I don’t know about you, but I found the following graphic from FiveThirtyEight appalling and infuriating:

Imagine a scenario where Biden wins the popular vote by four points and still loses the election. There is a nearly one in four chance of this happening?

There are principled reasons why we should do away with the Electoral College, but here we see a purely partisan reason. We are not fighting on an even playing field. The Republican candidate has nearly a 50 percent shot of winning an election even if they lose the popular vote by three points. In a narrow popular vote victory of one point or less, Biden has an eleven percent chance of being elected. Correspondingly, if Trump wins the popular vote by one point, Biden has almost no chance. In fact, he’d be in the same place as Trump if Trump were to lose by seven points.

These are outrageous odds, and it puts one party at far too much of a disadvantage. If a sports team wins the championship but doesn’t cover the betting spread, we don’t crown the losers. The Democrats would be insane to let this situation stand without putting up a fight.