The country probably does not have the bandwidth to handle at the same time an impeachment inquiry and the shocking proof that White House senior adviser Stephen Miller is a virulent white nationalist and racist. That’s a shame because Miller is more responsible for the Trump administration’s immigration policies than anyone other than the president himself.

Unfortunately for him, a young women who worked for Breitbart News in the 2015-2017 timeframe decided to share her emails with Miller with the Southern Poverty Law Center. The emails leave no doubt about where Miller stands on the racism spectrum. Despite his Jewish heritage and upbringing, he’s indistinguishable from a Nazi. It hardly matters how this is possible. It may be confusing but it’s also indisputable.

Miller espouses the same conspiracy theories as Nazis and freely shares links to white nationalist sites as authoritative links. He obsesses about “white replacement” by non-whites and opposes all non-white immigration. He equates crime solely with non-whites, and is against offering non-whites refuge or asylum under almost any conceivable circumstances. He is a big defender of the Confederacy and its flag and monuments despite growing up in Santa Monica, California. He trades story ideas with notorious racist Pamela Geller. He lionizes President Calvin Coolidge for his immigration policies that were informed by eugenics and opposition to race-mixing. On and on it goes.

It seems clear to me that these views are seen as a plus by President Trump. He hired Miller precisely because he holds these views. Any other president would fire Miller before noon after the publication of these emails, but Trump will shrug it off because he’s a fellow traveler.