Starting this week, my job description at the Washington Monthly has changed a bit. I’m not really blogging there anymore, but writing in a more traditional newsy style under the supervision of Matthew Cooper, formerly of Newsweek and Valerie Plame fame. It’s an exciting opportunity, but it comes with a lot of changes for how I operate and organize my day. That’ll all work itself out, but it will definitely change my posting schedule here at Progress Pond. 

You won’t reliably see a new post at 11am because I’m not on a fixed deadline anymore. You’ll still see crossposts from WaMo but they’ll come in less predictably and only after they’ve gone through a thorough editing process. The prime content that I present here will probably remain similar to what you’ve seen in the past, but it may get posted later in the day or at night, as I find the best windows to manage all my responsibilities, which definitely include being a parent to a 10-year old who is doing virtual school in my kitchen.

The Monthly is excited to have more resources and staff to produce a higher level of journalism, and I have to do my part by picking up my game. This came at interesting time, as I had just settled on a programmer who is fixing issues on this site, including the comments section, posting videos, and ad displays. This was possible because of many generous donations from loyal readers and subscribers. I hope the end result is an improvement.

In any case, the only way forward is to go straight through, and that’s what we have to do here at Progress Pond and as a nation. Doing it together with you, will make it easier for me.