You may have noticed that I’ve written virtually nothing about Trump’s refusal to concede the election or any of his legal team’s ridiculous pratfalls, or anyone who has humored or advanced their ludicrous conspiracy theories. There are many reasons for this.

First, I’ve been tasked with challenging writing assignments at Washington Monthly and that’s taken a lot of my time. Second, I knew that Trump would eventually be slapped down by the Supreme Court and that these shenanigans were no threat to Biden’s election. Third, I find the whole topic depressing most of the time, and when it’s amusing it’s still too serious for jokes. Finally, the whole effort was so obviously lacking even facial merit that I saw no need to engage their arguments.

Then there’s the fact that the media has done a great job of not only detailing what’s been going on but also calling it what it is: open sedition.

The number of Republican congressmen and attorneys general who joined the Texas suit is really disturbing. I think I’d have more to say about this right now if I were surprised. But I’ve been telling you since the first day that Booman Tribune was launched in early 2005 that the conservative movement and the Republican Party are worse that you can possibly imagine.

The idea that they’d ask legislatures to ignore the people’s vote and crown Donald Trump as a king isn’t inconsistent with my view of their belief system. It’s less a deterioration in the party’s values than a full fruition of them.

So much of what I’ve written over the years has been colored by estimation of the authoritarian and anti-Democratic nature of conservatives. Even much of my impatience with progressives is really mostly about my perception that they nitpick about luxuries while we’re under a full bombardment of evil. It’s like talking about upgrading the draperies when someone has broken into the house and set it on fire.

I’m always focused on the enemy first, and hoping to buy some brief intervals where we can accomplish something rather than play pure defense 100 percent of the time.

It’s ironic that we’re now seeing everyone talk this way, including the mainstream media, and I have very little to add. It’s mostly because I’ve said it all before.