Hi everyone. Late post tonight. It’s been that busy of a week, so far. It’s still technically the last day of summer, so I thought I’d share a song by The Cure that at least has the last day of summer in its title:
In the meantime, I am ready to welcome the Autumnal Equinox and hopefully some milder days and evenings.
If anyone remembers the Motels anymore, it would be for a couple adult contemporary singles they released in the early 1980s. But before they were an adult contemporary band, they were an actual rock band with enough of an edge to be interesting. I think I saw them performing on one of the late night rock programs that would air very late on Friday or Saturday nights (we’ll save the what a 14 year old was doing up that late for another time) and liked what I heard in the moment. This is obviously from another show (and I don’t think this one aired on any of the UHF channels that I knew of at the time). Enjoy!
I haven’t done one of these for a while, so here is Seth Meyers:
More Seth Meyers:
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