The Feds are getting ready to prosecute a couple more Oath Keepers.

Ohio residents Sandra Ruth Parker, 60, and her husband Bennie Alvin Parker, 70, face charges of conspiracy, obstructing an official proceeding, destroying government property and unlawful entry.

Mr. and Mrs. Parker are guilty of a lot more than this. In non-legal terms, they actively participated in a coup attempt which, if successful, would have spelled the end to representative democracy in the United States of America. They no doubt made this decision because they were guilty of colossal gullibility and actually believed Donald Trump and his army of media misleaders.

This particular couple could be in more significant trouble than the average January 6 insurrectionist. That’s because they’re connected to three other Oath Keepers.

In January, a grand jury indicted alleged Oath Keeper associates Thomas Caldwell, Jessica Watkins and Donovan Crowl on charges they conspired as far back as November to storm the Capitol and to have an armed “quick reaction force” outside the city ready to move if ordered by Trump.

In particular, the Parkers are connected to Jessica Watkins.

In court records, investigators said the Parkers were part of the plot, and that texts exchanges show extensive planning between Watkins and Bennie Parker ahead of Jan. 6, including what gear to bring…

…After the siege, Watkins and Bennie Parker did not seem too concerned they would face criminal charges, according to texts obtained by the FBI.

“I’ve been following FBI wanted list, seems they’re only interested in people who destroyed things. I wouldn’t worry about them coming after us,” Watkins told Parker.

“I’m sure they’re not on us,” Bennie Parker replied.

There were very wrong. Watkins was arrested on January 18. Warrants were issued for the Parkers on February 12 and they were taken into custody on February 18.

I don’t know if these people are just garbage in general or if they just got caught up in the nonsense, but it doesn’t really matter when it comes to the law. These folks need to be locked up.

Yet, as Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah said in a statement he released Thursday and had entered in the congressional record, it’s ultimately Trump who bears the most responsibility. He, too, needs to be locked up. It’s wrong for the Parkers to do serious prison time while Trump walks free.