If you had any thought that this would be a clean and fair election, that ought to be out the window now. Trump has so bolloxed his chances by creating doubts about mail voting that he feels compelled to fuck up the election completely to have any chance.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy unveiled a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s mail service, displacing the two top executives overseeing day-to-day operations, according to a reorganization memo released Friday. The shake-up came as congressional Democrats called for an investigation of DeJoy and the cost-cutting measures that have slowed mail delivery and ensnared ballots in recent primary elections.

So, a Friday night coup at the postal service was one part of the plan. Here’s the other part:

The Postal Service has informed states that they’ll need to pay first-class 55-cent postage to mail ballots to voters, rather than the normal 20-cent bulk rate. That nearly triples the per-ballot cost at a time when tens of millions more will be delivered. The rate change would have to go through the Postal Regulatory Commission and, undoubtedly, litigation. But the time frame for that is incredibly short, as ballots go out very soon.

A side benefit of this money grab is that states and cities may decide they don’t have the money to mail absentee ballots, and will make them harder to get. Which is exactly the worst-case scenario everyone fears.

First, slow down the mail so that it takes forever to count the ballots, and some are invalidated for being late. Second, try to dissuade the states from conducting vote-by-mail by making it arbitrarily and needlessly expensive.

The Democrats now have a huge advantage with mail voting because conservatives believed the president when he said it was rife with fraud. So, fucking up mail voting is now synonymous with cheating. Trump can win by denying Biden votes rather than getting them for himself.

It’s brazen and shameless, and absolutely desperate. This election is going to be dirtier than anything we’ve seen in modern times, and a lot of it is happening in plain sight.