Bernie Sanders followed up the suspension of his presidential campaign by coming right out an enthusiastically endorsing Joe Biden on Monday. This is a big relief not because there’s anything special about Joe Biden, but simply because it’s vital that the left is as united as possible for the battle to beat Donald Trump in November.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont who ended his White House bid last week, said Monday that he is endorsing former vice president Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

Sanders made the announcement on a live stream hosted by Biden examining the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“Joe, I know that there is an enormous responsibility on your shoulders right now, and it is imperative that all of us work together,” Sanders said on the live stream.

Biden responded: “Your endorsement means a great deal. … I look forward to working with you. And I am going to need you badly.”

Personally, I hope they follow through on their threat to play chess:

The two displayed a warm relationship that dates to Biden’s days as a fellow senator.

“We’ve been friends. We’ve disagreed, but we’ve been friends,” Biden said.

Sanders added: “I know you are the kind of guy who is going to be inclusive. You want to bring people in — even people who disagree with you.”

As they discussed how to end their livestream, the two joked that they could get out chess boards and play via video.

I’m actually curious who would win. I suspect the answer is Sanders, but who knows? That’s why they play the matches.

There is some actual news involved here beyond the kumbayah.

The two said they had agreed to form six task forces to work on policy matters. Those working groups will cover the economy, education, criminal justice, immigration, climate change and health care.

“It’s no great secret out there, Joe, that you and I have our differences, and we’re not going to paper them over. That’s real,” Sanders said. “But I hope that these task forces will come together utilizing the best minds and people in your campaign and in my campaign to work out real solutions to these very, very important problems.”

Biden told Sanders he is “looking forward to working with you, pal” and said he would “try my best not to let you all down.”

This arrangement is very generous on Biden’s part, and it gives Sanders something tangible to take to his base. The mutual respect they show for each other is infinitely better than the barely concealed animosity that held between Sanders and Hillary Clinton. It’s going to make for a much smoother ride, including at the Democratic National Convention where the platform will be ironed out. If the two factions are working together prior to the convention, then there should be less cause for acrimony.

I am skeptical of Biden’s tendency to promise that personal relationships can do much to overcome ideological differences, but it matters here a lot that he and Bernie are genuine friends. And Biden is smart to be a gracious and generous winner. I needed some positive news, and this delivered.