Apparently, President Trump made a rare post-election appearance today in a laughable effort to take credit for the Dow Jones Industrial Average hitting 30,000 for the first time in history. Of course, progress on COVID-19 vaccines has something to do with the market’s optimism, but the far larger factor is that the election finally seems settled, and not in Trump’s favor.  And, even if want to be generous and give Trump some props for the Operation Warp Speed program that has promoted research on vaccines, his allowing the pandemic to grow out of control is actually a gigantic drag on the economy. His appearance reportedly lasted less than a minute and then he left without taking any questions.

Meanwhile, Biden administration-in-waiting is starting to take form. The General Service Administration finally “ascertained” that Biden and Harris were the winners and released the transition money. The national defense team (sans the Defense Secretary and CIA director) were formally introduced in Wilmington, Delaware. Separately, the next Treasury Secretary will be former Federal Reserve chairwoman Janet Yellin.

Life goes on, while Trump bleats like a lost sheep.

There’s plenty more to say, but I just want to savor this moment.