I’d hit myself in the head with a two-by-four if I thought it would help make this stop.

When asked by The New York Times about Russian president Vladimir Putin’s comments about Western liberalism being “obsolete,” Trump took that to mean literally liberals living on the west coast of the United States.

“He’s sees what’s going on, I guess, if you look at what’s happening in Los Angeles, where it’s so sad to look, and what’s happening in San Francisco and a couple of other cities, which are run by an extraordinary group of liberal people,” Trump told the Times.

“I don’t know what they’re thinking,” he added. “But when you look at Los Angeles, when you look at San Francisco, when you look at some of the other cities — and not a lot, not a lot — but you don’t want it to spread.”

You realize that humanity is armed with nuclear weapons, right? If we don’t evolve mentally, eventually we’re going to be extinct. This whole life-on-earth experiment is now down to a group of famished chimpanzees locked in a cage with a giant box of nitroglycerin, half of whom think their leader is Donald Trump or one of the savage sociopaths Trump so admires.

We can’t afford to be stupider than our forebears, yet that is exactly what is happening. We’re never been dumber than we are right now. And every single time we read something like the above, we get even dumber still.