Hi music lovers!
I thought I’d do something green and recycle a bit. This track is probably my theme song:
Chumbawamba was a band that I initially associated with mid-1980s anarchopunk. A friend of mine got to crash with them in the UK one summer early during my college days and brought back a couple of their albums, which he promptly made sure I had dubbed on tape. They were on point politically and musically it was obvious that they were extremely talented. Tubthumping may have been one of the more left-field top-40 hits to land the charts, but in a sense I was not surprised. It was cool to see a band of artists who were well into their 30s by then break big and introduce a wider audience to some perspectives they might not have considered otherwise. And for any of us on the left, we get knocked down a lot these days. The point is to get up again.
The jukebox and bar are open. Have a good time and be responsible (we can do both).
Quiet in here.
Well, I can now say that my worst fears are true and every single dime I’ve made off this site this year and a few grand more will probably be spent on my teeth. If I’m lucky it will stay in the low five figures.
A little too quiet. I do have a foto flog up (got a bit of a theme on this time) and your painting palooza will be up for Saturday.
“The jukebox and bar are open.” That’s my cue!
Yesterday was National Tequila Day, so I’m serving tequila drinks all week. I begin with a slushy tequila sunrise.
Now, a sour apple tequila.
Cool! A tasty beverage hits the spot about now.
I’m going to take care of all the rest of the drinks I will serve with four easy tequila recipes.
That’s it for this edition unless someone makes a request. Requests?
I know you posted some videos of White Russian recipes on the old Booman Tribune. Perhaps this is as good a time as any to recycle a bit of that? The Big Lebowski has been on my mind again.
I’ll serve the White Russian recipes on this week’s volume, which you just posted.
In a night music sort of mood:
Let’s throw in a bit of relatively contemporary experimental rock while we’re at it:
Need some tunes.
Some more music. This one is a complete classic.
If we’re going to do jam bands, let’s throw Medeski Martin & Wood into the mix. I saw them live about a couple decades ago in CoMo at the Blue Note. Cool crowd – quite a number of Dead Heads showed up for that gig from what I remember. I had an undiagnosed (at the time) case of pneumonia and probably should have stayed home and swallowed the cost of the tickets. Went anyway, had the time of my life, and dealt with the consequences later. Ended up missing a couple weeks of class and lab work, and was on antibiotics for a good while. Still worth it. They were in peak form (they were supporting their Combustication album at the time). Anyway, these cats are still active, and if they ever get anywhere near where I can see them live again, I’d do so in a heartbeat – hopefully while much healthier.
Whether you are a participant or a lurker, I hope each of you has a great start to your work week. I’ll post some tunes. I think we have some others here doing the same. Music can be healing. And thanks to all who stop by.
A different kind of jam band: Imagine a hippie drum circle, except with actual drum sets, an electric guitar and bass with amps set all the way to eleven, and a vocalist who can barely be heard above the din, and ends up mostly conducting the proceedings instead. I give you the Boredoms:
The infinite jukebox is still available. None of us know how it holds so many records. Theories, myths, and urban legends abound. A History Channel series is being piloted…but it involves Area 51 and aliens. Seems legit. Right?
Anyway, it’s all as easy as posting a link directly from YouTube, etc. You don’t even need the fancy code anymore.
Need some writing music.
Some of what I use for writing music: