Welcome to Progress Pond Total Landscaping. While we make America rake again, we’ll throw in some entertainment as well.
I haven’t really had any segments from comedians in a bit, so now seem like as good a time as any to do that. Remember that John Oliver fellow? He had a few things to say about the comings and goings of election week. Humor mixed in with a few stark reminders of where we are and what we will recon with moving forward in the near future:
Seth Meyers had a few things to say on his A Closer Look segment:
Stephen Colbert has his say as well:
Sarah Cooper talks about her act a bit and how she got blocked by Herr Combover on Twitter:
Alright. The bar is open. The jukebox really does work. Drop on by.
In the meantime, although we have reason to celebrate, the next weeks and months will not be easy. The transition from one administration to another is going to be far from seamless, and we have a pandemic that is raging out of control, and will only get worse for the foreseeable future. Be careful out there.
It’s Neil’s birthday today:
A girlfriend (long ago split up) dubbed this Barstool Blues cover for me on a mixtape. Those were the days:
Another song I love:
Used to be a coffee house in some OC backwater right next to a golf course. Allowed them to get away with live music outdoors. Some folk rock band did a really nice cover of this one. They might have been a bit much for the crowd. Never got an invite back. The coffee house is long gone. Condos replaced a golf course, the live music ended, and the place folded.
Another one that was always meaningful to me:
Mixtape Girl (as I’ll dub her for now), made sure I got this Victoria Williams cover of Don’t Let it Bring You Down:
One of my favorites. I saw Neil on this tour with the eventual Mrs. MDL. Social Distortion opened, followed by Sonic Youth. Intense show. Neil and company out shredded Sonic Youth, something I did not think possible.
Social D were always fun. Fave was seeing them play a free gig at my uni and a bunch of Troy HS kids skip class to see them play. But yeah, punks loved Neil Young, and for good reason. There was a time when he could out shred anyone. He’d still do it even now.
Totally normal.
The fever is nowhere near breaking. My guess is when the V-Dem Project updates its dataset for 2020 and 2022, the GOP will be even more illiberal (a polite way of saying fascist) than ever before.
We’ve had some pro-Trump rallies in my vicinity. Most of them poorly attended. Someone should have informed the last bunch that setting up in front of Chick-Fil-A on a Sunday was an awful idea if they wanted to hobble over to get some grub afterwards. The same number of Trump flags that were on display in the months leading up to Election Day are still there. There are a few within a four or five block radius of me. The fever is not breaking.