I think this is the first one of these that I have posted to ring in Christmas Day. So, Happy Holidays to anyone who happens upon this one.
This is Robert Fripp’s take on Silent Night. This was recorded in 1979 and originally appeared in a magazine as a flexidisc later that year. It would appear on a proper album in the mid-1990s. Personally, I think this is lovely.
If you have appropriate themed videos, they are welcome here. If Neon Vincent is available, I hope he’ll take over the bartending for a moment. If not, no worries. I seem to be more or less pretending like I know what I am doing.
Best wishes. I can apparently ring in the new year with the next Midweek Cafe and Lounge. That, too, will be a unique experience.
I will be in and out of town a bit. I have some family over and am planning to drive a few hours to visit some more family. Looking forward to that. Tomorrow I will be grilling steaks. That’s become the tradition. Just got to make sure I marinate them right.
Eggnog White Russian (to keep with the holiday-themed drinks):
“If Neon Vincent is available, I hope he’ll take over the bartending for a moment.”
Merry Christmas! I’m back!
Don Durito posted the exact recipe I would have used first, so I’m sharing another one from the same source, White Christmas Sangria.
Now we’re talking! And welcome back.
A couple years ago – mid-winter, of course – my outdoor grill broke. I still have this little indoor table top grill I got when I started grad school. So I started using that again. Steaks turned out just fine, so decided to stick with it, rather than go further into debt buying another outdoor grill. Eventually I’ll get something for outdoors again, but it’s nice to not have to be in a hurry. So steaks, potatoes, green bean casserole for those into that, along with a few more sides and we’re good to go for dinner. Egg Nog is there for those who want it. Beer and Merlot are available for those who wish, etc. Nothing fancy, but it works. Gave up on turkey a long time ago simply because Christmas is too close to Thanksgiving. I am about the only one in my household who likes ham, so that’s out. I need to get some of my mom’s cookie recipes while she is still alive, so once I get the right equipment for the job, I can start doing that. I still visit my mom after Christmas to celebrate her birthday, and bring home a lot of gingerbread cookies.
Our other traditions will be taken care of. Been sharing White Russians with my eldest for a while now. We enjoy a couple glasses, and the remaining Vodka and Kahlua is my eldest’s to keep. The Community Christmas episode tradition became something of a fluke from when I was able to DVR the first four seasons of the series. Later it became available on Hulu. I am a pop culture junkie and I guess that rubbed off a bit on my kids. We’re all a bit meta, which helps. All I know is that I was binge watching them a few years ago and my kids stuck around.
There is another Star Wars film out. I think at least my eldest and I will see that one (perhaps my youngest too). I have read enough reviews to get that it will be underwhelming, but I am in this one for the ride. Personally I liked the direction The Last Jedi took. A bit disappointed that JJ Abrams apparently pulled back. So it goes. Usually there is some blockbuster out that seems worth seeing. A movie night always works out. Already seen Ford Vs. Ferrari with one of my daughters and had the time of my life. Doctor Who now uses the New Year as its day to launch either a special or a series, so am already armed with DVR and of course will watch with anyone who is interested. Jodie Whittaker has done a fantastic job with her role as The Doctor.
I am an avowed atheist. Christmas was never anything more to me than an excuse to spend time with people who mattered. Nothing more and nothing less. My concept of family continues to be redefined as I continue my own journey on this aching planet. I have no doubt that during my final decades, old traditions will die and new ones will take their place. And I will savor each moment. However you celebrate, I hope that it is in a way that is meaningful to you.
Happy Christmas Don Durito, Martin, and whoever else is here.
i’ll be going to my sister’s soon. Festivities will probably include beer and wine and cannabis, and ham for dinner, no eggnog expected.
Sounds wonderful. Heading out to see my parents and one of my sisters on the 26th. There is a bottle of Trappist Monk beer from Belgium that needs to be emptied. Arranging that experience has been one of the most difficult ones imagined since the sister in question moved out west. We’ll finally ring out this decade on a good note.
By the way, grateful this will apparently not be a monologue. As you might have gathered last week, I am going through some stuff. I am facing an anniversary I really am not looking forward to facing, especially alone. This can be a rough time of the year for folks. I am one of those folks starting early January this year. Extended family gatherings are just not quite right anymore. We try. All of us put on a brave face. The untimely loss is always the elephant in the room. I’ll probably be okay, eventually. Just not any time soon. Don’t want to put a damper on celebrations. Just want to make sure we keep things real.
Today I am chilling. Actually will be trying to do a good bit of that for the upcoming week. Probably catch the latest Star Wars flick (I’ve seen enough reviews, and am already prepared for some disappointment, given how The Last Jedi had set up a potential ending). Will wait for the crowds to die down first.
One of my favorite songs from this decade:
Ruh roh.
How I am ringing out 2019 – thanks to YouTube (and Twitter):