Left of center and lover of photography, music, pop culture, and life.
Favorite quote - "There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility" (Lisbeth Salander, from Stieg Larsson's original Millennium Trilogy).
Need some chillout tunes? Here’s one – originally commissioned for a VW Jetta commercial at the end of the 1990s. I remember seeing a YouTube video someone shot while parachuting from high altitude. That was interesting. And lovely. Sadly, it was taken down.
Roger Eno is less well-known than his brother, Brian. Both men are enormously talented composers and producers and have been for decades. In the twilight of their respective careers, they remain active and always have something new to say.
More night music. Jon Hassell is not nearly as active as he was up until the oughts, but when he drops a new LP, it is worth hearing. The track is from 2018.
Something from The The from the mid-1980s:
Need some chillout tunes? Here’s one – originally commissioned for a VW Jetta commercial at the end of the 1990s. I remember seeing a YouTube video someone shot while parachuting from high altitude. That was interesting. And lovely. Sadly, it was taken down.
Something from the Season 2 soundtrack to that wonderful Simon Pegg comedy Spaced:
Some night music – fresh composition from the soon-to-be-released new Roger Eno and Brian Eno collaboration:
Roger Eno is less well-known than his brother, Brian. Both men are enormously talented composers and producers and have been for decades. In the twilight of their respective careers, they remain active and always have something new to say.
More night music. Jon Hassell is not nearly as active as he was up until the oughts, but when he drops a new LP, it is worth hearing. The track is from 2018.
Turning 54 in a few hours. Time flies.
What? No happy birthday wishes? You folks are cold!