Perhaps it is because I’m in a foul mood after watching my beloved New York Giants lose to a truly bad New York Jets football team, but I basically feel like the fact that Rand Paul is currently inhabiting Earth would fully justify obliterating the whole planet into rubble for a brand new asteroid belt. I mean, seriously, what’s the point? Why are we here and what are we trying to accomplish? There’s really no sign that sentient life has a future or is going to make any progress whatsoever.
Plus, how hard is it to make an extra point, Aldrick Rosas? How many weeks in a row are you going to botch the easiest play in sports?
In all seriousness, mankind is regressing morally and politically for the first time in my lifetime, and Rand Paul pretty much embodies this negative movement in almost every respect. There is not a wall hard enough to bounce his head off for making comments like these:
“I think we’ve gotten lost in this whole idea of quid pro quo. … If you’re not allowed to give aid to people who are corrupt — there’s always contingencies on aid. … Presidents since the beginning of time have resisted Congress, and there’s been this sort of back and forth jockeying over what is sent. But also presidents have withheld aid before for corruption. I think it’s a mistake to say, ‘Oh, he withheld aid until he got what he wanted.’ Well, if it’s corruption and he believes there to be corruption, he has every right to withhold aid.”
The evidence in this case is readily available in depositions that have been posted on the internet for all to read. I spent about six hours on Friday night reading the deposition of George Kent, and I’m not going to be a juror in a trial of the president. I spent that time so I would understand what happened. And now I know what happened, and it had absolutely nothing to do with rooting out corruption in Ukraine. Rand Paul wouldn’t spend six hours reading a deposition if you paid him, which you basically do by providing his government salary. He doesn’t want to know what happened and he isn’t going to tell the truth about the little that he does know. He’s just going to go on television and make impertinent and dishonest remarks to excuse behavior that we would never tolerate if carried out by a Democratic president.
Bring on the giant meteor of death if this is the best we can do as a species.
how about just obliterating Kentucky?
I will consider this, but Kentuckians just got rid of Matt Bevin and may deserve some kind of reprieve.
Ah yes, a reprieve. How long do you think it will last in that red earth around there?
Speaking of Rand Paul, whatever happened to AG? Did he not make the switch to the new website? Or was he banned and I missed it?
Don’t despair about the decline of the human species; there were always people like Rand Paul. (Sen. Paul, meet Sen. Jesse Helms, Sen. Joe McCarthy, Rep. Alexander Stephens….)
That’s not exactly cause for rejoicing…just a reminder that our ancestors dealt with SOBs like this and kept fighting so we could be here. #ColdComfort
This is now the standard “conservative” gambit: the bad faith argument, one that is knowingly dishonest, advanced so that other intellectually dishonest tribe members can mouth it, so that the useless corporate media can parrot it without challenge, advanced so the very stupidest conserva-cogs can rest easy knowing there is some “defense”. While RPaul is contemptible and an anti-patriot, he is obviously just Doin’ His Job, punching the time card.
Politically it appears that liberal democracy has had its day in the sun, and that a return to monarchical authoritarianism (with a patina of rigged “elections”) is on the horizon. This was long the goal of American “conservatism”, with its ingrained hatred of legislatures and love of presidentialism. That much of the Constitution has to be jettisoned to do so is nothing very troubling to them, as “conservatarian” Paul makes clear. That today’s “conservatives” imagine that THEY would be patriotic Rebels (and not Tories), circa 1775, is high comedy. At least most of them today (correctly) acknowledge that their sympathies would have lain with the Confederacy, circa 1860. But how they could be both pro-Confederacy and anti-slavery (as pro-lifers imagine themselves to be) is something of a mystery….I think we know which sympathy trumps which.
The future of humanity is pretty bleak at this point, since we refused to learn not to shit our bed, and indeed proclaim the shit to be great! But not as bleak as the future of the millions of other (innocent) species, whom humanity has condemned to extinction via rapid human-induced climate change. Safe to say the idea of a Star Trek future for today’s (de-evolving) humans is unimaginable. National Trumpalism and Star Fleet are not compatible, ha-ha. Turning the earth into a shithole will be our primary focus in the post-truth Trumpite age.
It’s turtles all the way down, and the GOP have trained a generation of lemming-turtles who will throw themselves down as the first to spout this regardless of shame or truth of the talking points.
Like a man going to a bar for a mind-numbingly extreme IPA craft beer, I came here for the bitterness, and was not disappointed.