On Tuesday, President Trump fired Stephanie Grisham as his White House press secretary and replaced her with Kayleigh McEnany. I’m pretty obsessive about politics, obviously, but Grisham never held a single press briefing at the podium during her entire nine months in the position, and I couldn’t pick her face out of a lineup. As for McEnany, the only reason I know what she looks like is because I just read an article on this subject, and the article had a picture of her. A week from now, I’d probably fail a test that asked me the name of the current White House press secretary or the name of the woman that preceded her.
That’s how unimportant and low-profile the job has become.
I don’t know McEnany because I don’t watch right-wing media, but I am familiar with her act:
Her television outings, like others who have defended Mr. Trump, have often been at the extreme end of the administration’s talking points. For instance, in a video of Ms. McEnany on the Fox Business show “Trish Regan Primetime” from February 25, circulated by Andrew Kaczynski of CNN, the new press secretary said, “We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here, we will not see terrorism come here, and isn’t that refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama?”
Since Ms. McEnany made that statement, more than 350,000 people in the U.S. have been infected with the coronavirus.
She hasn’t even started her new job and I already want her exiled to Elba. She hasn’t even started her job yet and she’s already probably caused the death of someone who based their social distancing practices on her advice.
Her main qualification for the job is in fact her willingness to get people killed for the president’s sake.
And, sadly, Groundhog Day in America rolls on–each day essentially the same as the last.
I just remember her for being the only person on CNN during the 2016 race who could give Jeffrey Lord a run for his money in being completely wrong and utterly detached from reality.
Meanwhile John Prine has died from the disease. Who really gives a shit? It was Obama’s fault you know.
And Fuax News and their progeny carry on.