I’m off to another chess tournament. The child won the last night so that was fun. There is so much to write about, all of it bad news for Trump. I continue to think that the worst is yet to come and that if Trump is going to be removed from office it will be because of things that Lev Parnas has to say. The news that came out yesterday came from many angles, but they all converge on the fact that the president never tells the truth. Ever. The trial of Roger Stone demonstrated this just as well as the Secret Service revealing that the plot to host the G-7 at Trump’s Doral resort was a last minute addition rather than anything like what Mick Mulvaney described in his press conference. The president continues to suggest that he doesn’t know people who has met with privately and repeatedly, including people who are on trial for committing serious felonies. This is going to be his downfall if he’s going to have a downfall.
Everything Trump Says is a Lie

My usual Captain Obvious statement: 45 wouldn’t know how to tell the truth if his life depended on it.
LA Gov. Race looking like suburbs and high black turnout gonna put Edwards ahead of the republican. Republicans also denied super majority. Edwards turnout over 2015 is up if you compare raw vote totals.
Trump’s pathologies nearly always make what was a manageable situation into a problem for him. There was no need to smear Ambassador Yovanovitch, all Trump needed to do was call her home, but that wouldn’t have satisfied his need to bully. In January 2017 he could have made any personal problems with the Russian attack go away by saying “this was terrible and we will get to the bottom of what happened.”
No he couldn’t, because Russia wanted him to interfere in that investigation, inject their narrative, and try to get their gangsters back in charge of Ukrainian gas and remove sanctions. In order to do all of these things, he had to meddle. He’s just the worst person to be doing the meddling. He’s done them a lot of good, and has performed the job they sent him to do.