Hi everyone!

Another mid-week, and another Miles Davis concert video from the 1970s. For whatever reason, I find this stuff comforting as of late. I’ve had the On the Corner Sessions set on repeat for a bit now. This is from a Stockholm gig in 1973. It would have been something to be old enough and have the means to have seen some of these.

So it goes.

Miles loved attaching the trumpet to a wah-wah peddle, which gave him a bit more room to experiment with. Only trumpet player I can think of from around that time that might have sounded remotely like him was an experimental trumpetist named Jon Hassell (whose work I also tend to highly recommend).

Okay. The bar is open. The jukebox is working.

Try to stay safe out there. I know it is getting harder to do all the time. Hang in there.
