I was forty-five years old when I quit drinking alcohol (five-year anniversary is now under forty days away), but I remember what it was like to talk to the late-stage alcoholics that gravitate to the end of the bar. They always had some off-the-wall theories to explain whatever happened to be in the news at the moment.
A lawmaker in Ohio blamed the breakdown of the “traditional American family,” gay marriage and “drag queen advocates” for the Dayton massacre in a since-deleted Facebook rant.
State Rep. Candice Keller — a Republican from Middletown, about 25 miles southwest of Dayton — listed a slew of reasons why she believes Connor Betts, 24, gunned down nine people, including his sister, with an assault-style rifle early Sunday.
“After every mass shooting, the liberals start the blame game,” Keller wrote in the Facebook post, which had been removed as of early Monday. “Why not place the blame where it belongs?”
Keller’s post goes on to blame “drag queen advocates,” failed school policies, violent video games and children who are raised without fathers as other reasons for the mass shooting that erupted less than 24 hours after 20 people were gunned down at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas.
The post also claimed that a growing “hatred of our veterans,” a Democratic Congress and a rising culture that “totally ignores the importance of God and the church” were other explanations for the shooting.
Keller then criticized state lawmakers for having what she claims is “no interest whatsoever” in learning about the Constitution, especially the Second Amendment, as well as “snowflakes who can’t accept a duly-elected President,” according to the post.
If a lifetime of alcohol abuse doesn’t explain her worldview then perhaps she’s just spent too much time marinating her brain in a swampy stew of right-wing radio and chain emails.
I also don’t know why these freaks write this stuff only to delete it when they get some criticism. If you thought the world needed to know your opinion, then why not stick by your opinion?
What’s the point in putting it all out there and then retracting it the second people offer a different view? You had to know that what you were about to publish wasn’t exactly the common wisdom.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Well, this is pretty much in my backyard, so let me give you the skinny on Candice Keller. She is a huge Trump supporter. She was elected in one of the most conservative districts which mostly encompasses Butler County Ohio. Her ultraconservative bonafides include authoring the “Heartbeat Bill”, which essentially outlaws abortion in the state, which was recently signed by Governor MIke Dewine, and being a popular guest on a white supremacist’s podcast. She has filed to run this cycle for the Ohio Senate. Much is being made about Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones’ tut-tutting about her comments and his condemnation of them in a “SHAME, SHAME, SHAME” tweet. For those who don’t know of Sheriff Jones, he is radically anti-immigrant, and is a huge admirer of disgraced former Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He is also a strong supporter of using the medieval methods of Arpaio right here in SW Ohio. And he has implemented many of them. But don’t be deceived by Jones’ tweet. He is a strong supporter of one of her primary opponents for Ohio Senate, former State Rep. George Lang, a severe nut case in his own right. So this is all simply a family fight of the crazies on who can out-crazy their opponent. These people have all been spawned in the far right crucible of hate. And they all enjoy huge support in their districts and their counties. This tells you about everything you need to know about this district and the people in it. It is a classic battle for who gets to own the mantle of most radical right wing lunatic, one which we see around here far too often.
My condolences, but it still doesn’t explain this National Trumpalist’s deleting of her fb post. It sounds like she is electorally untouchable, with her only concern being if she is extremist enough for her constituents! Where’s the courage of her “conservative” convictions?
But then Der Trumper’s advisors felt he had to go out and (quite tamely) condemn “hate” and urge “America” (but not himself) to swear off it. What Would Adolf Do, Mein Trumper?
It might well have been because she was getting death threats or other threats of harm. I believe law enforcement told her to stay home and to not go to Columbus, after evaluating some of what she was receiving. Taking it down might have been a part of trying to mitigate the threat issue.
Hmmmm – equating conservatism with alcohol addiction…I really gave this some thought and concluded that – you’ll get no argument from me. I think you are on solid ground with this one.
So rather than blaming drag queen advocates (WTF?) how about focusing on the ability for any numnut in the state to buy a semi automatic with a drum magazine that hold 100 rounds (100!!), allowing them to get off 40 or more shots in the minute it took police to respond. Is there ANY reason to allow these weapons to be legally purchased by civilians? Why not allow RPGs and fully automatic weapons then? I mean if we’re going to blame video game culture let’s go full call of duty.
The symptoms of late stage alcoholism and brain rot brought on by decades of “conservative” sewage ingestion are likely identical.
But the most interesting aspect of this, as you say, is the post haste deleting of the post. Surely she cannot lose an election in today’s Red OH with utterances of (rather commonplace) “conservative” claptrap. This does not compute….
You were expecting self awareness? Foresight? Savvy? From a GOP state rep? Where is Dan Aykroyd when we need him: “Candice, you ignorant slut.”
Spillane of Deerfield, New Hampshire (party affiliation will be obvious) must have been in the running, even with the stiff competition.
(Don’t miss the link to the report about repeated arrests for DWI, and did I mention the domestic violence?)
Yes, there’s a deleted post.
She talks like she knows she is one of the left behind.
Well, this is pretty much in my backyard, so let me give you the skinny on Candice Keller. She is a huge Trump supporter. She was elected in one of the most conservative districts which mostly encompasses Butler County Ohio. Her ultraconservative bonafides include authoring the “Heartbeat Bill”, which essentially outlaws abortion in the state, which was recently signed by Governor MIke Dewine, and being a popular guest on a white supremacist’s podcast. She has filed to run this cycle for the Ohio Senate. Much is being made about Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones’ tut-tutting about her comments and his condemnation of them in a “SHAME, SHAME, SHAME” tweet. For those who don’t know of Sheriff Jones, he is radically anti-immigrant, and is a huge admirer of disgraced former Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He is also a strong supporter of using the medieval methods of Arpaio right here in SW Ohio. And he has implemented many of them. But don’t be deceived by Jones’ tweet. He is a strong supporter of one of her primary opponents for Ohio Senate, former State Rep. George Lang, a severe nut case in his own right. So this is all simply a family fight of the crazies on who can out-crazy their opponent. These people have all been spawned in the far right crucible of hate. And they all enjoy huge support in their districts and their counties. This tells you about everything you need to know about this district and the people in it. It is a classic battle for who gets to own the mantle of most radical right wing lunatic, one which we see around here far too often.
My condolences, but it still doesn’t explain this National Trumpalist’s deleting of her fb post. It sounds like she is electorally untouchable, with her only concern being if she is extremist enough for her constituents! Where’s the courage of her “conservative” convictions?
But then Der Trumper’s advisors felt he had to go out and (quite tamely) condemn “hate” and urge “America” (but not himself) to swear off it. What Would Adolf Do, Mein Trumper?
It might well have been because she was getting death threats or other threats of harm. I believe law enforcement told her to stay home and to not go to Columbus, after evaluating some of what she was receiving. Taking it down might have been a part of trying to mitigate the threat issue.
Hmmmm – equating conservatism with alcohol addiction…I really gave this some thought and concluded that – you’ll get no argument from me. I think you are on solid ground with this one.
So rather than blaming drag queen advocates (WTF?) how about focusing on the ability for any numnut in the state to buy a semi automatic with a drum magazine that hold 100 rounds (100!!), allowing them to get off 40 or more shots in the minute it took police to respond. Is there ANY reason to allow these weapons to be legally purchased by civilians? Why not allow RPGs and fully automatic weapons then? I mean if we’re going to blame video game culture let’s go full call of duty.
Somebody please put a stop to this madness.
The symptoms of late stage alcoholism and brain rot brought on by decades of “conservative” sewage ingestion are likely identical.
But the most interesting aspect of this, as you say, is the post haste deleting of the post. Surely she cannot lose an election in today’s Red OH with utterances of (rather commonplace) “conservative” claptrap. This does not compute….