Pharoah Sanders passed away over the weekend. He’d had a long and creative life that included being part of John Coltrane’s last band from about 1965 through 1967. First time I heard him was on a Coltrane LP, and he was the guy who was really freaking out on the sax. It was epic, and I had to find out more about Pharoah Sanders as a consequence. He knew when to be loud and chaotic and when to be chill. Either way was always a treat.
This video is one I enjoy a great deal. I hope you do too.
Some more for your enjoyment:
Speaking of passings, I learned this evening that Coolio died at the age of 59.
Seth Meyers covers Ginni Thomas and all sorts of state of the art weirdness.
John Oliver discusses Brazil’s wannabe despot, Bolsonaro. Imagine a Trump-style coup that could have a much better chance of success. Let’s hope they don’t go back to the days of juntas and death squads.
Speaking of passings, one of our dogs, Inez, passed away Friday, Sept. 30. We will miss her a lot.
Thats rough. Don I cried for two weeks when we lost our dog Early its12 years
We’re all really torn up about it. Inez had a cancerous mass. It was aggressive, and we were too late before we knew what hit her. She might have been partially pit bull. All I know was that she was a bundle of energy and one of the friendliest and gentlest dogs I’ve known (squirrels and birds will disagree with me, I suspect). She was too young – not even quite 8. We still have Hazel, and we are hoping that Hazel is handling this okay. We usually have 2 or 3 dogs at any given time. This is the first time we’ve hade just one in about 20 years. In the meantime, we’re all mourning. My wife is emotionally numb. I’ve definitely shed a few tears (which is uncharacteristic of me). The kids? Same. It’s been rough. A good friend of mine in my town reminded me that we sign up for this when we adopt a dog or a cat. We usually have a bit of a zoo at our house – several dogs and cats. It never gets easier when any of them get sick or die. If anything, it gets harder. I don’t know why. Sorry about your dog. I imagine you and Early had a good time while Early was alive.
We did for sure. I need to get out of this apartment. I need a dog again.
There’s a lot to be said for getting out of the apartment (or any living space) and having a dog around is a great excuse. Hopefully your lease allows pets. In spite of their relatively short lives compared to ours, they make life so much more bearable. Hang in there.