Hi everyone!
Another mid-week, and another Miles Davis concert video from the 1970s. For whatever reason, I find this stuff comforting as of late. I’ve had the On the Corner Sessions set on repeat for a bit now. This is from a Stockholm gig in 1973. It would have been something to be old enough and have the means to have seen some of these.
So it goes.
Miles loved attaching the trumpet to a wah-wah peddle, which gave him a bit more room to experiment with. Only trumpet player I can think of from around that time that might have sounded remotely like him was an experimental trumpetist named Jon Hassell (whose work I also tend to highly recommend).
Okay. The bar is open. The jukebox is working.
Try to stay safe out there. I know it is getting harder to do all the time. Hang in there.
Pianist/keyboardist Harold Budd passed away on 12/8. He’d had a long and productive career. He has plenty of solo work, as well as collaborations with Brian Eno and Cocteau Twins (for example), and sometimes appeared as a sideman on other LPs, such as Marion Brown’s last LP with the Impulse! label, Vista.
Here’s something from Pavilion of Dreams:
I think I was in my later teens when I first heard this song and this LP.
A shorter version of this piece appeared on Marion Brown’s last Impulse! LP. Marion Brown was kind enough to grace the studio with his sax playing once more. The extra playing time allowed Brown to do what he might not have been quite able to accomplish on his own LP:
You know… I’ve been reading this blog for a really long time now (after I decided that I preferred Booman’s writing in this environment instead of orange) but never participated in the cafe. I’ve mostly been a lurker. Trying to do some reading tonight but having trouble picking between things. The hours of the thing kind of remind me of my early life on the internet where our chat room was only available from midnight to 6am so we didn’t tie up all the phone lines for the bbs which acted as our gateway.
I remember some bbs. I mostly frequented some jazz boards back in the 1990s. Usually lurking, but sometimes posting. Dial-up was always fun. Spent more of my time on usenet groups. There were some very lively ones just prior to blogs. Even when blogs took off, the usenet communities stuck around for a couple years before imploding. In many respects, I miss the old usenet days. I also lurked on IRC a bit. That was fun. The good old days. Looks like you’re into some interesting reading material. Certainly new to me. Sorry for the late reply. I am just finishing up finals week grading. It is a challenge.
When Miles covered this Michael Jackson tune, it was too much for his drummer who walked out of the studio and split from Miles for good.
I always found it interesting how Miles Davis’ covers of pop hits got treated late in his career. In many respects, he was just going back to what he did often enough early on in his career. I’ve gotta search around for some Miles Davis/Prince stuff. That’s lit.
Sorry to make a sharp departure from the jazz, but Charley Pride—the first black man to become a country star—died yesterday from covid-19 complications. A few weeks earlier, he received an award from the Country Music Association (the CMA). They held their event indoors, and plenty of credible reports say no one wore masks.
Charley was a good person who deserved better.
(ETA: oh well, I can’t get them embed code to work. Click the link.)
(ATEA; Marty showed me what to do, enjoy Charley Pride!)
2020 just needs to stop it, already.