy people aren’t going to side with Trump or any party going down the nationalist road (Warren’s economic patriotism is within the acceptable and normal, but I admit I can’t stand that shit anymore after four years of Trump poisoning the arena). They’ll move left and won’t even notice.
The die was already cast.
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Mac laptop using Chrome. To get here to post this, I have to inspect the page and delete the div class=”google-auto-placed” that’s blocking everything
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