We’ll start off with John Oliver:

A Closer Look with Seth Meyers:


Sarah Cooper (who is the best thing to ever happen to TikTok – or Twitter or YouTube), captures Trump’s pathos yet again:

After watching that Axios interview with Jonathan Swan, let’s just say that Sarah Cooper has tons of material to work with. By the way, Swan’s facial expressions as he reacted to the various inanities Trump spewed really do reflect the way so many of us react on a daily basis. It’s necessary to see a journalist maintain his focus, react nonverbally with the sort of exasperation many experience, and show Trump for what he is in a way most journalists have failed to do. If you get HBO, take a look if you haven’t already. If you don’t get HBO, there are clips all over Twitter. Just the clips will be enough for many.

Okay. Drinks are on the house. Stay safe and well, everyone.