Bill Kristol is having a sad, as the kids say.
"A rogue president has figured out that he can do almost anything he wants because there’s nothing Congress can do about it. Short of impeachment."
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) September 20, 2019
We’ve been over this before, but it never gets old. I mean, I’m glad the guy is adding his voice to the chorus of condemnation, but Bill Kristol should have gamed this shit out a few decades ago. If we survive the Trump years, he should immediately retire or maybe limit his writing to whatever his hobbies may be outside of being wrong all the time. And so should every other never-Trump conservative that acted the fool—and worse—from 2000 until now.
The fact that this walking mistake still has a national platform is definitive proof of our failed media regime and our national disease of non-accountability.
This is what comes of advocating for “Imperial Prezes” and “Unitary Executives” and denigrating all Congressional oversight over (Repub) prezes. Bill has done his part in wrecking the Constitution, and it can’t be fixed at this point because we aren’t going to a have situation where Dem prezes comply with Repub senates but Repub prezes flout Dem Houses or Congresses. After the degradation of National Trumpalism, no Dem prez need ever acknowledge a claimed scandal ever again, or respond to any Repub legislative requests for documents or testimony. If they do, they are fools. By creating and enabling Der Trumper, today’s “conservatives” have ended the idea of checks and balances, unless the Dem party is idiotic enough to be bound by them, when Repubs clearly are not.
Finally, Bill’s tweet of woe is largely possible because Roberts’ Repubs are bending over backwards to give early and total litigation victories to Der Trumper, such as allowing his (obviously unconstitutional) conversion of non-appropriated funds to build his wall, thus derailing the power of the purse, which the Constitution clearly placed in the hands of the House. So the “conservative” corruption of the Supreme Court is a huge part of Bill’s plaintive “Congress can’t do anything!” wail. Just as in the Third Reich, the (rightwing) courts are now serving the dictator, and the Congress has been neutered. Th Reichstag fire just hasn’t (yet) been ignited, most likely because of the value of Moscow Mitch, the senate’s Gravedigger of Democracy, to the “conservative” movement.
Neocon Bill Kristol (and his ilk) destroyed the country and its governing structure, and the old Constitution will not be coming back. It’s only a question of how much shit the Mommy Party is willing to eat to keep the illusion of a functioning democratic government flickering before us.
He won’t retire (do his type ever retire?), he’ll take credit.
Driftglass has repeated this over and over.
There is a club. You are not in it.
David Brooks, Bloody Bill Kristol…even Newt Gingrich(!), etc, are a part of the “media”, and so that means they will always be part of the “media”, regardless of how wrong they’ve been in the past, or the fact that they built the current shitshow that is modern US Conservatism d/b/a the Republican party.
They built it, and now they are advocating to tear it down? For America?
Get the fuck out.